Supreme Lord

Chapter 1671

“Really, is it so evil.”

“Gu Uncle, we didn’t joke with you.”

“Dare to make a bet?”



Since learning that Fairy Yunyan is not a demon, Lei Lie is no longer as restrained as before, and his bold nature is revealed again, and he said excitedly: “Gu Uncle, what do you want to bet on.”

“You can bet on anything.”

“We are both good drinkers, so we will bet on bars. If you can The little lady of Fairy Yunyan called over to accompany us for a drink. Brother, I gave up and I was convinced that I lost. Brother, I took out the best wine in my collection.”

Gu Qingfeng nodded applauded , Said: “It鈥檚 good to dare to love.”

“But…hehe, Uncle Gu, if people don鈥檛 give you face, then even if you lose, when the time comes, you have to treasure yourself best Take out the wine.”

“No problem.”

“Okay, brother, I’ll be here waiting for the good news.”

According to common sense If you want to invite a woman to have a drink, let鈥檚 not talk about dressing up, at least she should talk elegantly and politely, like a gentle and expensive Young Master, and then go to invite graciously, so at least hopefully, No woman will accept the invitation of a sloppy and rough man.

Even a burly and bold man like Lei Lie, he specially dressed up when he invited Fairy Yunyan before. He originally wanted to see how Gu Qingfeng was going to invite Fairy Yunyan, but let him absolutely Unexpectedly, when Gu Qingfeng invited Fairy Yunyan, he didn’t say anything about being elegant or polite. He even walked over, even if he didn’t even stand up.

He was still lying on his back in the chair, with Erlang’s legs tilted up, and then snapped his fingers at Fairy Yunyan and shouted: “Big sister!”

Don’t say it.

Gu Qingfeng鈥檚 big girl indeed attracted the attention of Fairy Yunyan. Not only did it attracted the attention of Fairy Yunyan, but it also attracted the attention of many people on the deck.

When everyone looked over here, Lei Lie turned his head very sorry and pretended not to know Gu Qingfeng. Even Huang Lao felt a little embarrassed and coughed twice. .


Who invites beautiful women to drink like this?

And the big girl who still shouts?

This is too tacky.

No matter what, you can’t call the big girl, at least you have to shout respectfully to the fairy.

Just now I saw Gu Qingfeng’s leisurely look. Lei Lie thought he would be an expert in love. Didn’t expect turned out to be a rookie and couldn’t even compare himself.

“Big sister, come and drink two glasses of water and wine with the uncle.”

Gu Qingfeng said another sentence, and this sentence came, Lei Lie wanted to find a place to sew Get in.

The deck of the Xuantian Ship is like an open square. Although many people are secluded cultivation and many rest in the dock, many people are drinking or drinking on the deck. Tea, or chess, perhaps small talk, or exchange of cultivation experience, etc.

I heard someone call a big girl, and it seemed that he still wanted to invite Fairy Yunyan to drink with him. The people on the deck, some shook their heads, some laughed, and many were watching the excitement.

The Xuantian ship said that the big ship is big and the small is also small. Anything will spread soon.

They all know that since they boarded the ship, many people have come forward to invite this fairy Yunyan, not only Shangguandong, who was born in Great Immortal Realm, but also known as the fairy. Expensive Young Master, but there are also great immortals like Lei Lie who are born in Great Clans and not bad money, as well as cultivation base profound, famous great wild spirit immortals and so on.

It鈥檚 just that they were all rejected. Fairy Yunyan has never accepted anyone鈥檚 invitation since he got on the ship, including the invitation of the Eldest Young Master of this Xuantian ship. Refuse.

At this moment, watching another person openly invite Fairy Yunyan, and everyone can鈥檛 believe that this person yelled a big girl vulgarly, that鈥檚 fine, and even boasting shamelessly professed uncle, Tell Fairy Yunyan to accompany him for two drinks?

Not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

People who act recklessly have seen it.

But like this one who is so not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth and so act recklessly, the people on the deck have seen it for the first time.

Even though they don鈥檛 know the true identity of Fairy Yunyan, everyone knows that Fairy Yunyan鈥檚 existence must be not simple. If not, how dare you refuse so many celestial immortals from all over the world again and again? How immortal.

Don’t say they are.

Even Lei Lie, who was sitting at the same table with Gu Qingfeng, and Huang Lao were shocked by Gu Qingfeng’s bold words.

Lei Lie was already ignoring the embarrassment in his heart, choking his throat and persuaded: “I said Uncle Gu, although Fairy Yunyan is not a demon, but her existence must be very big, how can you shout The maid asked her to come over for a drink with you, and also called herself an uncle, you are really…really…”

Gu Qingfeng not at all cares about Lei Lie, but like a fairy cloud in the distance. Hooked her finger and motioned for her to come.

Beside, Lei Lie can see clearly that Gu Qingfeng’s behavior is no longer inviting Fairy Yunyan, but molesting, which is outright and naked.

Everyone in the venue looked good at the show, and they all looked towards Fairy Yunyan. Before they thought, such a blatant molesting would surely annoy Fairy Yunyan, and the guy who lied to it would also There will never be good fruit.

Lei Lie thinks so too. He has a deep understanding of himself. Before, when he was drunk, he had molested Fairy Yunyan, and speaking of which, he was not molested at all, it was just pure He wanted to invite Fairy Yunyan to have a drink. Not only was it not a molestation, but he was also very polite. As a result, he angered Fairy Yunyan and instantly seemed to fall into hell.

Now this ancient uncle, such a naked molestation, how can Fairy Yunyan give up? It’s strange not to kill him.

Lei Lie brace oneself glanced at the past and found that Fairy Yunyan, who was sitting on a chair alone and drinking alone in the distance, was looking towards here, to be precise, staring at Gu Qingfeng.

What surprises everyone is that Fairy Yunyan is not at all as angry as they imagined. There is no emotional color on that cold face, nor is it cold, nor is it expressionless. Gives a very simple and elegant feeling.

“Big girl, isn’t it boring to drink alone?”

In contrast, Gu Qingfeng is still lying on his back in the chair, with Erlang’s legs tilted, his head slightly tilted, and the corners of his mouth pouting. The smile of harboring malicious intentions is like a lively second-generation hooligan, saying: “Come and sit, have a drink with your father, chat together, talk about life, exchange feelings, isn’t it beautiful?”


Fairy Yunyan whispered back two words softly, got up and walked over here.

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