Supreme Lord

Chapter 1460

Nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger Da Nian docked on the floating island.

Gu Qingfeng is sleeping in Da Nuan’s bedroom, and the little Chidori is tempering the Blue Moon Sword in Da Nu’s quiet room.

Prince Ma sits cross-legged in the hall of the big ram to consolidate his cultivation base.

Although Gu Qingfeng previously gave him a Heavenly Grade fairy sword and fairy armor, Prince Ma not at all, like Chidori, performed tempering as soon as possible.

He has cultivation for more than a thousand years, and he has been in the Great Wilderness for many years. He clearly knows that although the magic weapon of immortal war can increase his own strength, in the final analysis, he needs to be hard. Without the support of a strong cultivation base, it is also unable to play the true formidable power of the magic weapon of the fairy warrior. In the end, it is just an empty shelf of virtual charts.

even more how tempering is not a magic weapon that can be tempered overnight, but a tempering that takes countless years, accumulated over a long period of time, just like a cultivation immortal spirit.


Prince Ma is not in a hurry.


Golden Crow Li Family may come to the door at any time, and he is not in the mood to temper the magic weapon of the fairy warrior, so he can only consolidate his cultivation base first.

when the time comes If Golden Crow Li Family really comes to the door, check the situation first. If it doesn’t work, then fight with the gang of turtles.

Prince Ma really has this plan.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to run. If he could run, he would have already run away, and he would not stay here for fear.

Looking at Da Nun’s bedroom, Prince Ma admired Gu Qingfeng’s prostrate oneself in admiration.

Golden Crow Li Family will come to the door at any time, can this motherfucker fall asleep?

He really couldn’t understand, why is this great Lord’s heart so big?

With that little fairy symbol in your hand?

Or do you rely on Ronaldinho Secret Realm?

It’s unreliable!

Not the opponent of Golden Crow Li Family at all.


Prince Ma shook his head, stopped thinking about it, wondering, it is better to rely on yourself than on others.

But then again.

It’s useless to rely on yourself.

With my own ability, I can make do with the Golden Crow Secret Realm people, but I can only fight against the Golden Crow Li Family expensive Young Masters.

Although Prince Ma is also a Great Principle Golden Immortal.

It sounds very good.

But it just sounds.

Don’t talk about the Great Wilderness, nor the bipolar universe, but in this Fengyue Small World, the Great Principle Golden Immortal is also plentiful and easily available, which is not a rare thing.

For thousands of years, as long as you are not a fool, and you don’t need to smash a fairy stone, you can make a Great Principle Golden Immortal even if you boil slowly.

This is not an exaggeration at all. Prince Ma is a good example. He is not from Great Clans, and he does not have a fairy stone to smash. All the cultivation resources rely on himself to work hard outside to accumulated over a Obtained for a long period of time, slowly cultivated into a Great Principle Golden Immortal.

Great Principle Golden Immortal is a ridge, but also a mountain.

The immortals of the Great Wilderness, the eight-nine of ten are all trapped on this Daluo Mountain. Some have been trapped for a hundred years, some have been trapped for a thousand years, and some have been trapped for thousands of years, even tens of thousands Of years, 100,000 years are available. It’s harder than heavenly ascension to cross this hurdle and cross this Daluo Mountain.

Youdao is the 81st heaven on Daluo Mountain.

1 Heavenly Layer comes from ten realms, one realm comes from Hundred Layers Realm, First Layer Realm comes from Qianzhongtong, one connection comes from Wanzhongxuan, and one heavy Xuanyuan comes with billions of wonders.

It means, Great Principle Golden Immortal 81. Every Heavenly Layer contains ten realms, Hundred Layers Realm, Qianzhongtong, Wanzhongxuan, and Hundred Layers Realm.

You can imagine how difficult it is to break through 1 Heavenly Layer.

Xian Dao Road.

True Immortal, Shangxian, and even Golden Immortal, maybe they can be made out, or they can be made out with various resources.

But when it comes to the Great Principle Golden Immortal this realm, it can’t be achieved by simmering, nor can it be smashed by various resources.

Great Principle Golden Immortal, first look at personal aptitude and perception, and second look at personal luck and opportunity.

No aptitude, 100,000 years can’t survive, perception can’t, no amount of resources can be spent.

Prince Ma has been cultivated for more than a thousand years. Today, he has only climbed to the 6th-layer of 3 Heavenly Layer on this Daluo Mountain. This is his good luck back then, and he got a good luck. Only with the fortuitous encounter can we have today’s cultivation base.

Be aware of those Great Principle Golden Immortal who debuted at the same time as him, most of them still stay in 1 Heavenly Layer, at most they are only two heavens.

Back then, the reason why Prince Ma was able to get rich in Golden Crow Secret Realm was based on a proud cultivation base that was superior to other experts.


The level of a person’s cultivation base is just a criterion. In addition to the cultivation base, it also depends on a person’s good fortune, Magical Powers, and magic weapons.

Good luck, this thing may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

The average person does not.

Prince Ma has been cultivated for more than a thousand years, without even knowing what good fortune is.


More often, I look at the magic of personal Divine Ability, and the magic weapon of immortality.

Magical Powers tricks have higher requirements for talent perception, and it’s not easy to cultivation. Over the years Prince Ma has cultivated several Magical Powers tricks, but most of them are tricks. Can’t get on the big table, only the Bahuang Sword Art cultivation is not bad. In recent years, Prince Ma also relied on the Bahuang Sword Art to eat out.

This is not important.

The important thing is that since Prince Ma became gambling, he has lost almost all the magic weapons he can lose. The only remaining Flying Sword is a defective product, and it will fail from time to time. .

In his current situation, don’t say the same realm, even if he encounters the Great Principle Golden Immortal which is lower than his realm, if the opponent’s tempering magic weapon is better, he is not an opponent.

A good quality fairy weapon can definitely increase your strength. If it is a low grade, formidable power, it should not be underestimated.

Like Prince Ma, if he succeeds in tempering the congenital low grade sword that Gu Qingfeng bought for him, he will use his 3 Heavenly Layer 6th-layer cultivation base to compete against the previous 3 Heavenly Layer 9th layer. The Great Principle Golden Immortal will not fall into the wind, but it will be choking to face the small Perfection of 3 Heavenly Layer and even the Great Principle Golden Immortal of Great Perfection.

As for the Great Principle Golden Immortal of 4 Heavenly Layer, not to mention.

Every Heavenly Layer on Daluo Mountain does not sound much different, and it just sounds. In fact, the difference between the two is as large as that of Shangxian and Golden Immortal, or even Golden Immortal. The gap between Great Principle Golden Immortal is even bigger.

Because Da Luo weighs 81, every breakthrough 1 Heavenly Layer, immortal spirit and even fleshy body will change accordingly. This change is not a quantitative change, but a qualitative change. Da Luo First Heavenly Layer is For Xiaozhengtian, Second Heavenly Layer is for Liyantian, Third Heavenly Layer is for pure Gangtian, the method of quenching pure Gang, and Daluo Fourth Heavenly Layer is for the magical heaven, the method of quenching illusion.

One Great Principle Golden Immortal of 2 Heavenly Layer, single out two or three Great Principle Golden Immortal of 1 Heavenly Layer Great Perfection, without losing the wind.

One Great Principle Golden Immortal of 3 Heavenly Layer, single out two or three Great Principle Golden Immortal of 1 Heavenly Layer Great Perfection, can be crushed.

One Great Principle Golden Immortal of 4 Heavenly Layer, single out two or three Great Principle Golden Immortal of 1 Heavenly Layer Great Perfection, you can kill!

Usually, the higher the realm, the stronger the immortal spirit and the stronger the magic power.

The gap is difficult to make up for the Heavenly Grade fairy soldiers alone.

Of course.

nothing is impossible.

A Great Principle Golden Immortal of 1 Heavenly Layer, if you hold a Heavenly Grade fairy soldier first, you may not be able to defeat a Great Principle Golden Immortal of 2 Heavenly Layer.

In the Great Wilderness, anything is possible. 1 Heavenly Layer Great Principle Golden Immortal, with its own great good fortune, can suppress 2 Heavenly Layer Great Principle Golden Immortal without moving. This kind of thing is not No, 1 Heavenly Layer Great Principle Golden Immortal holding a congenital fairy soldier and killing 3 Heavenly Layer Great Principle Golden Immortal with one sword is not uncommon.

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