Supreme Lord

Chapter 1488

“Just now I thought I was wrong.”

Mu Lingyao stood in front of Gu Qingfeng and said in surprise: “It turns out it’s really you.”

“Big sister, do we know each other?”

Gu Qingfeng looked at Mu Lingyao, the more he became familiar with each other, he was pretty sure that he must have seen this little lady somewhere, but where was he? Gu Qingfeng thought about it, but really wanted to do not raise.

“No way?” Mu Lingyao asked: “Don’t you remember this Young Lady?”

” Some are familiar, but I don’t remember where I saw it.”

“How much time has passed since then, you don’t even remember.” Mu Lingyao frowned slightly, and said very mindfully:” Is this Young Lady so inexistent in your eyes?”

“My memory is not very good.”

Gu Qingfeng’s memory is really bad.

Not bad.

But the selectivity is not good.

Some people or things from a long time ago, he will remember clearly, but some recent events, he will gradually forget, only a general impression.

I don’t know when this problem started. Gu Qingfeng thought that it should be caused by death and rebirth. In his impression, after awakening, after every death and rebirth, his memory would often be confused.

“It’s me! Did you forget? You fell off the floating island a few days ago, or this Young Lady caught you.”

Gu Qingfeng suddenly realized this, and immediately remembered, said with a smile: “I said that the more I look at it, the more familiar you become, so you are that big beauty!”

I found out that Gu Qingfeng finally thought about it. When she got up, Mu Lingyao was very happy, and said: “Did you finally miss me? A hero little brother?”


Gu Qingfeng did think of it, It was a few days ago. After coming to Fengyue Small World for a meal on the floating island, Chi Ling, Chidori and the others went out shopping. After a sleep, he was ready to go out and stroll. Kojima jumped down, and before his feet touched the ground, he was caught by a beautiful and alluring woman. At that time, he even teased a beauty to save a hero.

Beside, Qian Ling and Qiandiao looked at Gu Qingfeng, and then at Mu Lingyao.

The two people just heard Gu Qingfeng said that they seemed to know Mu Lingyao. They all thought that Gu Qingfeng was boasting again, but it didn’t expect it to be true, and the experience of the two people was so wonderful. It was Gu Qingfeng who fell from the floating island and was caught by Mu Lingyao.

“Sister Huadie, he is the hero little brother I told you about.”

Fairy Huadie indeed heard Mu Lingyao mention a hero little brother.

And Mu Lingyao also said that at the time she saw that the little brother of the hero didn’t have any cultivation base on her body. He was just a mortal. She thought it was a slip and fell from the floating island, but then she came to see the little brother of the hero. Serene’s appearance didn’t panic at all. Mu Lingyao thought it was weird, so she was very impressed with this hero little brother.

“Hero little brother, why did you forget me so quickly? I am very impressed with you.” Mu Lingyao feigned angrily: “Stupefied this Young Lady is not attracted to you Are you strong?”

“Sister, don’t blame me.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “I remember you were wearing a silky and bright red dress, and you also had loose hair. There is a charming and moving impression on me, in addition to sexy or sexy, but today you changed into such a neat black clothed, your hair is tied up, has several points of valiant and formidable looking. , Even my words became fierce. I don’t dare to recognize it.”

Mu Lingyao covered her mouth and smiled, and explained: “Last time it was this Young Lady. When I came back from a banquet, I didn’t have time to change my clothes. I went out for dinner this time. Of course I was dressed more decently, but you were ashamed to say me, look at you, I remember seeing you last time, you only wore a simple one He’s white clothed, why is this outfit now? I thought I had admitted wrong.”

“How?” Gu Qingfeng stretched out his arms and showed Mu Lingyao his luxurious outfit. , Asked: “Isn’t it stylish?”

“A dignified fart, the whole is the dress of a nouveau riche, very earthy and vulgar, not even tasteful, I advise you to throw it away, it looks pretty Spicy eyes.”

“Still? You said it is light, but the uncle spent 200 million to buy it, and it’s not warm.”

“How do you say it? Well, dare to call yourself an uncle in front of this Young Lady? Are you tired of living? Wait, what did you just say? It cost 200 million? Good guy! Are you really willing, you got rich?”

“Isn’t it, I made a small fortune.”

“That’s just right.”

“What’s right?”

“Invite us to eat , This Young Lady saved you last time, shouldn’t I repay it?”

“What do I do at worst, is it just to have dinner? A little bit, let’s go and have two drinks together .”

“Sister Huadie, let’s have a meal, shall we?”

Fairy Huadie stared at Gu Qingfeng as if looking thoughtful, and then nodded.

Looking at Gu Qingfeng leaving with Fairy Huadie, Mu Lingyao and the others, the guests of Babaozhuang were all envious and jealous. None of them expected this upstart and Mu Lingyao. I knew each other, and it seemed that Mu Lingyao had saved this upstart, and now Mu Lingyao and Fairy Huadie have to go to dinner with the upstart, how can we not envy and hate them.

Be aware that both Mu Lingyao and Fairy Huadie are famous immortals of Bipolar Tianyu, especially Fairy Huadie is a well-known medical fairy.

It is not only a great honor to join them in the Eight Treasure Banquet, but also a very face-conscious thing.

Unfortunately, this great honor, the face was robbed by that damn upstart.

In the field.

white jade Fei, Liu Feng and Xuanyun’s complexion is very bad, to be exact, it is ugly, green and white, like fly into a rage out of humiliation!


fly into a rage out of humiliation.

Because the three of them just came forward to invite and hope to have a drink with Fairy Huadie, not only were they rejected, they were also given fiercely by Mu Lingyao in front of so many people. Let the three of them lose face.

What made the three of them feel even more embarrassed is that Mu Lingyao and Fairy Huadie rejected the three of them, but went to dinner with the nouveau riche. How can the three of them not fly into a rage out of humiliation!

Especially Xuanyun.

Before Fairy Huadie came, he deliberately showed off his wide network in front of Gu Qingfeng. Not only did he know Fairy Huadie, but he also planned to have an eight treasure banquet with Fairy Huadie. For this reason, He also said that he would recommend to Qian Ling.


Fairy Huadie refused and was reprimanded by Mu Lingyao. Fairy Huadie followed the nouveau riche and didn’t need her to recommend her.

When he was on the floating island earlier, Xuan Yun held his stomach, but now this anger is completely burned, burning his murderous intention, gnashing teeth, every word: ” What an act recklessly upstart! I will definitely let you kneel in front of my Xuanyun!”

“It’s too cheap for him to kneel down. I dare to take the face of my white jade flying, I will Let him die!”

“It’s nothing more than a nouveau riche who not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth!” Liu Feng also pretended to say: “The nouveau riche is just a nouveau riche after all. No big tabletop, I will let him know the sky is how high, the earth is how deep, and let him know who is responsible for the Bipolar Tianyu.”

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