Supreme Lord

Chapter 1489

Ronaldinho Secret Realm has always been a hidden culture before. Most of Ronaldinho Secret Realm’s people have never seen the big world, and they rarely have contact with the great character of Bipolar Tianyu.

Fairy Huadie and Mu Lingyao may not be regarded as great characters in the Bipolar World, but they are definitely famous immortals.

After all, Mu Family is one of the Fengyue Small World Elder Council family, and Mu Lingyao is the daughter of Mu Family Eldest Miss, the name of Little Demoness is like thunder piercing the ear.

And not to mention Fairy Flower Butterfly, Old Ancestor鈥檚 Direct Disciple, is unparalleled in medical skills. It is not only well known in Bipolar Tianyu, but also highly respected.

Before drinking with Xuanyun and other expensive Young Masters, Ronaldinho鈥檚 Secret Realm people would be cautious. This time sitting with Fairy Huadie and Mu Lingyao, they were not only cautious, but also a little nervous. Even the cute little chidori is obediently and honestly like a quail.

To say that Fairy Huadie is worthy of being a well known immortal in the bipolar universe, perhaps seeing that Qianling and the others are somewhat restrained, he stood up and said softly, “You don鈥檛 need to see outside. It鈥檚 fate that we can get together today. Let me introduce, I…”

As soon as Fairy Huadie spoke, she was interrupted by Mu Lingyao, said with a smile: “Sister Huadie, You don鈥檛 want to introduce it. Does Shuangji Tianyu still know the famous Huadie Fairy? Even if you want to introduce it, it鈥檚 my introduction. My name is Mu and my name is Lingyao. You call me Lingyao. Yao’er is fine.”

Generally speaking, Gu Qingfeng should stand up at this time and introduce Qianling and the others to Fairy Huadie and Mu Lingyao. Today they can sit together because of Gu Because of Qingfeng, when Mu Lingyao looked over, she found this guy sitting on a chair, with Erlang’s legs tilted, and drinking a little wine leisurely.

“Hero little brother, why are you sitting there like an uncle, so you don鈥檛 want to introduce your friends to us?”

“I was negligent.”

Gu Qingfeng has always been solitary since he started cultivation. In addition, he is lazy by nature, and he is also quite disgusted with the system of communication. He has forgotten the rules thoroughly, listening to Mu Lingyao. With that said, she was about to introduce herself, and Qian Ling stood up.

“We are all from Ronaldinho Secret Realm. In Xia Qianling, this is my little sister Chidori. On behalf of Ronaldinho Secret Realm, I have seen Fairy Huadie and Fairy Lingyao.”

“Luo Secret Realm? So familiar, Qian Ling? Wait!”

Mu Lingyao seemed to realize something, staring at Qian Ling, and asked in surprise: “You are Ronaldinho鈥檚 Secret Realm’s Qian Ling, who previously defeated the Golden Crow Secret Realm with a fairy sword technique on the floating island with more than a hundred people?”

Qian Ling was a little embarrassed, nodded should be.

“If you are Qianling…then…” Mu Lingyao’s surprised gaze flicked over a dozen people in Ronaldinho Secret Realm one after another, and then landed on Gu Qingfeng. Looking up and down Gu Qingfeng again, he said: “Wearing a bright jade suit, walking in the wind and wearing cloud boots, with a string of 108 Purple Gold green-eyed Buddha beads hanging around his neck, playing with two mysterious balls, the right hand is shaking. A starry sky black jade fan, ten fingers on both hands, each with a star swirl storage finger, and a Purple Gold white jade pipe pot in his mouth.”

paused, Mu Lingyao His heart was already full of shock, and he said in amazement: “I heard that a nouveau riche won 1.8 billion by playing dice in a casino not long ago, and spent 500 million to buy a nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger. Then he bought a outfit worth 200 million, and on the floating island, first a breath of smoke blew away a martial arts of Vajra, the martial arts of the evil tiger, another casually sentence broke Li Zhengshi鈥檚 immortal spirit, and finally there was a sound. Wei He frightened the four Taibai Golden Immortal to death.”

“The nouveau riche…could it be…you?”

“Yo.” Gu Qingfeng drank a small drink and said with a smile: “Sister, have you heard the legendary story of the Lord?”

“God! It’s really you!”

Mu Lingyao never thought that the nouveau riche in the great divine prestige rumored to be the little brother she saved earlier.

“Sister Huadie, did you hear that just now? He is the guy we talked about on the road!”

Compared with Mu Lingyao鈥檚 shock, Fairy Huadie It looks not at all too many accidents on his face.

Because I was outside just now, when I first saw Gu Qingfeng, based on the outfit worth 200 million, she was already suspicious, and then I saw that Gu Qingfeng didn鈥檛 have any cultivation base. Fairy Huadie is basically certain that this guy is the mysterious upstart that everyone talks about.

Mu Lingyao was completely absorbed in the excitement of meeting the hero’s little brother just now. She didn’t think about other aspects at all. It was not until she heard Qian Ling introduce herself that she suddenly reacted.

At this moment, Mu Lingyao looked at Gu Qingfeng with a strange look as if he had discovered a new world, and said: “From the first time I saw you, I think you are very weird. Any cultivation base dared to jump off the floating island. It seems that this Young Lady鈥檚 speculation is really good, and you are even weirder than this Young Lady imagined. How did you do it?”

“How did you do it? Do you mean jumping off the floating island?”

“No! I mean how did you take a breath of smoke on the floating island? A scene of scattered ashes and dispersed smoke blown by Vajra鈥檚 evil spirits, and how did a casually utterly shock Li Zhengshi鈥檚 immortal spirit, and how did a shout of prestige scared Taibai Golden Immortal to death?”

Mu Lingyao asked a question she was puzzled by, but she wanted to know the answer.

And this question, not only she wants to know, but Fairy Huadie also wants to know, because when they are on the road, they have been discussing this matter, and they are also very curious about a person without a cultivation base. How did the four Taibai Golden Immortal scare them to death?

Originally, they thought that everyone said that the mysterious nouveau riche did not have a cultivation base. It may be that the nouveau riche was hidden deeply. Others did not see it, but they didn鈥檛 know until they saw Gu Qingfeng himself. It’s not that other people didn’t see it, but this guy really doesn’t have a cultivation base.

“Want to know?”

Nodded by Mu Lingyao fiercely.

“If you want to know, it鈥檚 not impossible, but let me ask you a question first.”

“Ask me what question?”

“Let us Let me say it first. The question I asked is about privacy, can’t you be angry?”

“This Young Lady promises not to be angry.”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, smiled and asked: “What kind of underwear are you wearing inside?”

At first, Qian Ling and Qiandiao were very curious why Gu Qingfeng would ask Mu Lingyao questions, but how could they ask such shameless questions without Gu Qingfeng? And the person who asked was Mu Lingyao, known as Little Demoness. Gu Qingfeng almost fainted when Gu Qingfeng said this, and Qian Ling was also pale.

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