Supreme Lord

Chapter 1701

This is just Ancient Era.

After the opening of the present and ancient times, this kid not only kidnapped the incarnation of Da Ri Tathagata, but also the motherfucker wiped out the incarnation of the five kings.

When Wudao Mountain descends, it will hit the heavenly father up and trample down on the earthly mother. It is as crazy as it really is.

Since the cultivation, this kid has always been going retrograde, drinking a little wine while seducing the girl, and motherfucker doing heaven-shaking, earth-shattering activities, even if people die Now, just the reputation of breaking through can scare many people.

Although Huo De doesn’t want to, he has to admit that Gu Qingfeng’s life is really wonderful, and he is extremely envious. If a person can live like him in this life, even if he lives. Half of the excitement is not in vain.

To this day, he still clearly remembers the rhetoric that Gu Qingfeng said when he first joined the Yunxia School.

This kid said, in this life you want to drink the strongest wine, to play with the most beautiful woman, to do the craziest things, even if you can’t be the Megatron Heaven, Earth and Human. A great hero of, also to be a great formidable person who dominates Heaven, Earth and Human.

This kid said that back then.

I did the same when I grew up.

It’s really hard to convince people.

To be honest.

If it weren’t for watching Gu Qingfeng grow up since childhood and the two didn’t know each other, if Huo De saw the Youdi who swept the wilderness and Megatron land, he would definitely worship him in his heart. Respect.

“But then again, Gu boy, what kind of existence are you now?” Huo De asked suspiciously: “Look at your appearance, shouldn’t you get rid of the original sin? Brat or original sin incarnation? But it’s not right, you don’t look like original sin incarnation either.”

“Okay, Huo De, you have grown a lot, not only do you know the era of innocence, look It seems that you old fellow knows a lot about original sin.”

“I said Gu, don’t you always look down on the old man, okay? It’s not the old man for you boasting, the old man not only knows The body of the original sin, and at the same time I know Dao Void.”


At this time, Gu Qingfeng really took a look at Huode and asked: “It seems Your old fellow hasn’t been a fool for ten thousand years. Not only did you know the body of the original sin, but you also knew Dao Void, who is the arrogant me.”

“Of course.”

Fire De took a sip of wine quite proudly.

“Even the body of original sin, my Lord, I didn’t know about Dao Void not long ago. You old fellow is just a bit causal with the era of innocence, not even the body of original sin, so what? Do you know Dao Void is mine?”


Huo De is just laughed, pretending to be a profound mystery, raising his hand to stroke the beard of his chin, and said:” If you ask for an old man, if you ask for an old man, tell you.”

In the past, Huode always looked ignorant in front of Gu Qingfeng. He didn’t understand what Gu Qingfeng said. Huo De has always been injured and aggrieved. Now that he has finally caught an opportunity to show off in front of Gu Qingfeng, Huo De naturally has to sell it well.

“Okay, even if I beg you, let’s talk about it.”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t have the interest in sweeping the fire, and immediately satisfied Huo De’s vanity.

“hehe, the old man also knows that Dao Void I was transformed before the disappearance of the Wu Dao in the era of innocence. However, the false me and the body of original sin are two different things, to be exact Innocent Supreme and original sin are two different things. Innocent Supreme is original sin, but original sin is not Innocent Supreme.”

Huo De poses as a Senior Expert, looking at Gu deeply. Qingfeng asked: “How, is the old man right? Or the old man should ask you, does you brat know about this?”

“Great! Great.”

Gu Qingfeng admired: “It is said that the scholars should look at each other with admiration for three days. You old fellow can do it now.”

“Of course.”

Huode pointed Lanhua’s fingers, stroked the beards of his chin, his expression was extremely proud.

“Come on, Sao also sells almost enough, how do you old fellow know this? Let’s talk about it.”

“Actually, there is nothing at worst. Yes, didn’t the old man just said that since you helped the old man reshape the fleshy body, the old man will occasionally dream back to his previous life. The things about the original sin body and the false me are also known in the dreams of the previous life. Yes.”

“There is such an evil thing?”

“So, there is something more evil, do you want to listen?”

“Tell me, how is this evil?”

“The eternal catastrophe Heaven and Earth evolves, Endless Samsara presents the present, the past and the present, the cause and effect are seen in the past and the present, and whoever lives depends on the sky. This sentence you brat You know?”

“You know, what’s wrong?”

Huo De put away his smug expression, his face became serious, choked his throat and said: “old man has been I doubt that my previous life is not at all dead. Not only is he not dead, but also alive. The dream of the previous life I said may not be a dream at all, but reality. Maybe the old man and the soul of the previous life are telepathic or something, sometimes The old man’s consciousness will unfathomable mystery to his previous life.”

“Is there anything else?”

“What did the old man lie to you!”

“However, it is not impossible.” Gu Qingfeng thought for a while, and said: “Under normal circumstances, only the self in the previous life will have the self in this life. This is the so-called causal reincarnation, but… …The era of innocence is a cursed era, it is also an era of causal chaos, and it is also an era that shouldn’t exist. All causality in the era of innocence is chaos and it is wrong. In other words, everything is wrong with the era of innocence. The cause and effect of the people are also chaotic, wrong, and even cursed. In this case, the present life appeared without death in the previous life, which is also reasonable.”

“What do you mean? If the old man’s The previous life is really alive, is it possible that the old man has to give him a fight? We can only live one?”

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said: “Didn’t you just say it, past and present? Seeing cause and effect, whoever lives depends on the sky.”

“Aiya! Isn’t that old man over? The old man’s previous life is the one who survived the era of innocence, even ten old man It’s not his opponent either.”

“That’s nothing, you can only ask for your own blessing.”

“Guy boy! You can’t meet I can’t save you, I’ve been muddleheaded for the first half of my life, and now I’ve finally got a little bit of abilities. I just tasted the sweetness and I’m going to do a vigorous fight in the next half of my life. Let’s not say that you do something like heaven-shaking, earth-shattering like you brat. At least it has to be mixed up with a personal look. It’s still not happening. The old man doesn’t want to die like this. “

“Also mixing up a personal look? “Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Why are you? What’s the matter, you are not human now? Is it a dog? “

“Why not? You brat can’t stand and talk. This beauty between Heaven and Earth should not be played. You brat motherfucker has played it. This thing between Heaven and Earth should be done and should not be done. Son, you brat has done it all, you have no regrets in your life, but Lao Tzu’s life has just begun, and he hasn’t taken two steps. “

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