Supreme Lord

Chapter 1653

The great wilderness is vast and boundless, boundless.

All Heavens Myriad Realms glows with a faint gleam in the great wilderness like stars in the night sky.

Nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger is pulling a fire cloud big wheel and galloping in the wilderness.

Even though each Scarlet Flame Tiger of Fire Cloud is more than ten meters tall, it is still as small as an ant in this vast wilderness.

On the top of Da Nun.

A white clothed man lay on his back in a chair with his legs tilted, his head tilted, his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

Next to it.

A man wearing a black scale fairy armor, he is driving a big sword with a fire cloud whip in one hand, and a big sword in his hand tightly in one hand.

Gu Qingfeng is not the one sleeping.

Of course, Prince Ma is driving the big wheel.

To say that Prince Ma is not small, not only is he not small, he also looks quite mighty in fairy armor.

But it’s just what it looks like.

At this moment.

Prince Ma’s face is very bad, to be precise, it is ugly, and the expression is more tense than tense, trembling with fear, like a shuttle in hell, extremely scared.


Prince Ma is terrified inside.

Although his cultivation time is not short, he has been up and down for more than a thousand years.


This is the first time he has left Bipolar Tianyu in his life.

Of course.

This is not important, what is important is that it is also the first time that he is galloping on his own in the wild.

This feeling is really terrible.

Know that this is a waste of time.

It is a mysterious wilderness, also an unknown wilderness, and even more dangerous.

There are terrifying matchless wild beasts, wild storms that swallow everything, and time and space turbulence that everyone fears.

The terrifying beast, not to mention that he is such a great Great Principle Golden Immortal, even the Great Principle Golden Immortal of Jiuyao Great Perfection is as impossible to withstand a single blow.

As for the Great Wilderness Storm, there are turbulence in time and space, not to mention, it’s okay to say if you encounter it, once you encounter it, no matter how high your cultivation base is, it will not help.

For the time being, let’s not talk about the terrifying wild beasts, nor the great wild storm that swallows everything, and the turbulence of time and space.

I just met those bandits, or demons and ghosts.

I can’t hold it myself.

Prince Ma was not at all so scared. After all, Gu Qingfeng was walking with him, and Prince Ma had seen Gu Qingfeng’s strength, so he was not so worried in his heart, but it didn’t take long after he left Bipolar Tianyu. Gu Qingfeng fell asleep, slept for a full half a month, and has not woken up yet.

Prince Ma tried to wake up Gu Qingfeng several times, but in the end he didn’t say this.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but I don’t dare to disturb.

The only thing he hopes now is for Gu Qingfeng to wake up quickly. As long as Gu Qingfeng wakes up, he will have support, and he will not be so scared.

Even talking and chatting.

A man driving a big wheel in the wild, there is no sky above, no earth below, no village in front and no shop behind, looking at the past, there is no hair, only oneself alone Drove the big wheel.

I feel so panicked, suffering from pain.

“Where are we?”


A voice came.

Prince Ma’s heart startedled and turned around to look, and he found that the sleeping Gu Qingfeng had already woke up. This made Prince Ma so excited that his eyes were red, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth were still there. Can’t stop twitching.


Prince Ma slumped down on the big lion in relief, shouting: “Lord, your Senior is finally awake!”

“What’s wrong with you brat?”

Gu Qingfeng stood up, fiercely stretched his waist, and made a crisp sound from the skeleton crackle.

“Big Lord! If your Senior doesn’t wake up, the younger one will almost be unable to hold it.”

“There is nothing that can’t hold it, it’s not that nothing happened. Well!”

Although Gu Qingfeng Divine Consciousness entered the original sin nightmare of the False Land, it was only Divine Consciousness. If something happened outside, he would be aware of it for the first time.

“I didn’t see anything, it’s our good luck. If you happen to see something, what do you do if you call the young one! The young ones are almost afraid of death!”

Prince Ma cried. It was really crying. She burst into tears.

“I said Old Ma, as for, you brat is also a man anyway, how courage is so small, Bai grows so big, look at you brat’s good-for-nothing, hurry up Get up, don’t be ashamed of motherfucker.”

Perhaps it’s been too long in a place of illusion. After Divine Consciousness returned to Fleshy body, Gu Qingfeng opened a jar of wine and poured it straight down in one breath. Xu felt that it was not enough. He opened two jars of fine wine and drank five jars of fine wine. Then he gave up. He raised his eyes and asked, “Where are we?”

“Just left It didn’t take long for the Bipolar World to enter the Wuling World.”

“The Wuling World? No, I remember that I left the Bipolar World and entered the Wuling World before I went to sleep. Come on? It takes 10-15 days for me to say less. Why are you still in the Wuling Tianyu?”

“Lord, the Wuling Tianyu is much larger than the Bipolar Tianyu. “

Gu Qingfeng took out the astrolabe and took out Divine Consciousness and took a look, and found that the Wuling universe is indeed quite large, equivalent to more than a dozen bipolar universes as big as Huoyun Dalian now. Speed, even if you don’t eat or drink, you have to run non-stop for several years before you can leave the Wuling Tianyu.

This is just leaving from the Wuling Tianyu. How far is the Thousand Chance Tianyu Gu Qingfeng is going to be from here, it is unknown. From the star chart, there are more than ten days apart. Domain, and every domain is not small.

If you drive to the Thousand Chance Sky Territory with the Huoyun Daru, I am afraid that you may not be able to reach it after a hundred and 80 years.

Gu Qingfeng went to Thousand Chance Tianyu this time, although it was to find the doctor, but he was not in a hurry.

Hurry is useless.

If you have fate, you can see it everywhere.

If there is no chance, even if you come to the Thousand Chance Domain now, you may not be able to see the master.

Of course.

Although he is not in a hurry, he does not want to spend a hundred and eighty years on the road.

Recovering the astrolabe, Gu Qingfeng pondered for a moment. If space teleportation is used, he might be able to come to the Thousand Chance Sky Territory in a short time.


Using space teleportation in the Great Wilderness is filled with too many uncertain factors, which can easily cause space changes. Once it encounters a space turbulence, it can happen.

When Gu Qingfeng was struggling with Dadao, he used space teleportation regardless of life and death, and encountered space turbulence more than once, although he was involved in an unknown space, it’s okay. , He was lucky, and finally rushed out.

According to the rumors, if you encounter space turbulence, if you are unlucky, you are very likely to be involved in that kind of deserted and barren space. When the time comes, it’s not working and the earth should not , It’s hard to come up with it again, maybe even samsara reincarnation that may fall into the unfathomable mystery of Samsara Space.

Are you exaggerating?

No exaggeration at all.

These things have really happened.

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