Supreme Lord

Chapter 1672

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

The people on the deck had each one, and they were all dumbfounded in shock.

Everyone can’t figure it out, let alone understand, and at the same time can’t understand why Fairy Yunyan, who refused everyone’s invitation, would accept the invitation of such a guy.

This person doesn’t look good, and he doesn’t know the immensity of Heaven and Earth. He needs a cultivation base and no cultivation base. He wants good fortune and no good fortune. He lies on his back on a chair, with Erlang’s legs tilted, and looks more like a person. The second generation ancestor of the secular world.


Something is wrong.

How could this person not have a cultivation base?

Aware of this, after careful investigation, everyone discovered that Gu Qingfeng really did not have a cultivation base.

I don’t have any cultivation base on my body.

Moreover…not only does he have no cultivation base, he does not seem to be a fairy at all.

Is it a devil?

A demon?

A ghost?

Or something strange?


Not all.

What is the power of samsara reincarnation?


Neither is it.

If it is the power of samsara reincarnation, one must have the special turbid breath of samsara reincarnation.

What is the difficulty of the cultivation of the setback, the great Lord that caused the loss of the cultivation base?


Neither is it.

Even if a certain great Lord cultivation base is lost, the immortal physique should still be there.

Everyone can see that apart from the most basic human aura, this guy has no other spiritual aura.

In other words.

This guy is really just a person, and he is still a pure mortal who can no longer be pure.

How could a mortal appear on the Xuantian Ship?

He doesn’t look like a handyman on a big boat either.

Even the handyman has a more or less cultivation base!

Everyone was puzzled and suspicious, and gradually everyone remembered one thing.

It is said that when the Xuantian ship was staying in the golden sun universe, a Little Brother of Lei Lie was attacked by a Demonic beast, as if he was rescued by an expert, and that expert was all over his body. There was no cultivation base, and the Demonic beast was wiped out with just a light wave. At that time, some people speculated that the expert might be the legendary master.

It’s hard to say…

This shameless guy, is the master of Demonic beast killed in the golden sun universe?

The more they think about it, the more they feel that this is possible, especially when they see Lei Lie and Huang Lao on the same table, they become more determined in their inner guesses.

This shameless guy may really be the master!


Even if he is really a legendary master, there is no need to be so arrogant, right?

Although the Master is a legend, it is only a legend of Ancient Era.

In the era of the resurrection of all things in modern times, the fate of many as dogs and the edicts are everywhere, what is Master Trifling?

The so-called master is nothing more than that’s all who has inherited the orders of the Great Daos, and that’s all, and that’s all, the one who inherits is the most humble and most inexistent way among the Three Thousand Great Daos. And immortal dao mention on equal terms, even the imperial and ghostly imperial fate is incomparable.

Even more how, here is not a person without an edict. The owner of this Xuantian ship, Mo Dashao, is the one who inherited the immortal dao edict, and he is also a Tianzong who is famous in the universe. Wizards, not to mention the Great Clans, who were born in the fairy tales, behind them are the Great Immortal Realm. It can be said that they need a cultivation base, a cultivation base, strength, strength, identity, status, status, and background.

What makes everyone wonder is that Fairy Yunyan had refused even Mo Dashao before, but now he has accepted the invitation of a guy who is a real master or an unknown number.

They can’t figure it out.

Lei Lie couldn’t figure it out even more, he not only couldn’t figure it out, he didn’t even expect Fairy Yunyan would accept Gu Qingfeng’s invitation.

Is it really difficult because Uncle Gu is a master?


Lei Lie doesn’t know either.

At this moment, he didn’t have the heart to think about this either. Seeing Fairy Yunyan coming, he quickly got up and cup one fist in the other hand and said: “I saw Fairy Yunyan below.” After all, he is Fairy Yunyan. Having suffered a loss in his hand, he knew that Fairy Yunyan’s existence was extraordinary.

Following, Huang Lao didn’t dare to neglect, he got up and cup one fist in the other hand and said: “The old man has seen Fairy Yunyan.”

Only Gu Qingfeng is still the same. Lying on the chair leisurely, with Erlang’s legs tilted, he directly pulled a chair behind him, put it next to him, patted the chair, and said, “Come, sit here.”

OK Guys!

Gu Qingfeng’s action once again made everyone on the deck angry, and even many people secretly criticized this guy as being too rogue and shameless in their hearts.

Never mind the big girl who shouted vulgarly before.

Professing to be an uncle, hooked his finger, and openly molested Fairy Yunyan. Not to mention, now he even called Fairy Yunyan to sit next to him.

This is too rude and impudent.


What shocked them even more was that Fairy Yunyan still did not refuse this time, nodded, she sat beside Gu Qingfeng like this. Not only did she sit down, but before she sat down, she even Say thank you to that guy.

If you didn’t witness it with your own eyes, everyone wouldn’t even dare to believe it was true.

Being molested like this, it’s all if you don’t get angry, why do you still thank you?

Is this still the celestial being Shangguandong, the immortal dao, the immortal fairy Yunyan?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

I just think this thing is too weird, weird beyond everyone’s imagination.

And Lei Lie is also staring, grinning, his shocked expression is like seeing Gods Vestige, Huang Lao next to him, on his face, his expression has changed and changed, and the two looked at each other. , Are a little trapped, no one knows what to say.

“Big girl, look at you a little familiar.”

Gu Qingfeng looked at Fairy Yunyan on the side and asked with a smile, “Have we met before?”


“I’ve seen it.”

The fairy Yunyan sat on the chair on the Gu Qingfeng side properly, nodded, and responded softly: “The Xuantian ship docked in the golden sun universe before. At the time, the little girl had the privilege of seeing the big Lord.”

The voice of Fairy Yunyan came, once again shocking everyone on the deck.

Everyone couldn’t figure it out anyway, why Fairy Yunyan, who refused the invitation of the imperial man, would be so respectful to this guy.

Not only do you regard yourself as a little girl, but you also call the other person a great Lord?

Are you lucky enough to even meet once?

This is too weird, too strange, right?

It’s difficult to say that in Fairy Yunyan’s eyes, the so-called master who inherited the immortal dao order is more noble than the immortal dao order? The honorable dare not get angry even when being molested in public?

Who knows?

No one knows.

“I told you why you are so familiar.” Gu Qingfeng asked again: “What is your name? Fairy Yunyan?”

Fairy Yunyan not at all responded to this question in time Instead, he stared at Gu Qingfeng, and after a while, he responded: “Fairies dare not be it. The Lord called me so much.”

“Really? You are rather modest.”

“Big Lord said and laughed…”


Gu Qingfeng laughed loudly, looked at Lei Lie who was stunned there, and said “I said Lei Lie, the sister Yunyan is so admiring, you brat is still wondering what to do, hurry up and pour wine for the sister.”

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