Supreme Lord

Chapter 1496

Until now, Mu Lingyao feels that her cultivation base is a well-known figure among her peers, and she is proud of her true nature of Ziyan True Fire. With Ziyan True Fire, even if she meets She is not afraid of even more powerful opponents.

But to this day, when she tried her best to not shake Gu Qingfeng, that frustration made her feel like she had been cultivating for so many years, everything about cultivation was Fake cultivation base, cultivation base is fake, Immortal Art is fake, tempering’s magic weapon is also fake, even the congenital purple inflammation True Fire that she is proud of is fake, all of them are fake!

Otherwise, how could it be possible that the immortal spirit dries up and the display of what he has learned in his life will not shake him?

If one’s own congenital purple inflammation True Fire is not fake, how could it be extinguished by this guy with a sip of wine!

If this guy is the kind of senior with the cultivation base profound, forget it.

But this guy is just a mortal who wants a cultivation base but no cultivation base!

Mu Lingyao really can’t figure it out.


She doesn’t believe that Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body is an immortal body.

But now, she would rather believe this is true.

If this guy’s fleshy body is really an immortal body, she may feel better in her heart. After all, it is a body of legendary great good fortune, and it should be impossible to shake it.


Fairy Huadie once again pulled the self-deception Mu Lingyao back into the cruel world of reality.

Although Mu Lingyao didn’t want to, she had to admit that what Fairy Huadie said was right. Between Heaven and Earth, no matter what fortune was, there is a special breath for creation, but this guy Apart from the basic human breath, there is no spiritual breath.

This shows that his fleshy body is not an immortal body at all, nor is it any good fortune body, but an ordinary flesh and blood body that can no longer be ordinary.

Oh heaven!

O the earth!

Mu Lingyao felt that her chest was blocked when she thought of a mortal who could not shake a flesh-and-blood body with all his energy, and was sprayed out by this mortal’s congenital purple inflammation True Fire with a sip of wine. I feel dizzy and feel dizzy. If Fairy Huadie hadn’t reacted quickly and helped her up, Mu Lingyao might be lying on the ground again.

Looking at Mu Lingyao, Fairy Huadie shook her head slightly. Although she is curious about Gu Qingfeng, she also knows that Mu Lingyao’s immortal spirit is exhausted and people are almost exhausted, so she must adjust her breath as soon as possible to replenish her vitality. Okay, didn’t dare to delay, after retiring, he took Mu Lingyao and left.

And after Gu Qingfeng ate and drank enough, he did not stay for too long, leaving with Qianling, Chidori and the others.

Wandering in immortal city for a while, Gu Qingfeng began to feel a little tired, so he asked Prince Ma to book a luxurious garden and prepare to sleep for a while.

This is another floating island.

The previous floating island was named Nikka Island, and the environment on the island is well-regulated, as is the garden.

And this floating island is called Gold Jade Island. The garden on the island is like a luxurious manor, showing splendorous and majestic.

After Gu Qingfeng came to the garden, he found a bed and fell asleep.

Ronaldinho Secret Realm and the others gathered together and whispered about the mysterious and weird Gu Qingfeng.

Qianling stood in the pavilion, looking into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

And Chidori was sitting in the pavilion next to him, looking at the fish swimming in the pool, seemingly in a daze.

After a long time, Chidori asked, “Sister Ling’er, why do you say that little drunkard can be so powerful?”

Qianling shook his head, if possible, She also wants to know the answer to this question.

“Who is the little drunkard in the end?”

Chidori asked to himself.

Qianling shook her head again, she wanted to know the answer to this question more than Qiandiao.

“I always thought that the little drunkard was just an ordinary person with a lost cultivation base. Even if there was a cultivation base in the past, it might not be too high, not even a fairy…”

Chidori was talking, and Qian Ling interrupted and said, “I may not know if he was a fairy before, but he must not be an ordinary person.”

“Ling’er sister, you said the little drunkard was really Is it a big Lord?” Chidori frowns said, “I also thought about this question, but… do you think the little drunkard looks like? He has been in our Ronaldinho Secret Realm for more than 20 years, and he is full all day long. I slept, slept and ate, and… You look at him, he talked and laughed when we were with us, he was not at all particular, he was not only casual, but also very tacky, and his speech and manners were not like the big Lord at all. Is there a great Lord like him?”

Qian Ling said: “Some senior experts are not all mature and solemn, and there are also some senior experts who live very freely and easily. I don’t care about the worldly gaze.”

“Senior expert?”

Qiaodiao shook her head, she still couldn’t tell Gu Qingfeng who was sitting or not standing or standing. The silly person is associated with senior expert.

“Ling’er sister, do you know? I always feel that the little drunkard’s brain is a bit abnormal… People are also stupid, he often says something unreliable, and what he says is a bit rebellious , I think he may not only have amnesia, but he also has some mental problems.”

Chidori took something from the storage ring and fed it to the fish in the pool and said: “Think about what the little drunkard said. It’s all outrageous. He said how good he was in the past. He spent nine days on the day of light and Nine Nether stole the moon of darkness. He also said that he was beaten invincible in the whole world. He’s shivering, and he also said that he swallowed Chaos Energy, blew up Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow, and blew Universe Great Desolate down…”

“These nonsense is just to deceive a three-year-old child. If the little drunkard has no problem with his spirit, how can he say these insignificant words.”

Chidori tilted his head and said, “Although the little drunk is very powerful, I think it should be with him. The weird fleshy body is related, and I think he may not even know why he is so good.”


Not only Chidori thinks so, but Chiling also sometimes thinks so.

She often wonders if Gu Qingfeng had any special experience before, which caused the loss of the cultivation base and the mental disorder.

This kind of situation is not uncommon. After many senior expert cultivations have setbacks and cultivation deviations, there are many people with mental disorders. Some are crazy, sometimes crazy, sometimes normal, and their consciousness is sometimes clear and sometimes clear. blurry.

Gu Qingfeng may seem normal, but the words that he said are really outrageous, but any normal person is impossible to say those rebellious things, and a normal person, no matter how strong he is, No matter how great the ability is, it’s impossible to be fearless. The people who scared the Golden Crow Li Family to death on the floating island before are all that’s all. This time they played with such big backgrounds as Fairy Huadie and Mu Lingyao in Babaozhuang. People.

She feels that Gu Qingfeng is fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, just like Heaven and Earth, everything doesn’t matter to him.

Throughout Heaven and Earth, I am afraid that only those lunatics who are insane will be unscrupulous regardless of the law and of natural morality. Don’t you know how to be afraid?

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