Supreme Lord

Chapter 1459

Gu Qingfeng stood up, walked out of the pavilion, came to the edge of the floating island, poured the remaining wine in the glass on the bottom, and said: “If you didn’t rescue me back then, maybe I still have some quicksand Small World is lying down. After waking up, I have been eating and drinking for nothing in Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm for several decades. The big guys have treated me well…”

Gu Qingfeng hasn’t finished speaking, Qian Ling just Said: “We didn’t save you for money.”

“Nonsense! When you saved the Lord, I didn’t even have a piece of clothing on my body. Even if you want money, I didn’t have it. “

“Why are you like this…”

“No way, you are such a person, you take this little money and help me buy some bauble for the big guy , It’s also a bit of my heart.”

“We won’t want your things.”

“Whether you want it or not is your business, it’s my business whether I buy it or not. , Even more how, you are just you, and you don’t represent everyone.”

Qian Ling found that she could not communicate with Gu Qingfeng at all. It was too horrible to talk, something angrily said: “If you want to buy it, you can buy it yourself. “

“If I know what to buy, I don’t need you to help me, don’t you know what to buy? You know what everyone at Ronaldinho Secret Realm needs, you know better than anyone. Others can’t do this, so you can do it. It’s as if I’m giving you advice on how to understand Myriad Swords Art and do me a favor. How about?”

Qian Ling’s mouth opened and closed slightly, the words reached her lips, and she stopped talking, looking at the 500 million jade token in her hand, she seemed to realize something, and asked: “You… don’t plan to go back to Ronaldinho with us. Is Secret Realm yet?”

“You didn’t find me today, but I plan to find you in a few days. I will not go back with you if I come out this time.”


Qian Ling asked anxiously: “If you don’t go back with us, where can you go?”

“I don’t know, just look at it.”

“But…but…what about Chidori? For so many years, she has already regarded you as a relative and has become dependent on you. If you leave, Chidori will go crazy.”

“That’s why I’m looking for you.”

“I can’t do it. You know Chidori’s temperament. If you leave without saying goodbye, she will definitely look for you desperately. I I’m sure she will.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be able to run for a while. I guess I will play in Fengyue Small World for a while. Even if I really leave, I will place Chidori. appropriate of. “


After Qian Ling said it, she didn’t know what to say for the rest.

“Okay, God It’s getting late, a bit lacking. Gu Qingfeng stretched his waist, yawned, and said: “I have to go back to sleep, and you should rest and rest. When you wake up, let’s play together and have fun. “

Looking at the back of Gu Qingfeng’s departure, Qian Ling plucked up the courage and asked: “I don’t ask if you were who before, but can I know your name?” “

“I have many names, so I won’t say anything, but there is only one last name, my last name is ancient, ancient ancient. “

“His surname is ancient, the ancient Gu…”

Qian Ling looked at Gu Qingfeng as he went farther and farther, whispering somewhat absent-minded.


Gu Qingfeng went back to the bedroom to rest directly after returning to Huoyun Dayuan.

I don’t know why, he always feels that his fleshy body is a bit strange recently. It feels like the Fleshy body that has been sleeping for thousands of years is about to wake up.

It is such a feeling.

He carefully sensed the changes in the Fleshy body.

It is found that within the body is still full of countless impurities, covering the acupoints, meridian, bones and bones, and even the internal organs.

These impurities are extremely turbid, Gu Qingfeng guessed it might be. The remaining impurities after igniting the original sin karma fire.


What made him wonder is that the previous bloodline was also blocked by this turbid impurity. The blood has already dried up. There are only some dried bloodstains in the bloodline, but these dried-up bloodstains have been moisturized recently, which is a bit of a sign of recovery.

Like a long drought and rainy days, it’s dried up. Some turbid blood oozes out of the bloodline.

What’s the situation?

It’s difficult to say that I drank some hob burn, suffered bitter bodhi, and smashed a bit. wash the marrow and exchange the tendons Dan, really did it work?


Not really.

Gu Qingfeng guessed, he should wake up After that, I have cultivated in Ronaldinho Secret Realm for decades.

The Spiritual Qi of Ronaldinho Secret Realm is still pure and rich. Even if I have never absorbed it before, it’s a breath During the inhalation, I also inhaled a lot of Spiritual Qi.

Could it be that a little Spiritual Qi was moisturized, causing the dried bloodline to start to recover like a long drought and rain?

This shouldn’t be.

The Spiritual Qi of breathing alone is completely negligible.

It is impossible to moisturize the dry bloodline, right?


Gu Qingfeng remembered that when he was in the casino, he had drunk more than 400 pots of Bitao wine. That thing can be regarded as a big supplement, if not, a pot It is also impossible to sell more than 30,000 immortal stones.

It is estimated that it may have been moisturized by those more than 400 jugs of Bitao, and the dried bloodline has gradually recovered.

Gu Qingfeng wanted to absorb Spiritual Qi, and try to see if this is the case.

Just think about it, then give up.

This time he woke up, he just wanted to eat and drink, and he was too lazy to cultivation and toss again.

And there is a more important reason. Gu Qingfeng is not sure that once the fleshy body wakes up, will other things wake up too?

For example, the incarnation of Shangqiongbi and Yellow Springs?

Such as the soul of Asura?

What worries him most is whether the original sin will be restored.

Gu Qingfeng is not sure whether this thing has disappeared.

If the original sin stuff really dissipates, if the original sin is also recovered after the recovery of your own fleshy body, then motherfucker will be in vain, after all, Gu Qingfeng within the body is now full of countless All turbid impurities, and these turbid impurities are most likely produced after igniting the original sin karma fire. The ghost knows whether these turbid impurities will become original sin after the fleshy body is revived.

even more how.

Even if Shangqiongbi fell to the incarnation of Yellow Springs, the soul of Asura, and the original sin did not follow the fleshy body to recover and recover.

That can’t hold back other messy good fortune coming to the door.

Can good luck find the door on its own?


This may be an incredible thing for others.

But for Gu Qingfeng, it is not once or twice that he meets some unfathomable mystery.

Ancient calamity, after the throne’s seal was seized, Gu Qingfeng can be said to have nothing, but he just built a foundation randomly, and then… the mother of nature forced him into an endless good fortune, And the heart of the avenue that fell from the unfathomable mystery from the sky, that motherfucker is definitely a good fortune to find the door.

Isn’t the ancient taboo that took the sun and the moon as the eye and the void as the body also came to him?

Gu Qingfeng finally set foot on a Road of No Return, which may be related to his own character, but it is undeniable that there is a mess of causal fate behind it.

So, Gu Qingfeng learned to be clever this time. If he can don’t cultivate, he doesn’t cultivate. As long as he doesn’t cultivate and doesn’t contaminate the road, the messy good fortune will not be available.

What other loves are.

Without much thought, Gu Qingfeng fell asleep.

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