Supreme Lord

Chapter 1447

The 1.8 billion gambling incident was spread in Fengyue Small World.

Many people on the road are discussing, Xuanyun, Qianling and the others have also heard that they are okay, not at all, how exciting they are, but Chidori is different. She was very envious when people mentioned it.

“1.8 billion! Heavens! How many celestial stones is this! Even if you squander it hard, you can’t end it. I almost envy me. Why didn’t I win 1.8 billion, great aunt one I only earn two or three thousand celestial stones every year! When will I earn 1.8 billion, I am afraid it will take several lifetimes!”

Qiaodiao envy and hate, and hate myself for not having such good luck.

“1.8 billion, this huge sum is really a lot… it sounds scary.”

Liu Li also murmured, even though she is the discipline of Lotus Secret Realm, she has no worries about food and clothing. , And there is no shortage of cultivation resources, but facing 1.8 billion immortal stones, he couldn’t help but said: “That guy’s luck is really good, it can’t be better… the last life must have saved the fate of the common people, otherwise how could there be any in this life? Such good luck.”

Xuan Yun also nodded said: “Playing dice can win 1.8 billion. This has never happened before in the casino of Fengyue Small World. I have to say, his Luck is really very good.”

“I heard that when that guy was dissipating his wealth, he gave away tens of millions of chips in one breath, and all of them were 10,000 chips. The shot was really too generous. I heard that many people have picked up a lot of chips, hundreds of thousands, and others have picked more than one million.”

Thinking about this, Chidori was even more angry, and said “I am mad! I am really mad! Why am I not in the casino! Damn! God! Even if you don’t let me win 1.8 billion, let me pick up some chips. I’m not greedy. A few million is enough!”

“Yes! I also blame our bad luck. If we were in the casino at that time, we could pick up a lot of chips, oh!”

Not only Chidori feels regret, but Liuli also feels regret. She hasn’t picked up more than ten thousand celestial stones when she grew up.

Xuan Yun said: “Compared with the tens of millions he had lost money, I am more curious about how that person drank more than 400 pots of Bitao wine without getting drunk.”

“I heard that there are more than four hundred pots of Bitao wine worth 10-20 million. That guy is too good to drink.”

Xuan Yun shook his head and said: “This is not whether you can drink The problem is…” Paused, Xuan Yun didn’t know how to describe it, and said: “The Bida wine in casinos is not low in strength. Most people get drunk after a few pots, even if they can The person who drank it was only a dozen pots, and that person drank more than 400 pots in one breath, which is incredible.”

Qianling, who has been silent, frowned and said, “I also think Very strange.”

Chidori asked: “I heard that the guy has lost his cultivation base. Now he is just a mortal with flesh and blood, and Bi Tao Liquor, who is drunk by immortal spirit, is it because of him? It’s a mortal, there is no immortal spirit, so it won’t be drunk.”

Liu Li said: “Bi Tao wine contains mist spirit essence. After entering the body, it will indeed react with immortal spirit. The more it absorbs, Although it is possible to temper immortal spirit, immortal spirit will become more and more drunk.”

Chidori said: “So, I said that because he does not have immortal spirit, he will not be drunk.”


“No.” Qianling explained: “The mist essence contained in Bi Tao wine is very powerful, not to mention that people of cultivation, even immortals, can’t bear it, and must be refining. If you spend a long time within the body If it goes around, his fleshy body can’t bear it at all.”

Xuan Yun nodded said: “Qian Fairy Ling is right. The mist essence contained in Bi Tao wine is a great tonic after refining. If you don’t refining and stagnate within the body for a long time, it’s not just a tonic, it’s a poison. Ordinary cultivation people don’t even have immortal spirits. Primordial Spirit alone can’t refining the mist spirit essence in Bellagio’s wine. He can’t drink a cup, and he is a mortal, don’t say that he doesn’t have immortal spirit, Primordial Spirit Nascent Soul, how can he refining.”

Xuanyun frowned and continued: “But if he says he doesn’t have refining, Not to mention drinking more than 400 pots, even drinking a glass, his flesh and blood body can’t bear it, like me The current cultivation base, if you drink a few pots of Bitao wine without refining and stay within the body, it will endanger the fleshy body within three days. He has drunk more than 400 pots…”

Qian Ling said: “I want to come, his fleshy body should not be an ordinary flesh and blood body. “

Chidori said: “Yes, yeah! It’s not that the guy’s cultivation base has been lost. It seems that he used to be a great Lord. Since he is a great Lord, it must be the mighty power of the Megatron. Fleshy body is naturally out of the ordinary. Maybe someone else The fleshy body is not necessarily the body of creation. The loss of the cultivation base does not mean that the body of creation will disappear. “

Qianling and Xuanyun are nodded, and I think that only this reason can be explained.

Qiandiao suddenly said excitedly: “Or, let’s go to the casino. Well, also go to win 1.8 billion. “

“pu!” Liuli said with a smile: “Chidori younger sister, you really dare to think that you still won 1.8 billion, ten bets and nine loses. Have you never heard of it? You only heard that someone won 1.8 billion. Haven’t you heard that many people lose money? “

“Okay! We don’t bet, can’t we just go and see? “

“Chidori, you are a girl. “Qian Ling said: “How can I go to such a place.” “

“I just want to see it. “

Xuanyun said with a smile: “If Chidori wants to see it, Fengyue Small World will hold a gambling tournament in two days. When the time comes, I can take you to see it. “

“I also heard that this grand event, Fengyue Small World, will hold such a gambling tournament. I just don’t know what the gambling is, is it dice? “

“How can you bet on dice in such a grand game? The dice can’t be on the table. Naturally, the game is Heaven and Earth! “

“Wow! Bet on Heaven and Earth! Tai Chi change? It’s very good. I like watching people bet on Heaven and Earth to play Tai Chi. When I was young, I often watched them play Old Ancestor. “

“Really? “Liu Li said with a smile: “Then you can feast your eyes on this time, when the time comes, our Bipolar Tianyu will come to bet a lot of experts on Heaven and Earth. “

“But…for such a grand game, do they let us in? “

“Of course, the big brother Xuanyun was invited to participate in this game, he can take us in! “

“Ah! Hyun Big Brother Yun was invited to participate in the gambling? “Chidori was a little surprised.

“Why. “Xuan Yun Dan lightly said with a smile: “Can’t you? “

“hehe! Chidori younger sister, don’t you know, my big brother Xuanyun is betting on the expert of Heaven and Earth.” “

The thousand birds stared at Xuanyun, seemingly admired, and said: “Wow! Really, it’s amazing. Xuanyun big brother is not only handsome, out of the ordinary, but also has a high cultivation base, good fortune, and strong strength. He is also the discipline of Lotus Secret Realm, and he still bet on Heaven and Earth’s expert is really admirable. “

Xuan Yun shook his head, laughed helplessly, and looked towards Qian Ling, and said: “Ling’er, you will come with you then.” “

“I…Let’s take a look. “Qian Ling hesitated for a moment and responded: “If there is nothing else, I will definitely go. “

Seeing Qianling’s promise, Xuanyun was quite happy.

“It’s getting late, we have been out for so long, and I don’t know what happened to them. “Qian Ling worried about Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm’s other people and suggested: “Why… go back first?” “

“Yes, it’s been a long time since I came out. I don’t know if the little drunkard is bored in the garden of the floating island. “

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