Supreme Lord

Chapter 1547

Looking at hundreds of people kneeling on the ground.

Everyone in the field has each one, and everyone can’t believe their eyes.

Sound of power.

With just a sound of prestige, hundreds of Golden Immortal shattered brilliance collapsed, their minds collapsed, immortal strength disappeared, and battle strength was lost and they knelt on the ground.

Is it just losing battle strength and kneeling on the ground?


Everyone can see that these hundreds of people are kneeling on the ground with disheveled hair, their mouths, ears and noses are dripping with blood, all within the body meridian is broken, and the whole body is still covered with mist. This shows that they are not only the meridian, but also the immortal spirit.

What kind of momentum can break the meridian that has shaken hundreds of Golden Immortal in an instant?

What kind of prestige can crush hundreds of Golden Immortal’s immortal spirits in an instant?

Perhaps those cultivation base profound powers, cultivation surpassing Wushuang Great Divine Ability, can break hundreds of Golden Immortal-shocked meridians with their terrifying momentum and disperse the immortal spirit.

The problem now is that this great Lord doesn’t have any cultivation base on his body. He doesn’t even have a bit of spiritual energy, only basic human energy, apart from this nothing.

Is it a magic weapon?


And everyone can see clearly, this great Lord just stood on the big wheel, shouted with prestige, it is neither good fortune, nor a magic weapon, even the momentum and prestige are counted No, then… and then there is no more. Hundreds of people in Lotus Secret Realm, giant Bai Family, Golden Crow Liu Family kneeled on the ground without warning and became useless.

And Na Dan Lei was even more miserable. His arms and legs were shattered, leaving only a head and half of his upper body standing on the ground like a tombstone, leaving only his breath, half dead.

He is a cultivation tens of thousands of years, the cultivation base is as high as four 10th Layer Golden Immortal, the strength can be described as deep and unmeasurable, even in the face of Wu Yao Great Perfection Golden Immortal. The qualification for World War I was kicked by the great Lord, and only half of the Fleshy body was kicked.

No one can believe it unless you have seen it with your own eyes.

Even if I see it with my own eyes, I feel unimaginable.

Everyone knows that this great Lord scared the three Taibai Golden Immortal to death when he was on the floating island, and then he got on the 81st floor of the golden tower with no difficulty. This is enough to show that this great Lord is not as simple as the surface.

Especially Mu Lingyao, who even tried personally when he was in Babaozhuang, did not shake Gu Qingfeng even if he tried his best. Although Fairy Huadie didn’t try, he still felt that even if he shot, I’m afraid I can’t shake it.

They all know that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is absolutely deep and unmeasurable.


They have always known.

But to what extent is deep and unmeasurable, none of them have a specific concept. When they think about it, even if Gu Qingfeng’s strength is deep and unmeasurable, after all, it is true that the cultivation base is completely lost, like a toothless Old The same as Hu, no matter how powerful it is, it can’t go far.

Up to this moment, I witnessed Gu Qingfeng kicking Dan Lei, a four 10th Layer star Golden Immortal, all split up and in pieces.

After a sound of prestige broke hundreds of Golden Immortal stunned meridians of the Lotus Secret Realm Three Great Families, the immortal spirits were all destroyed, they realized for the first time that Gu Qingfeng’s deep and unmeasurable far exceeded Own imagination.

Thousands of people in the Golden Crow Li Family, which originally surrounded the Scarlet Flame Tiger with nine fire clouds, are now frightened by the scene, the soul flew away and scattered. Don’t say those things are too white. Golden Immortal, the celestial star Golden Immortal, do not say anything about the Golden Immortal, the Golden Immortal of the Wu Yao Great Perfection, Li Xiao was also scared to lose one’s head out of fear.

They originally planned to capture the big Lord of the Lao Shizi first, and then figure out a way to occupy the 10 trillion bonus. Knowing that the big Lord is mysterious, just in case, Li Xiao also deliberately took the family’s All the backbones were summoned, one is to prevent someone from interfering to intercede, and the other is to worry about the mysterious and weird Great Lord.

After coming to seize the golden tower, facing serene fearless Gu Qingfeng, Li Xiao tens of thousands of years’ rich experience told himself, don’t act blindly without thinking for the time being, this is what I’m afraid of Great Lord deep and unmeasurable.

But he never thought that the great Lord of Lao Shizi was so deep and unmeasurable to such a terrifying level. He kicked Dan Lei all split up and in pieces with one foot, and it was shocked by the sound of power. Hundreds of immortal spirits collapsed.

Catch him back?

How to catch it?

Occupy that 10 trillion bonus?

How to occupy it?

How dare to occupy it?

Those who served in the Golden Crow Li Family dare not stay any longer. After all, they just follow the Golden Crow Li Family to eat and eat, and they can’t take their own lives. They usually fight in groups. The shocking scene is okay, but now facing such a mysterious terrifying Lord, who would dare to stand here and shock the scene?

The answer is yes.

No one dares.

At the moment, some people start to flee. If one person flees, there will be ten people, and ten people will have a hundred people. In a flash, those who are serving the Golden Crow Li Family flee in a swarm. Even the members of the Golden Crow Li Family, including Li Xiao, didn’t dare to stay anymore, and jumped up to fly away.

“I just want to leave if I haven’t reported any grudges. Today, I am not nodded, and motherfucker will not even want to run, let me roll down and die!”

Then Gu Qingfeng Severely shouted, the death word did not fall, and the Golden Crow Li Family flew away in mid-air. Thousands of people were as if was struck by lightning. The body was shattered, the body trembled, and the seven orifices were bleeding. Then they fell from the air and banged. Kneeling on the ground, peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~! Kneeling on the ground one by one.

This scene is not only shocking, but also shocking, and even more breathtaking.

Golden Crow Li Family has thousands of people!

Most of them are Taibai Golden Immortal, Eryao’s Golden Immortal has hundreds of them, Sanyao’s Golden Immortal has dozens, and Siyao’s Golden Immortal has more than ten, which is the town star Golden Immortal. Immortal also has as many as four.

Now that the mortal Lord, who has no cultivation base, has a sound of power, and all the seven orifices are bleeding, falling from the sky and kneeling on the ground, including the Golden Immortal of Wu Yao Great Perfection. Li Xiao is no exception.

These are thousands of Golden Immortal, not thousands of birds. How could a mortal be stunned by the seven orifices bleeding?

How did he do it?

How did you do it?

Is the fleshy body that stumped him is so powerful that casually can kill Golden Immortal with a word of prestige?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

If Gu Qingfeng had just slammed the meridian that shocked hundreds of people in the Lotus Secret Realm with a shout, it would make everyone who gathered at the Golden Tower feel unimaginable and incomprehensible.

So at this moment, when Gu Qingfeng shook the Golden Crow Li Family with thousands of people, everyone no longer felt unimaginable, nor did they dare to believe and understand. But the scalp is numb, have one’s hair stand on end, it is a deep fear, a deep fear.

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