Supreme Lord

Chapter 1606

“Sister, you have been cultivation how many years.”

“Little girls have more than ten thousand years of cultivation.”

“The demon is a way of life. Your cultivation base is pretty good.”

Monsters are different from people.

If a person has good aptitude and good luck, it is very easy to become an immortal. After becoming an immortal, if the good fortune is good, it is not difficult to grow up.

The growth of the demon requires a very long period.

The monsters seen in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand are not even monsters, at best they can only be regarded as Demonic beasts.

Only when the mind is enlightened can one be regarded as a monster.

Even with enlightened minds, monster cultivation is an extremely long process.

Like bronze, he is also a spirit monster, but Gu Qingfeng can see that this old monster has been cultivated for at least 100,000 years.

And this Bai Yanyan can step into the psychic realm and become a spirit demon in just ten thousand years. This is definitely a thing to be proud of. Let alone in the demon way, it is immortal. Dao, if it can take ten thousand years to cultivate into a spiritual immortal, it is also a very difficult thing.

For example, Purple Gold and Ziqing, they have been cultivated for ten thousand years, and they are also secluded bitter cultivation, but in the Golden Immortal, which is only Qi Yao, if you want to step into the psychic this realm , You need to cultivate into the Great Perfection of Jiuyao. Don’t look at the difference between Qiyao and Jiuyao. It just sounds like that. It’s not the case for cultivation. Even if you cultivate to the Great Perfection of Jiuyao, can you step into the pass? The subtlety is still unknown.

In the Great Wilderness, a small realm like trifling Yi Yao can stop many immortals for hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even ten thousand years. Great realms like Golden Immortal and Lingxian , Tens of thousands of years, 100,000 years are available, this is not a rare thing in the great famine.

“Many thanks to the master’s praise, the elder sister and I can have today’s cultivation base, thanks to the guidance of our teachers.”

“I said, I dare to have expert guidance. “Gu Qingfeng asked with interest: “I can teach you two such a pair of spirit monsters. If you want to come to your Master, it is also a great ability.”

“The Master Shuiyue is nothing. Da Neng, just see through a Buddhist monk who lives in seclusion here.”

“Your Master is a nun?”

Gu Qingfeng was surprised. To be honest, he lives so big, monk I have seen a lot of them. As for the nun, I have never seen it before, and asked: “Is your Master also living in seclusion in this small secret world of quicksand?”


“I have time to visit next day.”

“Master, after talking for so long, the little girl still doesn’t know your surname and name.”

“I, Dao is called Chixiao.”

“It turned out to be Master Chixiao.”

“What is the name, Master, please call it “Lord”.”

” p>

“This…Okay, Chixiao Great Lord.”

In Dahuang, whether it is a demon or an immortal, almost all have their own dao name, and they are walking outside , The road number is generally used, and even the road canonized is the road number.

I heard that the name of Gu Qingfeng is Chixiao. Whether it is Bai Yanyan or the bronze in front, I have thought about it in my mind, including Prince Ma, Purple Gold, and Ziqing. It is the first time I know Gu They also thought about Qingfeng’s road number, searching for all the news about the road number Chixiao in their minds.


Thinking about it, their only impression of the Taoist name Chi Xiao is the famous Nether Great Emperor.

Everyone knows that in the ancient times, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth turning upside down that had caused the great wasteland to be turned upside down was named Chi Xiao.

Apart from this, it seems that there is no other impression about the Taoist name Chixiao.

It’s just that none of them think about it. After all, everyone knows that at the beginning of the present and ancient times, the emperor became the original sin incarnation, and finally sacrificed his life for the heaven and earth beings. The original sin karma fire was lit, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

In this way, Gu Qingfeng and Bai Yanyan were chatting, while sitting on the Huoyun Dalu and shuttled.

I don’t know how long it took, and finally left the swamp under the leadership of Bronze. What you see in front is a vast and deserted sand dune, and there are many sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces that seem to be decayed. .

The natural environment here is worse than Swamp Land. The wind swept through the desert and turned into one after another. The sandstorm roared like fierce dragons.

Gu Qingfeng squinted his eyes and found that the natural environment of this sand dune is no longer as simple as bad, but has completely collapsed, and he just came here. Feel a mysterious breath of evil.

“Where is this place?”

Gu Qingfeng asked.

“Master Chixiao, this is the Demon Domain of Shahai.”

“Demon Domain? There are monsters here?”

“Yes, and they are all abnormal terrifying.”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, feeling the evil breath of the Demon Domain in this sand sea, being enveloped by such evil breath, it is no longer common for monsters to breed.

When Prince Ma heard that there was a monster in this place, his body couldn’t help but tremble, not to mention him, it was Ziqing and Purple Gold from the Seven Lunar Days cultivation base. They heard that Shahai Demon Domain had monsters. When they appeared, the expressions of the two changed and changed.

Because the existence of monsters is much more terrifying than monsters. Most monsters are the same as humans. They are born from generation to generation. Monsters are different. Monsters are congenital. There is no need for cultivation, and they are born with extremely terrifying power. Some powerful monsters are as simple as crushing an ant.

Don’t say that Ziqing, Purple Gold, the bronze and Bai Yanyan of the Great Wild Spirit Monster are also somewhat afraid of the monsters in the Demon Domain in the Shahai Demon Domain. They are the old monsters in the swamp. They are very aware of Shahai. How terrifying the monsters in the Demon Domain are. Fortunately, there are not many monsters in the Demon Domain in the Sand Sea. Under normal circumstances, they will only appear in the Demon Domain in the Sand Sea, and will not go to other places.

Otherwise, the Secret Realm of Quicksand is probably already occupied by those monsters.

Gu Qingfeng looked at it for a while and asked: “How far is the Heaven’s Line forbidden area you said?”

“Not far, just in this sand sea of ​​Demon Domain Inside.”

“Go, go and take a look.”

The bronze hesitated for a moment, opened the mouth and said: “The master of the red sky, this monster of Drifting Sand Demon Territory is especially Terrifying, if you meet some little monsters, it doesn’t matter, you can handle it in the next, but if you encounter those Old Demon things, you are far from an opponent in the next…”

“Here is the master, I’m afraid of being a hairy, don’t care about the little monster Old Demon.”


Although the bronze does not want to take risks, it is also hindered by the strength of Gu Qingfeng I didn’t dare to disobey the meaning, so I could only clenched the teeth and brace oneself into the Demon Domain in the sand sea.

Fortunately, luck was not bad, and there were no monsters along the way. Soon, Bronze brought Gu Qingfeng and the others to the Heaven’s Line forbidden area.

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