Supreme Lord

Chapter 1607

The Heaven’s Line forbidden area is much more complicated and evil than Gu Qingfeng imagined.

Before coming, Gu Qingfeng heard from the bronze that this is an Ancient Vestige, and thought it was a long and narrow crack in the space of the relic, so it was called Heaven’s Line.

When he came here, he realized that there was more than one crack open here, but densely packed. Many long and narrow cracks were intertwined and intertwined, and each crack was like an abyss, invisible. At the bottom, there was an evil black mist in it, and it looked like hundreds of dragon-like dragons shuttled in the sand sea, revealing a kind of evil spirit.

“Big Lord, this Heaven’s Line forbidden area does not know when it was born, nor is it a relic of which era. No one in the small secret world of quicksand knows, including my Master Shuiyue Shitai, who has nothing here. Know, we only know that this forbidden place is mysterious and terrifying, since ancient times, but whoever enters, few can come out.”

Bronze and Bai Yanyan have been mixed in the small secret world of Quicksand for many years, they They also know the terrifying of the Heaven’s Line forbidden area. If it weren’t for this, the two cultivation bases would not stand far away, and would not even be close.

I found that Gu Qingfeng was standing fearlessly on the edge of the forbidden area and poking his head into the depths. Bai Yanyan persuaded: “If the friend of the Great Lord is really trapped inside, the hope of survival is very slim now. Even if you are alive, if the Great Lord goes down, how can you guarantee that they will be rescued? Therefore, I hope that the Great Lord will think twice before acting.”

Speaking of which Bai Yanyan is not a good man, she is The demon, although not a ferocious and bloodthirsty old monster, it is definitely not a kind-hearted little fairy.

even more how she and Gu Qingfeng are not friends either, and it is the first time to meet each other. At this moment, she has no other thoughts to persuade, but she just wants to persuade.

Because she is very interested in the existence of Gu Qingfeng, a mortal who is neither immortal nor demons and ghosts, mysterious and weird and strong, the most important thing is that Gu Qingfeng has something that makes her very Feeling scared, Bai Yanyan was very curious in her heart, and she didn’t want such an evil existence to enter the Heaven’s Line forbidden area.

“Big, big Lord! Since the Heaven’s Line is so terrifying, you should not take personal risks. You have helped us enough. If you are helping us today, what accidents happen If we…we…how can we be worthy of you.”

Whether it’s Purple Gold or Ziqing, both of them belong to the kind of people with strong self-esteem, and don’t want to hurt others. They asked Gu before. Qingfeng’s help was also impulsive. Now that he learned that his Master might be trapped in this Heaven’s Line forbidden area, the two of them did not want Gu Qingfeng to take personal risks to save his Master. This kind of great grace, the two of them couldn’t afford it. , Dare not accept it.

Gu Qingfeng walked slowly around the edge of the forbidden area, poked his head, and looked into the crack, said with a smile: “Sister, I’m afraid you guys made a mistake, this one Even if your Master is not there, I am going to go down and take a look.”

“Why, why?”

“Why that many? Now, let’s have fun.”

Gu Qingfeng’s words came. Purple Gold and Ziqing did not know how to reply, and the two great wild spirit monsters, Bronze and Bai Yanyan, doubted themselves. Did you hear it wrong?

What is idle and idle?

Here is the forbidden area of ​​Heaven’s Line. Even the senior experts who live in the secret world of quicksand dare not venture into it.

And what did she say to have fun?

Is there such a fun?

“If your Master is really trapped inside, I will bring them out. If you are not there, then don’t blame me. However, you two don’t have too much hope. Sister Yanyan is right. Even if your Master is really inside, I am afraid that the chance of surviving is very slim.”

Gu Qingfeng pointed to the black mist inside the crack and said: “The stale air inside. It’s richer than here. Let’s not talk about whether there are other Demons inside. Even if there are none, if your Master is really trapped in it for nearly ten thousand years, it will either turn into a demon or a ghost.”

Turning the front of the conversation, he said: “However, it is not good. After all, your Master passed a letter 20 years ago. I wondered where I should be hiding and relying on Formation to barely maintain it.”


Gu Qingfeng raised his head and took a sip of wine, and said: “Come on, I will go down and see now. As for when I will come out, I can’t say, so you don’t have to wait here. If an Old Demon pops up later and eats you guys, it would be a joke. It’s better to find a safe place and wait for my good news.”

” Lord, please rest assured, the little girl is willing to take your friends to my house and wait.”

“Oh, this is good.”

“Just…Lord, you Are you really sure to get out of it?”

Bai Yanyan was very puzzled. She just heard what Gu Qingfeng said, as if she was only concerned about the life and death of Purple Gold and Ziqing Master. The question that can’t come out is as if he must be able to come out of it.

Not only is Bai Yanyan curious, but also bronze, he also wants to know why Gu Qingfeng is so fearless.

Gu Qingfeng lifts the head, glanced at her, said with a smile: “What do you guess?”

“I…I can’t guess.”

“If you can’t guess, then wait.”

Gu Qingfeng waved his hand and said: “See you later.”

The voice fell, and he jumped in directly, silhouette Soon disappear without a trace in the narrow crack.

Did it jump?


Just jump straight down.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, Bronze and Bai Yanyan couldn’t believe their eyes. The two stared at the direction where Gu Qingfeng disappeared, and they came into a deep shock for a long time. back to his senses.


Bai Yanyan opened her small cherry mouth, and she wanted to say something and stopped, as if she couldn’t believe it, she really didn’t know what to say.

“Dare to ask the two fairies.”

Bronze also turned around in shock, cup one fist in the other hand and said: “What is this master Is it who are you?”

Purple Gold and Ziqing both shook their heads. If possible, they would also like to know who is you Gu Qingfeng.

Bai Yanyan asked: “Aren’t you friends of the Great Lord?”

“We…we just met the Great Lord just now, and have nothing to do with the identity of the Great Lord. Know.”

Bai Yanyan said in amazement: “I just met the Great Lord… just to help you save the Master, and are willing to break into this Heaven’s Line forbidden area with a personal risk?”

“So …We are…very…grateful to the Great Lord for his great kindness, and we have nothing to return.”

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