Supreme Lord

Chapter 1664

Lao Huang not at all answered the doubts in Lei Lie’s heart. He just stood up, put one hand behind him, and the other hand stroking the beard of his chin, and said softly: “According to legend, before the ancient times, humanity has not declined, but not Decline, but still like the sun at high noon, not only better than immortal dao, demonic path, but also better than Buddha, demon, and even better than Heavenly Dao… It can be said that the humanity of the year is the real road. First, it is said that at that time, the humane were born with a strong fleshy body, strong as an ox, go up to heaven or down to Hades omnipotent.”

“Also What about this?”

Lei Lie was secretly speechless, he still heard of such rare things for the first time.

Before Taikoo, was humanity headed?

And humane people are born with a strong as an ox fleshy body?

Is this true?

“The old man also heard some Old Senior talk about it. As for true or false, I don’t know.”

“How did the humanity decline?”

Old Huang shook his head and motioned that he didn’t know.

“If the humane were so strong before the ancient times, why would they be so weak now? It’s because of the decline of humanity?”

“Perhaps, but… “

As soon as the conversation turned, Huang Lao pondered for a moment, and continued: “There is a saying that before the ancient times, when humanity was strong, humane people were born with Sanhua.”

“Sanhua? What Sanhua?”

“The so-called Sanhua also refers to the three souls, heaven souls, earth souls, and fate souls!”

Scratching his head, he only knew that the worldly mortal possessed a soul, and he had never heard of the heavenly soul, earth soul and life soul.

“Later, with the decline of humanity, taking advantage of this opportunity, the sky took away the soul of the sky from the source of humanity, the earth removed the soul of the earth from the source of humanity, and fate was also removed from the source of humanity. The soul of life, since the beginning of time immemorial, the humane has no three souls, only the soul is left, becoming a real worldly mortal, and an ant in the eyes of the Dao.”

“This is too… …That’s too much, Huang Lao, if these things you said are true, why Heaven and Earth and Destiny should take away the three humane souls.”

Maybe Huang Lao said these things It was so shocking and bizarre that Lei Lie was there for a long time, unable to come back to his senses for a long time, and didn’t know what to say.

“The old man doesn’t know…” Huang Lao sighed and said: “These secrets of Heaven and Earth, how can my generation be able to spy?”

” Then… After the ancient times, has there really been no one with three souls?”

Old Huang turned around and stared at Lei Lie, saying solemnly: “Yes.”


“Some people say that the legendary master may be the one with the three souls!”

hearing this.

Lei Lie’s heart twitched, shocked, and stunned: “You mean the Master is the person of the Three Souls? Really?”

“true or false, old man It is also not certain that since ancient times, whether it is the ancient times, the ancient times, or the present and ancient times, there will be several masters, and these masters are neither immortals nor Buddhas, nor demons and ghosts. They have neither cultivation base nor good fortune. Each is strong as an ox, go up to heaven or down to Hades, and they are all omnipotent. Magical Powers are not insignificant. Therefore, there have always been people who suspect that the legendary master may be the person of the three souls.”

“What do you mean? You are saying that the Master may be the humane Old Ancestor before the ancient times?”

“This is not enough.”

“You didn’t mean that people arrived. The origin has been drawn away by the Three Souls by Heaven and Earth and Fate. Since the ancient times, the Three Souls have never appeared again. If the Master is not the humane Old Ancestor before the ancient times, where did it come from?”

“The number of humane beings is endless, and it is not impossible to have a few returnees!”


Lei Lie thought carefully After thinking about it, I think it makes sense. Other than that, immortals occasionally show up a few ancient Immortal people who return to their ancestors. Even more how are the humanitarian sentient beings all over All Heavens Myriad Realms, and even the Holy Infant Holy Son. What’s weird about being able to give birth to a few people with the Three Souls who regained their ancestors?

Thinking of this, Lei Lie sighed: “Today is considered a long experience, thank you, Mr. Huang, really, if it weren’t for your Senior to tell me so much, I might never know the secrets of these avenues. Here, Junior toast you.”

“Lei Lie, Little Brother, don’t be polite, but there is a saying that old man doesn’t know if it’s inappropriate to say it.”

“Lao Huang What are you polite with me? Just tell me if you have any words.”

“The Fellow Daoist Gu, the old man thinks you should stay away from him.”

“What’s the matter?” Lei Lie asked puzzled: “It’s because they took a road number the same as Youdi?”

“Old man doesn’t mean that.”

“That What is it? is it possible that is because he is the Master? Even if Fellow Daoist Gu is really the Master, it doesn’t matter, right? You don’t mean that humanity will revive in the ancient times, so the avenues will no longer suppress humanity. , Not only won’t suppress, but will win.”

“What the old man wants to say is not what it means.”

“What does that mean?”

“The existence of Fellow Daoist Gu, the old man always feels that it is not that simple…”

“How to not simple method?”

Lao Huang frowned deeply, thinking After a long time, he shook his head again and said: “As for how not simple, you call old man and say, old man can’t be said for a while, but he feels… his existence is mysterious and mysterious, and also profound mystery. For this kind of existence, it is better to stay away. Good.”

“Mysterious? Profound mystery?”

Lei Lie thought and thought, but couldn’t figure out where Gu Qingfeng was mysterious and strange, but profound mystery is true. Yes, he has been in the Great Wasteland for so many years, and he still has a bit of foresight, and said: “Old Huang, I know you are kind, but I like to make friends. To tell you, I am Lei Lie. My friend Three Sects is omnipresent, and I have also made a lot of demons and ghosts. Therefore, I make friends, no matter which road they are from, and what kind of good and bad people they are. In these days, good people are not necessarily good people, and bad people are also bad people. It may not be a bad person. Sometimes a bad person is more loyal than a good person.”

I raised my head and took a violent drink, Lei Lie said nonchalantly: “As for Fellow Daoist Gu, myst Whether it’s serious, weird or profound mystery, no matter it’s who, my first feeling for them is pretty good, and I admire it in my heart. You see, they rescued my Little Brother, so I don’t want to return it at all, and You say that people are profound mystery, but they don’t at all have a little expert shelf. Not only does it have no shelf, but it also has a booze with us here. This is because people look down on us and give us face. We can’t help but take care of it. . “


Lao Huang pointed to Lei Lie, laughed extremely speechlessly, and said: “The old man is not saying that Fellow Daoist Gu is a bad person, nor is it Saying that you are not allowed to associate with him is just to make you respect that’s all, don’t offend. “

“I thought it was something, it turned out to be like this, don’t worry, I’m not a hairless brat who just debuted, how can I offend others, even more how they are kind to us, It’s too late to be grateful, so how can you offend. “

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