Supreme Lord

Chapter 1546

“That’s right! It’s not that this big Lord is magnanimous, but we gave him a knock, he dare not bear it, and can’t afford it!”

White jade Fei and Liu Feng also rushed over and stood beside Xuanyun.


Not only Xuanyun wants to take this opportunity to recover this face, but White Jade Fei and Liu Feng also want to take advantage of the Golden Crow Li Family to encircle and suppress Gu Qingfeng to show their faces fiercely.

The three of them are standing in the air with their hands behind their hands, with arrogant expressions, contempt in their eyes, arrogant and domineering, they can be described as showing off the limelight and showing their faces.

“Yun’er, don’t make trouble!”

Dan Lei, Liu Kaiyun, Bai Teng and other Lotus Secret Realm, Golden Crow Liu Family, and giant Bai Family also all stood When they came out, although they were yelling at the three of Xuanyun, they were nothing serious. The three did not discourage or stop them. When they came out, it was not only like cheering for the three of Xuanyun, but also protecting them. Human safety.

This scene really exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Today, the Golden Crow Li Family surrounded Gu Qingfeng heavily, without any hands on it, but the three companies of Lotus Secret Realm looked aggressive one by one, as if looking for Gu Qingfeng’s back account.

“This Young Master asks again.”

Xuan Yun pointed to Gu Qingfeng and shouted proudly: “I’ll kowtow to you, can you dare to suffer?”

Mu Lingyao was angry, and rushed in front of Gu Qingfeng, staring at the three of Xuanyun, shouted: “Xuanyun, you don’t be fool enough to reject a face-saving offer, Lord said that he had bet before. It’s your favor…”

Before Mu Lingyao’s words were finished, Xuan Yun laughed in disdain: “What is this Young Master’s favor? What a joke! This Young Master repeats That meal was just I invited Ling’er, and it has nothing to do with him. The reason why he was able to sit down was completely because of Ling’er’s face. Therefore, he didn’t owe this Young Master anything, nor did he need to pay this Young Master favor.”

coldly snorted, Xuan Yun said again: “He wants to find himself a step down, this Young Master won’t give him this step today! “

Mu Lingyao flustered and exasperated, angry shouted: “bastard! You guys are bully intolerably! “

Mu Lingyao is about to be the master for Gu Qingfeng, let Xuanyun and the group kneel and kowtow, but the secret words of Fairy Huadie came over before they spoke.

“Yao’er, you must not be impulsive. This is a trap set by Xuanyun. If you are the master of the Lord today and let them kneel, things will not be easy to clean up. Xuanyun and these people will stand up now. It’s just for the sake of being popular. They do this to force the Great Lord to take action. Once the Great Lord makes a move, they have a reason to take the Great Lord. They also want to occupy the 10 trillion bonus of the Great Lord! “

Listening to what Fairy Huadie said, Mu Lingyao realized that Lotus Secret Realm was playing such an insidious tactic, and quickly asked: “Then what should I do now?” Just endure it so hard? “

“Now I can only endure it, don’t let the big Lord take action, otherwise when the time comes, you will not only face the Golden Crow Li Family, but also the Lotus Secret Realm, the giant Bai Family , And the Golden Crow Liu Family, they all glare like a tiger watching his prey for the 10 trillion of Big Lord. “

“But! “

“No but, you must not act blindly without thinking! “

Fairy Huadie also came over, and the sound transmission whisper told Gu Qingfeng of the conspiracy of Lotus Secret Realm, and signaled him not to take action.

“The dignified Lord actually hid in two Behind a woman, this Young Master really opened his eyes! “

Xuan Yun sneered, stared at Gu Qingfeng again, and shouted: “this Young Master asks you again, I will kowtow to you, how dare you take it?” “

Fairy Huadie wanted to help Gu Qingfeng, but as soon as she spoke, a voice came from behind her, saying: “Okay, then you just knock. “

It is not someone else who said this, but Gu Qingfeng.

No one would have thought that Gu Qingfeng would actually dare to say this.

Fairy Huadie did not expect, nor did Mu Lingyao expect that Xuanyun, Liu Feng, White Jade Fei, and even Dan Lei, Liu Kaiyun, Bai Teng and other lotus Secret Realm, giants Bai Family, Golden Crow Liu Family, including those present No one thought of it.

“Great Lord, they…”

Mu Lingyao wanted to dissuade Gu Qingfeng, but Gu Qingfeng not at all was in the mood to listen. I got up on the comfortable chair, stretched out, and said, “Since you want to play, I will accompany you to have fun today. If you don’t play well, it’s not a time. “

After that, he walked over, pushed the two fairies Huadie away, stood on the big lion, stared at Xuanyun, and said: “Kump, knock now. “

Perhaps I didn’t expect that Gu Qingfeng really dared to make them knock, Xuanyun, Liu Feng, and White Jade Fei all did not know what to do at a time.

” Your Mightiness! “

At this moment, Dan Lei came over and said solemnly: “If you insist on getting Yun’er and the others to kowtow, the old man kowtows for him, how about?” “

“Good! Then you knock. “

Everyone knows that Dao Pill Lei stood up at this moment, with a threatening meaning, but no one thought that Gu Qingfeng would actually make him knock.

” ! Knock Lao Tzu right now, 10,000,000 ringers, not one less today! “

oh?” Dan Lei stared at Gu Qingfeng with unkind eyes, shouted: “Your Excellency is too arrogant, old man cultivation for tens of thousands of years, can you bear it? “


Dan Lei’s body brilliance flickered, billowing immortal strength burst out, and the golden, wood, water, fire and four light beams were spinning wildly.

Meanwhile , Liu Kaiyun, Bai Teng, Xuan Yun, Liu Feng, White Jade Fei three people, Lotus Secret Realm, rich Bai Family, Golden Crow Liu Family, all all run immortal spirit in the first time, took out the magic weapon of the fairy war.

Looking at the appearance of these people about to do something, Mu Lingyao was completely panicked, she looked towards Fairy Huadie, and Fairy Huadie was somewhat lost in the face of what happened at this moment. one’s head out of fear, because the current situation is not only completely beyond her expectations, it is also beyond her ability to stop it.

“Let me see if I can bear it today! “

When the voice fell, Gu Qingfeng raised his foot and kicked directly on Dan Lei’s chest. With a bang, the golden, wood, water, fire and four-lubricated gangway around Dan Lei collapsed instantly, ka-cha! Both arms! The legs split on the spot, and when they landed on the ground, only one head and one half of the body remained.

No one thought that Gu Qingfeng would suddenly move his hands, and he kicked it down. Lei’s Four Lights of Lights were broken, and Dan Lei’s fleshy body was all split up and in pieces.

You should know that Dan Lei is the golden star of the cultivation base four 10th Layer. Immortal, and the cultivation tens of thousands of years, the immortal spirit is strong, the immortal strength is so deep and unmeasurable, how can a person without any cultivation base kick all split up and in pieces on the spot!

I don’t know.

No one knows.

This scene happened so quickly that everyone did not react.

On the fire cloud, Gu Qingfeng stood with his hands in his hands, swept across, coldly shouted: “Kneel down to Laozi! “

As soon as the next word fell, there was a boom, Liu Kaiyun, Bai Teng, Xuan Yun and other three Lotus Secret Realm more than a hundred people did not even react, the whole body Guanghua collapsed, bleeding from the mouth and nose , All knelt on the ground in response.

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