Supreme Lord

Chapter 1471

Xuanyun didn’t expect it either.

He stared at the overlapping mountains, unable to calm down anymore, the shock in his heart exhibited one’s feelings in one’s speech.

I can’t figure it out and don’t understand, how could Qian Ling, who was born in Small Secret Realm, have such a good fortune, and looking at this formidable power, tempering is not as simple as ten or eight years.

To say shocked.

I’m afraid these people from Ronaldinho Secret Realm, especially Chidori.

She has always known that Qianling has great good fortune, and there are more than one, but in her memory she has never seen Qianling tempering, only when she was very young, she had seen Qianling took out once , And at that time, the small mountains of Qianling took out, more like a kind of gorgeous brilliance, not even the shape of the mountains, let alone formidable power at all.

If it weren’t for Qian Ling’s take out Xiao Qianshan’s good fortune today, Qiandiao would have forgotten that Ling’er sister had such a good fortune, but she never thought that Qian Ling’s Xiao Qian had been The mountain good fortune is so powerful that even more than one hundred Golden Crow Li Family took out Divine Ability sword arts were shattered and disappeared.

This is too scary!

Are you finished?

It’s not over.

Bang peng~ peng~!

One after another, many mountains of virtual, virtual and real are condensed and superimposed. Not only is the Golden Crow Li Family shocked by more than 100 people. Shaking to the west, they also shook their vitality and blood, their hearts were frustrated, Divine Consciousness could not condense, immortal spirit could not run, and immortal strength could not condense.

“Profound Sky, Ten Thousand Swords Flying!”

When Qian Ling jumped up, he spun like a tornado, and for a while, the Flying Sword appeared all over the sky. More than one hundred members of the Golden Crow Li Family were immediately frightened by the soul flew away and scattered, ignoring the fear in their hearts, and immediately resisted, but because of the frustration of their hearts, the Divine Consciousness could not condense and the immortal strength could not be condensed. Can’t stop the flying Sword all over the sky.

This scene is as shocking as it is.

How crazy it is to be!

When the mountains are no longer superimposed, when the flying Sword in the sky stops dancing.

More than one hundred people in the Golden Crow Li Family are all lying on the ground, some of the fairy armor is broken, some of the immortal spirit is damaged, and some are covered with wounds cut by Flying Sword. Even the three 6 Heavenly Layer experts who have been cultivation for thousands of years are also battered and exhausted, lying on the ground, and Dingda, known as the Golden Immortal of Taibai, is even more unkempt, with his face as gray as he is half kneeling on the ground. , Sword wounds all over the body.



Everyone in the field, there is each one, without exception, they are all staring, opening their mouths, looking at the heavens coming, looking at Qianling in the sky, just like seeing Goddess It’s the same as coming, in addition to shock and horror, more unbelievable, more unbelievable.

“Oh my God! What Magical Powers is this, what kind of swordsmanship is this, this is too… too powerful, right?”

Looking at the Golden Crow Li Family in a panic More than a hundred people, wounded, disabled, disabled, and useless, Chidori was so excited that even speaking was a little uncomfortable.

Gu Qingfeng spit out a wisp of smoke, said with a smile: “This is called Myriad Swords Art, how about it? Isn’t it a good idea?”

, It’s too improvised, no! This is not improvised at all, but too powerful! When did Ling Er cultivation this Magical Powers sword art? Why do I not know at all? And… Myriad Swords Art, Myriad Swords Art, It’s so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere.”

Gu Qingfeng looked at the dumbfounded Chidori, jokingly said: “Does it still feel cruel to reality?”

“I… …”

At this moment, Chidori’s mind was blank, and her thinking was completely confused. She just shook her head subconsciously and said: “No…not cruel at all.”

“Is it exciting enough?”

“Too…too exciting.”


Too exciting.

From the beginning, Xuanyun was angry, no longer paid attention to, Qiandiao was desperate and lost.

When Qianling stood up and took the initiative to fight, Qiandiao was frightened.

Now seeing Qian Ling beat Golden Crow Li Family to the ground, Qiandiao was shocked and couldn’t believe it was true.

This feeling of falling from heaven to hell and rushing from hell to heaven, repeated several times, I have to say, it is really exciting.

“Surprise enough?”

“Surprise? It’s more surprise than a big surprise.”

First, Taibai Nine Layers Heaven’s cultivation base, Then, the imposing manner of the majestic Thousand Mountains of Good Fortune, and the Myriad Swords Art that defeated a hundred people.

This huge surprise after another is already shocking Chidori unable to speak.

Gu Qingfeng laughed heartily, drank the wine in one cup, said with a smile: “So, there are surprises everywhere in life.”

“There are everywhere in life. Surprise?”

Chidori murmured this sentence, suddenly remembering that when he had yelled the little drunkard out of bed earlier, this guy had said that there were surprises everywhere in his life, and he said he wanted to let himself After experiencing it, Chidori thought that this guy was talking nonsense at the time, and she didn’t realize until now that Gu Qingfeng was not talking nonsense at all, but… all this seemed to have been known a long time ago.

Not far away.

Liu Li is also full of shock, just like the people watching the excitement on the floating island. It took a long time before she came back to his senses and muttered: “It’s incredible… I always thought Sister Ling’er is just the cultivation base of 5 Heavenly Layer. She was so powerful. First she was the 9th layer Jin Gang of Taibai, and the natural fortune of Xiao Qianshan, and now she still has this formidable power infinite Divine Ability sword technique, my God! Sister Ling’er is really amazing.”


Xuan Yun’s expression on a handsome face is also extremely complicated. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if calming down his complicated heart.

This is complicated.

There is shock, there is horror, there is envy, there is also jealousy, and there is so little unhappy!

Like Liuli, he always thought that Qianling was just the Golden Immortal of 5 Heavenly Layer.

In any case, I never thought that it would be the Golden Immortal who repaired Taibai Jingang.

If it’s just too platinum, it won’t make Xuanyun do this.

On the contrary, Qianling also has the good fortune of may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

This really shocked Xuanyun.

Of course.

Whether it is too platinum or an acquired good fortune, Xuan Yun is shocked and shocked, and he is not envious and jealous.

What really made him envy and jealous was the Magical Powers sword art that Qian Ling used last.

Although he didn’t know what the Divine Ability sword technique used by Qianling was, he could see that it was a true Divine Ability sword technique.

In Dahuang, not all sword arts can be called Magical Powers. Most sword arts are nothing more than immortal dao Sword Art. There are very few that can truly be called Magical Powers sword arts.


He no longer participates in the reconciliation, because he wants Qian Ling to realize his importance, and turn to himself.

It was discovered that Qianling’s cultivation base was Naitabai Golden Immortal, and he also repaired Taibai Jingang. He thought that such a cultivation base alone would not be enough to compete with the Golden Crow Secret Realm. Challenge.

He thought, when Qian Ling is in trouble, he will come forward again, so that he can not only realize the importance of him, but also let Qianling know how much face he has, and let her know if She is nothing.

This is not important.

The most important thing is that Xuanyun also wants to take this opportunity to show his tolerance in front of everyone. After all, there are many people watching the excitement on the floating island. When it spreads out, the reputation will bring it. up a level.

And now.

All his plans fell through.

Because it was not his turn to come forward, Qian Ling defeated more than one hundred Golden Crow Li Family with strength of oneself.

This not only frustrated Xuanyun’s plan, but also made him feel very shameless, naturally very unhappy in his heart.

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