Supreme Lord

Chapter 1665

I have my own wisdom and my own confusion, distinguishing things from me, a hundred kinds of yang and a hundred kinds of yin, which are transformed into Heaven and Earth harmony.

There is no good, no evil, only cause and effect, thousands of sages, thousands of demons, let others say.

Gu Qingfeng had been running around the Great Wilderness for a long time. Both his mind and body and his fleshy body were very exhausted. He wanted to take this opportunity to sleep beautifully on the Xuantian Ship, but never I just wanted to fall asleep, and once again was brought into a place of vain by that familiar and unfamiliar voice.

The place of vain is still full of mists, changing, changing, emptiness and misty.

This is obviously not just a place of vain, but also a nightmare of original sin.

Since it is a nightmare.

Gu Qingfeng knew that he would not be able to leave for a while.


He didn’t have the same aimless wandering exploration in the original sin nightmare.

The reason is simple.

Too lazy to move.

Even in the nightmare, he didn’t bother to move.

He was just floating in the misty nightmare of Original Sin, as if he had fallen asleep in a dream, and more like he was immersed in the nightmare, changing with the nightmare.

I don’t know how long it has been floating, or how long it has changed.


Gu Qingfeng felt something was wrong. When he came back to his senses, he found that he had come to a strange place.

There is still no heaven or earth here.

It is also misty.

Different from the False Land, here is not nothing, but there are many, many mountains, countless, one next to each other, everywhere, and every mountain has a top The peaks, at first glance, look like graves.


This is the tomb.

Mountains are tombs, and peaks are tombstones. The tombstones are carved with the tomb of immortal dao, the tomb of demonic path, the tomb of witchcraft, the tomb of Buddhism and so on.

This is Dadao Cemetery.

Gu Qingfeng has been here once before.

Clearly remember that there is also a mysterious old man in the cemetery of Dadao who claims to be a guardian.

Gu Qingfeng looked around. As expected, he saw an Elderly holding a broom and cleaning the fallen leaves on the grave on a grave.

Last time when Gu Qingfeng broke in inexplicably, the mysterious old man was indifferent and didn’t even raise his head. This time Gu Qingfeng came again, the mysterious old man was still indifferent, and he didn’t raise his head. Look I didn’t even look at it, as if I didn’t even know someone had broken in.

“Old Senior, I met again, I trust you have been well since we last met.”

Gu Qingfeng walked over and greeted the mysterious old man.

“Many thanks to the little friend, the old man is fine.” Elderly asked quietly, “I wonder if the little friend is still fine?”

“Me, or As usual, drinking a little wine and basking in the sun every day, life is pretty good.”

“In life, you should be as happy and happy as a little friend, if not, you will be worthless.”

Mysterious old man never looked up at Gu Qingfeng from beginning to end, and has been carefully cleaning the fallen leaves on the grave.

“Right? I think the same is true, hahaha!” Gu Qingfeng jokingly said: “Or, you go out with me for a stroll, I will ask you to have a drink, how about?”

“Thank you little friend, but unfortunately, the old man can’t live without it.”

“Why can’t you live without it?”

“As a guardian of the tomb, the old man naturally wants to guard this Mausoleum on the main road.”

“What is there to protect this broken place, is it possible that someone else will come here to robber the tomb?”

“Is there anyone who robbers the tomb? There are quite a few.”

“Grab the grave? What?” Gu Qingfeng looked at the tombstones and said, “Don’t tell me, these graves are really the Grand Dao Source.”

“When the little friend came here last time, the old man said that the graves buried in these tombs are not only the foundation of the avenue, but also the root, the foundation and the heart of the avenue. It’s Dao Source!”


When Gu Qingfeng came last time, he quietly probed these tombstones, but unfortunately, he did nothing. If he can’t find it, it’s not that he can’t find it. The tombs on these avenues give him the same feeling as brilliance, visible but not touchable, just like those people in the era of innocence gave him the same feeling, illusory, True or false, false and true.

For example, Jun Xuanji.

The setting sun is not secluded.

This is true including the mysterious guardian in front of him.

“Little friends, don’t waste your time. You can’t see through these tombs and you can’t detect them.”


“Although The little friend is in a state of mind, not only detached from everything, but also detached from himself, but after all, the little friend is not a person in the era of innocence, after all, he can’t see through the tomb of the avenue.” The mysterious old man exclaimed: “The old man said, The era of innocence is a cursed era, an era of error and confusion, an era of reversed cause and effect, and an era that should not exist. In this era, everything should not exist. This is the case for people, and the same is true for the graves of the avenues. How can the little friend see things that shouldn’t exist? How can they find out?”

“It seems very reasonable to hear what Old Senior said.” Gu Qingfeng pondered for a moment. Asked: “However, although I am not from the Innocent Age, I have a deep, very deep relationship with the Innocent Age.”

“It’s just a relationship, and no matter how deep the relationship is. It’s just the origin that’s all.”

“You said, I have such a deep relationship with the era of innocence, will I become a person in the era of innocence in the future?”

“This question, The little friend shouldn’t ask the old man.”

“Then who should I ask?”

“Ask the little friend yourself.”


hearing this, Gu Qingfeng laughed, sighed, and sighed: “I can see it through, you people in the innocent age, either you have lost your mental disorder, and people are crazy, speaking of Which means half of talking, forget half, those who are in a normal mind are not mad, and they are also trying to understand and pretend to be confused, half talking, and half hiding.”

“Little friends are variables, and they are still between modern and ancient times. Heaven and Earth are the most mysterious and unknown variables.”

The mysterious old man’s voice is very flat, without any emotional color, and said: “Any decision you make, any choice, even a single thought , May have an unimaginable impact on Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, all living beings, and even the past and the future.”

paused, the mysterious old man added: “Under this situation, who would dare to tell If you are too much, no one dares to tell too much. If it affects your decision, who can afford this responsibility? No one dares, and no one can afford it.”

“After talking for a long time, I dare to love you uncles of the era of innocence, and you are afraid to take responsibility.” Gu Qingfeng is slightly faint Laughing, jokingly said: “It seems that I have to recite the black pan of the ancient catastrophes. If I don’t, I have to recite it. “

“Little friend is a joke. “

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