Supreme Lord

Chapter 1470

No one would have thought that Qian Ling, who was born in Small Secret Realm, was actually a Taibai Golden Immortal from Nine Layers Heaven.

Moreover, he also repaired Taibai Jin Gang, which is already Taibai Xiao Perfection.

It is very difficult to cultivate into Nine Layers Heaven, and it is even more difficult to cultivate perfection.

At least, people like Ding Da who are backed by the Golden Crow Li Family have been aspiring to the Taibai Nine Layers Heaven thousands of years ago, but they still have not been able to repair the Taibai Jin Gang.

What’s even more incredible is that many people remember that when Qian Ling was molested by Li Fengyan and other expensive Young Masters more than ten years ago, he was only the cultivation base of 4 Heavenly Layer. In more than ten years, she not only set foot on the realm of Nine Layers Heaven, but also repaired the perfection like Taibaijingang.

How did she do it?

Good aptitude? High perception?

Is there any fortuuitous encounter?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

Don’t say they don’t know.

There are more than ten members of Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm, even Chidori, who is close to Qian Ling’s sisters, doesn’t even know.

“Sister Ling’er’s cultivation base…how…how could it be Taibai Nine Layers Heaven, and…and…there was a Taibai Jin Gang, Heavens!”

Gu Qingfeng sits lazily on that large and comfortable chair, smoking a cigarette, drinking a little wine burned by a hob, and knocking a big Luo like a jelly bean wash the marrow and exchange the tendons Dan, Eating the poisonous bitter Bodhi like grapes is more like watching the excitement, watching the wonderful performance of Qianling just now.

“You think you are all like you, and you know how to play every day. When have you seen your sister Qian Ling play?”

“I haven’t seen sister Ling’er I have played, but…but…when did Ling’er cultivate into Taibai Golden Immortal! How do I…how I don’t know at all.”

“Your sister Ling’er cultivates Taibai Golden Immortal already. It’s a young age, but you don’t know that’s all.”

“What does it mean that I don’t know? It’s hard for you to know? Wait! It’s not right!” Qiandiao stared at Gu Qingfeng in disbelief and asked. “Just now you instigated my sister Ling’er to fight with the Golden Crow Li Family, and it was stumped… You already knew that sister Ling’er was Taibai Golden Immortal?”

“Nonsense! It’s not the father! blind.”

“How did you… know?”


Qiaodiao couldn’t guess it.

The Prince Ma next to him looked at Qian Ling in the sky, and then at Gu Qingfeng. He finally knew why this great Lord didn’t panic at all when he faced the Golden Crow Li Family. Dare to love because I knew Qian Ling was a Taibai Golden Immortal who had cultivated Taibai Jin Gang.

Not far away.

Liu Li also opened her small mouth, looking at Qian Ling in shock, and said: “God, when we met Ling’er a few years ago, she was no more than the cultivation base of 5 Heavenly Layer. In the past, Sister Ling’er turned out to be a Taibai Golden Immortal who built the 9th layer of Jin Gang, which is really incredible.”


Xuanyun also felt incredible.

Since meeting with Qian Ling for the first time, he has seen that Qian Ling’s aptitude is good, especially the perception, which is very good, but even so, he does not think that Qian Ling can be The Golden Immortal of Taibai in Nian Jiu Dadao, because he thinks Qian Ling has a fatal flaw, that is, he was born in Small Secret Realm, lack of resources, and his future achievements are destined to be limited.

What is the fortuitous encounter?

Xuanyun doesn’t know.

“Senior Brother, Sister Ling’er is really amazing. If you don’t come to help, Sister Ling’er can solve it by herself.”

“Hehe, solve it by yourself? So naive. “

Xuan Yun shook his head, laughed disdainfully, and said: “Do you think Golden Crow Secret Realm’s more than one hundred people eat dry food? If they join forces to encircle and suppress, don’t say Qian Ling If you cultivate a Taibaijin Gang, even if you cultivate a Taibaijin Heart, you will definitely die.”

“Ah? What’s going on?”

“Don’t worry, I said, as long as With me here, I will never let the Golden Crow Li Family hurt her a single vellus hair.”

Go to Huoyun.

Prince Ma also seems to be aware of this problem, and said worriedly: “Lord, Qian Fairy Ling is Naitabai Golden Immortal. Although the strength is great, there are more than 100 members in the Golden Crow Li Family. , And Golden Crow Li Family is famous to have no shame. What he is best at is to bully less with more. If more than a hundred people join forces to encircle and suppress, Qian Fairy Ling is afraid…”

Beside, Chidori, who had been invaded by a huge surprise, suddenly heard Prince Ma say this, and immediately realized that it was too early to be happy, and the surprise in his heart instantly became panicked, worriedly said: “Yes, There are more than one hundred people in the Golden Crow Li Family. If you join forces to encircle and suppress, Ling’er sister can’t stop it at all.”

At this time, Gu Qingfeng said slowly: “I’m afraid of a hairy man. With the strength of Qian Ling, it’s definitely more than enough to clean up the Golden Crow Li Family.”

“Little drunkard, you are Divine Immortal for my Linger sister! Golden Crow Li Family is one. There are more than a hundred people! Don’t say that my sister Ling’er is only the Taibai Golden Immortal of Nine Layers Heaven, and the golden Immortal, who is more than ten days old, is afraid…”

The words of Chidori are not finished yet. The thing that worries her finally happened, and Na Dingda shouted: “What a great Nine Layers Heaven! What a pity! What a pity! It is a pity that you are the only one, and you are destined to not be able to break the big waves.”


He waved a big hand and shouted: “Everyone listens to the order, everyone gives me a hands-on, let this wild girl die without a burial site!”

As Prince Ma said In that way, Golden Crow Secret Realm is very good at bullying the less with more and relying on the number of people. In these years, many Golden Immortal experts have fallen into their hands.

After all, no matter how high the cultivation base is, the immortal strength is always limited.

It can block one Magical Powers sword art, two, three, or even ten more, but its own immortal strength is not endless. Once the immortal spirit is exhausted, it will definitely die end!


The more than 100 members of the Golden Crow Li Family are not the first time to join forces to encircle and suppress, but have done many such activities. They are already familiar with the road. They have taken out Flying Sword and displayed Magical Powers. .

whiz whiz whiz!

Man Tian Divine Ability, the sky sword tactic, which is also mixed with various fairy symbols and magic weapons, swept away like a rainstorm pear blossom.

Qian Ling’s body 9th layer Jin Gang instantly burned, and I saw her waving her arms, pinching her hands, and Immortal Art came out.

“Good fortune, thousands of mountains stacked!”


The golden brilliance of the whole body instantly turned into a majestic mountain in an imposing manner!

When the Divine Ability swordsmanship hit the sky, it was blocked by this mountain.


Follow it.

Another mountain emerged, superimposed on the first one.

The third seat!

The fourth seat!

The fifth seat!

Bang peng~ peng~!

Mountains one after another, superimposed on top of each other, the trembling sky Divine Ability collapsed one after another, and more than 100 people in the Golden Crow Li Family also tremble The sky is spinning around a bit unstable.

What is this?

There is such a big power?

Is it bad luck?


This is good luck.

But it is not the forgery accumulated with resources like Li Tianhua, but the real good fortune, Xiao Qianshan!

Good luck.

It’s something you can meet but not ask for.

If not, those Great Clans will not use resources to accumulate forgery.

No one thought that Qian Ling, who was born in Small Secret Realm, was not only a Golden Immortal of Jin Gang’s Taebaek Golden Immortal from the 9th layer of cultivation, and no one thought that she might come by with luck, but not by searching for it Great good fortune that even the young Master envy of the fairy family!

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