Supreme Lord

Chapter 1529

Looking at Chidori, who is full of confidence in Gu Qingfeng, and then at Prince Ma, who admires Gu Qingfeng so much. Whether it is Fairy Huadie, Mu Lingyao or Qianling, they know that Chidori and Prince Ma are just now. What was said is true.


They can’t figure out how Gu Qingfeng did it.

If other things are predicted, it will be predicted, but it is the winning of the golden tower. It is because of the high luck and the variable. I don’t know if I win the golden tower. How far did he predict?

Don’t understand!

I really don’t understand.

Even if I want to break my head, I don’t understand.

At this moment, they did not have the mind to think about this issue, because Gu Qingfeng was already standing on the 1st floor of the golden tower.

“My Great Lord! Your Senior, don’t be eliminated on the 1st floor! Don’t be!”

Mu Lingyao put her hands together, praying in her heart.

Because this bet is not only between Gu Qingfeng and Xuanyun, but also between Mu Lingyao and Golden Crow Liu Family. If Gu Qingfeng loses, Mu Lingyao knows very well that Golden Crow Liu Family will definitely take this opportunity to do everything possible to embarrass herself.

Can’t lose!

Never lose!

At least it is too ugly to lose!

Mu Lingyao kept praying in her heart. Maybe she was too afraid of losing. When she won the golden tower 1st floor and condensed two Transmission Arrays, she didn’t even dare to look. Close your eyes.

After a while, Mu Lingyao still didn’t dare to open her eyes, and asked, “Is that guy going up or eliminated?”

No one responded to her.

“Sister Huadie, why don’t you speak? Are you eliminated? You just say it! Let me be mentally prepared!”

Still no one responded to her.

What the hell is going on?

Mu Lingyao couldn’t help it anymore, but she didn’t dare to look directly. Instead, she covered her eyes with her hand, took a peek through the gap between her fingers, and found the golden tower 1st floor Not at all the silhouette of Gu Qingfeng, she held back her nervous heart again, looking towards the 2nd floor, but still did not find the silhouette of Gu Qingfeng.

At this moment, Mu Lingyao’s heart was cold for a moment, she held her breath again, looked towards Third Layer, still did not find Gu Qingfeng’s silhouette.

If Mu Lingyao’s heart had only been cold for a while, then it would have been cold at this moment.

But Mu Lingyao still did not give up. She still had a glimmer of hope in her heart. She mustered up the courage and looked towards the 4th floor again. Although she knew that the hope was very slim, she still wanted to fight it.

It’s a pity.

There is no silhouette of Gu Qingfeng on the 4th floor.

The only glimmer of hope also disappeared in this brief moment.

Mu Lingyao knew that if there was no Gu Qingfeng silhouette in the 4th floor of the golden tower, then he must have been eliminated on the 1st floor.

“It’s over, it’s completely over.”

At this moment, Mu Lingyao only felt that the sky was spinning, dizzy, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and people were a little unsteady. It’s like putting all your net worth on, and losing your money.


Mu Lingyao feels this way now.

“I know that this guy is so boasting and unreliable, but I…still have a glimmer of hope for him, didn’t expect…didn’t expect I got lost in the end! You say me Why did I go blind and believe in a guy with an abnormal brain!”

Mu Lingyao thumped his chest and feet, at this moment, Qiandiao came over and asked: “Sister Yao’er, how are you? What’s wrong with me?”

“This guy is now eliminated. The Golden Crow Liu Family will definitely take this opportunity to make me lose face!”

“The little drunkard has not been eliminated!”

“Don’t lie to me! I saw…” Mu Lingyao looked at the area to the right of the golden tower, as long as she was on the golden tower Those who are eliminated will be passed here, but when she looked over, she found the silhouette of not at all Gu Qingfeng there.

“Huh? Where’s that guy? Where’s the man?”

“The little drunkard is still on top of the golden tower.”

“What! Impossible, right? Was it troublesome that I saw Dazzling just now?”

Mu Lingyao suddenly came to energy and looked over nervously. She thought that she had seen Dazzling just now, and then explored it from the 1st floor, 2nd floor, Third Layer, again. When I saw the silhouette of Gu Qingfeng on the 4th floor, I still saw the silhouette of Gu Qingfeng several times.

“Chidori! Didn’t you say that that guy is still taking the golden tower? Why can’t I see it!”

“Sister Yaoer, look up!”

Go up?

Mu Lingyao continued to look up, on the 5th floor, 6th floor, 7th floor, and 8th floor. When I saw the 9th floor, I still didn’t see the silhouette of Gu Qingfeng.

“Where is it? Where is it? Why can’t I see it!”

“The little drunkard was still in Sixteenth Layer just now.”

“What! 16th-layer? Impossible!”

Mu Lingyao didn’t believe it at all, that guy could get to the 16th-layer in a short while, she looked over with excitement and anxiety, but she was disappointed again. , Because she didn’t see Gu Qingfeng’s silhouette at Sixteenth Layer.

“Chidori! Didn’t you say that he was in the 16th-layer? Where is the man?”

“Now I can’t see it either.”

“Are you a little girl deliberately teasing me?” Mu Lingyao looked at Fairy Huadie and found Fairy Huadie raised her head, looking at the Golden Tower with shock, as if she saw Like Gods Vestige, not only Fairy Huadie, but also the more than ten people of Qianling, Prince Ma, and Ronaldinho Secret Realm, everyone present seems to be the same.

Just when Mu Lingyao felt a sense of insanity, Little Qiandiao’s voice came: “Sister Yaoer, look, I found the little drunkard. He is in Twentieth Layer, no Now I’m on the Twenty First Layer, ah! The little drunkard is so powerful, and I’m on the 22nd floor again.”

Mu Lingyao forcibly endured the suspicion in her heart, and looked up again, as expected. I was really grabbing the golden tower Twenty Second Layer and saw a silhouette that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

That was a plain young man wearing a outfit worth 200 million, standing on the Twentieth Layer of the golden tower, while eating the marrow and exchange the tendons Dan, he was bored. Waiting for the Transmission Array that is about to evolve.

Who is it if it is not Gu Qingfeng!

Perhaps this scene is too exaggerated, too unbelievable, and too unimaginable for Mu Lingyao. Mu Lingyao couldn’t believe her eyes. She closed her eyes, opened and closed them again. She opened her eyes again, and continued for several times until she was sure that she was not mistaken. She was as if was struck by lightning. Her mind was blank for a moment, and her thinking was frozen.

The feeling of dizziness reappeared.

The difference is.

The feeling just now is as if she was staking all her net worth and finally lost a bankruptcy, making her desperate like falling to hell, but now it feels like a big pie fell from the sky after losing bankruptcy, fiercely. When she hit her, she seemed to be resurrected from the dead, just like rushing to heaven from hell. Perhaps the happiness came too suddenly, or the surprise was so exciting that Mu Lingyao was stunned like a statue. There, it took a long time to come back to his senses.

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