Supreme Lord

Chapter 1654

“Okay, you brat don’t continue to drive, go in and rest, let me come.”

“Can’t do it!” Prince Ma said anxiously, “You are the Lord, why If I can drive the car, let the younger one come.”

“Let you rest, you just rest, I’ll take a stroll by myself.”

Prince Ma listened a bit. I don’t understand, he said: “Great Lord, if you walk alone, and I also rest, who will drive the car.”

“Catch a hairy.”

Gu Qingfeng Waved, neither the brilliance flickering nor the mysterious blooming, Prince Ma still had something to do, when he reacted, people had come to a strange space unfathomable mystery.

It’s not just him, but also the Scarlet Flame Tiger Nine Head Fire Cloud, including Gu Qingfeng.

“Big Lord, what is this…where?” Prince Ma lifts the head and looked around, and found that this space is big or small, and it’s not too small. There are all kinds of fine wines in it. Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and asked: “This is the space in the storage ring?”

“Almost, but not the space in the storage ring, but The space of mustard seeds.”

“The space of mustard seeds?”

Although Prince Ma has heard of it, he has only heard of it, knowing that this is a kind of Magical from the Buddhist school. Powers.

Gu Qingfeng is a good wine man.

When it comes to winemaking, he may not know much about it.


The ability to raise wine is more or less a bit of experience.

I bought a lot of fine wines in Fengyue Small World.

In order to store these fine wines, he also deliberately opened up a space for mustard seeds. Not only that, but in order to make the fine wines drink more refined, he also deliberately smashed them and arranged a lot of Formation. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Spiritual Qi inside is richer and purer than Ronaldinho Secret Realm and even those floating island manors in Fengyue Small World.

“The Spiritual Qi here is pretty good. You brat has been cultivation for a while. If there is anything you need to call me.”

Prince Ma Although the cultivation base is not high, look. The Spiritual Qi here is rich and pure, and it can be called an excellent place for cultivation.

If you are cultivation here, you can definitely double the results for half the effort.

Gu Qingfeng was about to leave, as if thinking of something again, he glanced at Prince Ma, and said: “I almost forgot, you brat has been mixing with the master for so long, it is not easy for you to be in front of you.”

“Lord, you always value the little ones. It is the blessing of the little ones who have cultivated for eight lifetimes. It is the honor of the little ones to follow you as an old bastard.”

Prince Ma is not a fool, To say that Gu Qingfeng is who, he may not know, but after seeing the incredible methods of Gu Qingfeng, Prince Ma knew that the existence of Gu Qingfeng was beyond his imagination. To be able to mix with such a great character, Prince Ma is I feel happy in my heart.

“Just brat you, I can’t treat you badly.”

Gu Qingfeng walked over and slapped Prince Ma’s top of the head. Prince Ma’s fleshy body instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, turning into a little starlight and floating away.

Gu Qingfeng’s five fingers are closed, and a little starlight condenses again to form a group of brilliance.

“Lord, I will help you to educate yourself, and then help you brat to reshape the fleshy body. Taking this opportunity, you brat should hurry to cultivation. How far can you go in the future? It depends on your own destiny.”

Clap your hands, Gu Qingfeng looked at the nine-headed fire cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger again, and said: “The same is true for you, please relax here for cultivation.”


Nine-headed fire cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger sends out tiger roars at Gu Qingfeng, and this tiger roar is a tiger roar of excitement and a tiger roar of gratitude.

Because Gu Qingfeng had already opened up his mind for the Scarlet Flame Tiger of Nine Head Fire Clouds when he was in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand. Not only that, he also gave them the bravery of King of 100 Beast. A King of 100 Beast should have the tiger’s might, a King of 100 Beast should have the domineering.

This is definitely a great fortune for the Scarlet Flame Tiger, and the future achievements are absolutely limitless.

After leaving the mustard Xumi space, Gu Qingfeng returned to Dahuang.

Took out the astrolabe, take a closer look, until the route to the Thousand Chance Sky Territory is clearly recorded, put the astrolabe away, carry a pot of wine, and lift your foot here vast and boundless Wandering away in the wilderness.

One step out, people are already beyond a thousand li.

Take another step forward, beyond ten thousand li.

One more step, it is already hundreds of thousands li.

The current Gu Qingfeng is neither a fairy, nor a Buddha, nor demons and ghosts. There is no cultivation base all over his body, but also not out of the ordinary, what kind of existence is he now? , Gu Qingfeng did not understand.


He has already detached himself from the avenue and merged into this world.

In other words, the current Gu Qingfeng, as long as he wants, go up to heaven or down to Hades omnipotent.


He stepped out in one step, it can be big or small, close or far, it all depends on the mood.

That’s it, Gu Qingfeng is alone, drinking, while enjoying the scenery along the way, while strolling in this wilderness.

Said it is to enjoy the scenery.

In fact, where is the scenery in this wilderness?

The only thing I can appreciate is the All Heavens Myriad Realms, which is like the stars in the night sky.

The point is that it’s OK to take a look at this thing occasionally, and it can cultivate your sentiment. You can’t always stare at this broken thing. It’s boring to watch more, even if it’s secular Mortal people have never heard of anyone staring at the stars in the night sky.

At first, Gu Qingfeng didn’t think there was anything, but as time passed, he became a little bored.

It should be said that it may not be boring to leave him alone in the sun.

But if you are alone in this empty wilderness, it is really boring.


In the Great Wilderness, sometimes you can see some people walking in groups of three or four, and there is also a group of Spirit Beast Daren walking through the Great Wilderness.

Not only that, but also a huge Xuantian ship sailing in the sky.

In the Great Wilderness.

If you go out, such as going to trade in the world to do business, or go to a Secret Realm to experience, under normal circumstances, you can transmit through Transmission Array, whether it is Xuantian Secret Realm or Heavenly Paradise, almost Transmission Array will be set up in places that you often go to. After all, this thing is convenient and fast to use.

Of course.

If you go to an unfamiliar place, you can only travel in groups without setting up a Transmission Array. Everyone knows that the Great Wilderness is full of various dangers. If there are many people, you can have each other. Anaphora.

But if you travel far, you can no longer rely on the flying sword to fly. The flying sword consumes its own immortal strength. If it is a long distance, it cannot be achieved by its own immortal strength. The destination, if the immortal strength dries up midway, it is definitely a terrifying thing in this dangerous wilderness.

So, if you travel far, most people will choose to take the Spirit Beast Noon, which saves worry and effort, and can retain their own strength, even if they encounter danger, they can respond in time.

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