Supreme Lord

Chapter 1528

Before I had time to be happy, after another thought, Mu Lingyao said, “Is it possible that you can not be on the golden tower? Is it possible that you can really be on the second 17th-layer.”

“Nonsense! How do you know if you don’t try.”

“If you don’t make it, maybe you can save some face. If you go up, the 1st floor will be announced. When the time comes, it’s shameful. I lost it to my grandma’s house.”

“Why, you don’t have confidence in the Lord?”

Don’t say, Mu Lingyao really has no confidence in Gu Qingfeng, even if Not a single bit, but if she had a little confidence, she wouldn’t be able to brace oneself so much.

However, now that things have happened, Mu Lingyao knows that there is no other way to go. It is better to try than not. If you don’t try, you will definitely lose. Try and maybe there is The hope of winning, even though this hope is very slim, what if this guy really does lose his dogshit luck? He was previously able to win 1.8 billion by betting on Leopards in casinos. Who would dare to say that he would not be on the second 17th-layer?

Thinking of this, Mu Lingyao seemed to see a glimmer of hope in the endless darkness.

Looking at Gu Qingfeng here, he looked indifferent, calm and indifferent, as if he didn’t put the golden tower trifling two 17th-layer in his eyes.

In Mu Lingyao’s view, maybe this guy is not boasting, but is he really confident?

Thinking of this, the hope in Mu Lingyao’s heart gradually burned like a flame.

Turning around, looking at the shouting Xuanyun and the others, shouted: “Hey, our big Lord hasn’t won the golden tower yet. Win or lose hasn’t been settled yet. What are you calling for? The time comes, maybe who will knock 10,000,000 bangs for whom!”

oh?” Xuan Yun said with disdain: “Just because of him, I want to get on the second 17th-layer of golden tower? What a joke! “

“Mu Lingyao, I advise you not to be a fearless struggle. If the nouveau riche is eliminated from the golden tower 1st floor, you will not be ashamed, we will all feel ashamed for you. Huh? ha ha ha ha!”

Liu Feng, White Jade Fei and the others laughed heartily.

“You guys wait for the great aunt!”

Mu Lingyao ignored Xuanyun and the others, and said to Gu Qingfeng: “You can go to the golden tower with confidence and boldness Well, don’t have psychological pressure. If you can get to a few floors, you can get to a few floors. The higher you get, the better. Even if you get eliminated on the 1st floor, it doesn’t matter. Don’t dare to touch your vellus hair.”

“Oh, it’s good to dare, don’t worry, sister, just say this to you, I won’t let you lose face.”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t say much, he jumped from the Huoyun Daru and walked towards the golden tower.

“Sister Huadie, Ling’er younger sister, do you think he can really get on the 17th-layer of the golden tower?”

Although Mu Lingyao finally treated Gu Qingfeng I said a word about ten thousand zhang, but these words are only for Gu Qingfeng to listen to. In fact, her heart has always been sloppy and unfounded.

She has no foundation, nor does Fairy Huadie.

“If he says…you can.” Qian Ling stared at Gu Qingfeng, who was walking towards the golden tower, and said: “Should it be possible?”

“Ling’er, Do you have confidence in him?”

“I can’t say that either.”

Qian Ling did not say well, she didn’t know whether to believe Gu Qingfeng’s words, if Say you shouldn’t believe it, but when Gu Qingfeng was on the floating island, he said that he didn’t put the Golden Crow Li Family in his eyes at all. It turns out that he really didn’t put the Golden Crow Li Family in his eyes at all. In the eyes.

But if you believe it, a lot of what this guy has said is too exaggerated and outrageous, it is impossible to believe.

Fairy Huadie asked: “Ling’er, has he ever beaten and seized the golden tower before?”

“No, at least, he hasn’t been in these years since we met him This is also the first time he came to Fengyue Small World. He probably hadn’t beaten the golden tower before.”

Fairy Huadie frowned deeply and murmured: “If he’s beaten and won the golden tower before. In the case of golden tower, there may be hope, but he hasn’t even broken through once before, which is too…”

“Sister Huadie, Sister Yaoer, Sister Linger, don’t worry too much. , I’m very confident in the little drunkard.” Chidori said: “The little drunkard may not have broken through the golden tower before, but the little drunkard is very evil. You may not know one thing.”

“What’s the matter?”

“When the three of you were robbing the golden tower, the little drunkard accurately predicted the last record of the three of you.”

hearing this.

Fairy Huadie, Mu Lingyao, and Qian Ling were all startled, and they were a little disbelief. They asked: “Qiandiao, what did you say? He really predicted the last of the three of us accurately. Record?”

“Yes! And at that time you had just captured the golden tower and were still on the 2nd floor. At that time, the little drunkard said that Sister Yao’er would be eliminated at around 13 layers. My sister was really eliminated in 13 layers. The little drunkard also said that sister Ling’er would break into the 18th Layer if she had good luck. As a result, sister Ling’er really broke into the 18th Layer, and the little drunkard also said that sister Huadie could break into the second layer. 17th-layer, Sister Huadie really made it to the 17th-layer.”


The three fairy Huadie looked at each other with expressions. One is more shocked, and the eyes are more unimaginable. When he is still taking the golden tower 2nd floor, that guy can accurately predict his last record. Is this possible? This is absolutely impossible!

Do not believe it!

Fairies Huadie didn’t believe them. At the time, they didn’t know which floor of the golden tower they would finally get to. How could others predict it? This is simply a fantasy story.

“Really! If you don’t believe me, ask Prince Ma.” Chidori asked: “Prince Ma, did I say true?”

Prince Ma obediently and honestly Said: “This… three fairies, what Chidori said is indeed the truth. When you were still taking the golden tower 2nd floor, the Great Lord predicted your final record accurately, and it was not bad at all. Until now, I can’t believe it, and I don’t know how the Great Lord saw it, but…but this is indeed true.”

First I witnessed Gu Qingfeng betting on Leopard to win consecutively in the casino. 1.8 billion.

Then he witnessed Gu Qingfeng threatening four Taibai Golden Immortal with his own eyes on the floating island.

Later in Babaozhuang, I witnessed Gu Qingfeng’s sip of wine spraying out Mu Lingyao’s congenital Ziyan True Fire.

Previously, I witnessed Gu Qingfeng’s accurate prediction that the trio of Huadie Fairies were capturing the golden tower record.

Prince Ma has already admired Gu Qingfeng’s prostrate oneself in admiration. It’s no exaggeration to say that Gu Qingfeng is already an omnipotent Lord in his in mind. He lifts the head and looks Gu Qingfeng, who has already entered to win the golden tower, his eyes are full of worship and admiration, and said: “The great Lord said that he can board the second 17th-layer of the golden tower, then he will definitely be able to. The big Lord said he wants to win the golden tower. With the 81st floor bonus, the small one also firmly believes that the big Lord will finally be able to climb to the 81st floor of the golden tower!”

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