Supreme Lord

Chapter 1497

Fengyue Small World, in a private courtyard.

Fairy Huadie sits alone in the yard in a daze, constantly remembering what happened in Babaozhuang in her mind.

Until now, she still couldn’t figure out what that person was relying on to make Mu Lingyao unable to shake her every effort.

At first she thought it would be a magic weapon, but the facts proved that there was not at all any magic weapon in that person.

If it is not a magic weapon for good fortune, then there is only fleshy body.

But that person’s fleshy body is just an ordinary flesh and blood body.

The fleshy body that stumped him has a mutation ever happened?

Mutation in fleshy body is not uncommon in Dahuang. After all, Dahuang’s Spiritual Qi is very full, and it will give birth to all kinds of strange heavenly materials and earthly treasures. If you misunderstand some It is not impossible that the messy heavenly materials and earthly treasures will cause mutations in the fleshy body.

Although most of the consequences of mutations are very bad, either they become deformed, or their temperament changes drastically, or they become monsters, but in the end there is no good end.

But there are also some people with good luck. After the mutation, the fleshy body will become extremely powerful, even comparable to those natural treasures.

Fairy Huadie still remembers clearly, Qiandiao said that their Ronaldinho Secret Realm found the person in the Secret Realm of Quicksand, and when he found it, he was already in a coma, and the fleshy body became Very confusing.

Maybe he misunderstood the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand, perhaps it infected some weird spiritual aura, causing fleshy body mutation and becoming extremely powerful.

Suddenly, I remembered that man burned with a hob like boiled water, slapped da Luo like jelly beans, wash the marrow and exchange the tendons Dan, eat bitter bodhi like grapes, etc. Poisonous fruit.

Fairy Huadie is even more convinced that the fleshy body of that person must have undergone mutation, otherwise it is impossible to be so weird.

Just think again.

Fairy Huadie doesn’t feel like this again.

If the fleshy body of that person really undergoes a mutation, the fleshy body becomes extremely strong, strong as an ox, and Hundred Venoms Immunity, it is only the fleshy body that is strong, maybe you can wave your hand Block the Immortal Art that Mu Lingyao took out.

But how did he spray Mu Lingyao’s congenital purple inflammation True Fire with a sip of wine?

Even if his fleshy body becomes stronger and stronger again, it is impossible to spray the purple inflammation True Fire with just a sip of wine, right?

This is just one.


And how did he make Mu Lingyao’s Immortal Art stand still in midair?

This is simply not what the power of the fleshy body can do.

Just like, one cannot use the power of a fist to make a rock float in the air.

But Immortal Art can.

An Immortal Art can make a stone float in the air with no difficulty.

This is the fundamental difference between power and Tao.

The existence of Immortal Art is a fusion of power and Tao, containing all kinds of mysterious, change something rotten into something magical.

Ten thousand steps back, even if the power of a fist can really make a rock float in the air, the key is that the person didn’t at all punched at the time, Mu Lingyao took out the first Immortal Art is just unfathomable mystery still in the air.

No matter what he thinks, Fairy Huadie can’t figure out what is going on.

Just when she was puzzled, suddenly, with a bang, the door of the house in the courtyard seemed to be smashed open by a powerful force, and then she walked out of it. Woman.

The woman’s appearance is beautiful and alluring, but she is dressed in men’s clothing, with a ponytail and wearing a slim black robe.

Not someone else.

It is Mu Lingyao.

After more than ten hours of adjusting the breath and replenishing the vitality, the originally exhausted immortal spirit gradually recovered, the complexion also improved significantly, and a beautiful and alluring face was as moving as usual.

“Yao’er, why did you come out so soon?”

Seeing Mu Lingyao coming out, Fairy Huadie said: “Your immortal spirit is exhausted, although you have recovered a little now, but I still need to recuperate for a while.”

As a doctor, Fairy Huadie understands better than anyone else that after the immortal spirit is exhausted, even if the immortal spirit gradually recovers, it will take a long time to recuperate. After all, immortal spirit Exhaustion will damage the vitality of the immortal spirit. At this time, the immortal spirit is very weak and requires meditation until the vitality of the immortal spirit is restored. If the vitality of the immortal spirit is not restored, if the immortal spirit is activated again, then the immortal spirit It is a great injury.

It’s not that Mu Lingyao doesn’t know the truth, but she really doesn’t feel in the mood to retreat to self-cultivation, and said: “I just don’t do anything during this time.”

“Then you Why do you want to come out in a hurry?”

“Of course I’m looking for that guy to settle accounts!”

When he heard that Mu Lingyao was looking for someone to settle accounts, Fairy Huadie shook her head helplessly. She and Mu Lingyao are good sisters. Naturally, she knows that Mu Lingyao is a person who refuses to admit defeat. When she was in Babaozhuang, she used all her strengths to the point that the immortal spirit was exhausted and could not shake a single vellus hair. Not reconciled.

This is indeed the case.

Mu Lingyao is really unwilling in her heart. She has grown up and has never suffered such a frustration. Fortunately, she can think about it, and there is no to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem, otherwise If you do, you really can’t stand such a big blow for a while.

“The more I think about it, the more unwilling I am, through childhood, I haven’t been so useless!”

“Then what do you want?”

” Of course it is to teach him a good meal!”

“When you were in Babaozhuang, the immortal spirit you used to fight was exhausted, and the tired people collapsed. How can you teach others?”


Mu Lingyao wanted to cry without tears. Although she didn’t want to, she had to admit the fact that Fairy Huadie said. She twitched his lips and said, “Sister Huadie , Isn’t there you, you help me to teach him.”

Fairy Huadie shook his head and said, “I’m afraid I can’t.”

“It’s true. Impossible, right? I can’t help that guy, it doesn’t mean you can’t help, your strength is much better than me, even more how, how can you know if you don’t try.”

” “Try.” Fairy Huadie said: “You don’t want to think about your Ziyan True Fire, even I was very jealous, but he was sprayed out by a sip of wine, what else should I try? It will only invite humiliation to oneself. “

“according to what you said, is it difficult for us to have nothing to do with him? is it possible that this Young Lady’s immortal spirit is exhausted? People are exhausted? White? Was that guy fooled? You lost such a big person, so forget it?”

The more Mu Lingyao thought about it, the more angry she became, and she said, “No, we can’t just let it go this time. It’s really impossible to call Wanwan too. I’ll call a few more people. This Young Lady won’t be able to beat him, anyway, I don’t care. I have to vent this bad breath, or I will break down!”

“Yao’er, listen to me, that person is not as simple as the surface, you still don’t provoke him anymore.”

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