Supreme Lord

Chapter 1446

Prince Ma is driving the nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger outside, and Gu Qingfeng sits leisurely and enjoys it inside the big wheel.

He opened a jar of wine, poured two glasses, and handed one to the old shopkeeper, said with a smile: “Make a price.”

The old shopkeeper took the glass, thank you After that, he seemed to hesitate for a moment, and he stretched out five fingers and said: “A price, this count.”

Gu Qingfeng glanced at it, smiled without saying a word, and continued to drink.

The old shopkeeper said: “Big Lord, I believe the value of this big wheel, you should also appreciate it, not to mention, just the nine-head bloodline pure Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger is worth three 100 million, this big wheel is an innate high grade magic weapon, and the innate high grade fairy weapon has always been priceless, and the price is rising every year. This big wheel is made by our Huoyunzhuang It took nearly a thousand years to refine it bit by bit. The price of 200 million is just the cost price, not much.”

Put down the glass, the old shopkeeper continued: “These years, no matter what It was the nine-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger, or the tempering Fire Cloud Whip, and the building of this big wheel, which cost the old man countless efforts and energy, and the value of these is far more than 500 million.”

Gu Qingfeng still did not speak, but continued to drink.

The old shopkeeper didn’t know what he meant. After a moment of silence, he said: “Originally, this big wheel is the treasure of our Huoyunzhuang town house. It has always been used to entertain guests. There is no plan to sell, but in recent years, our Huoyunzhuang has been trying to exaggerate, but the funds are insufficient, so… we can only reluctantly cut love.”

“If the Lord is satisfied, we will trade. As long as the Great Lord comes to our Huoyunzhuang to patronize, the old man will give you a cost price. If the Great Lord is not satisfied, the old man will not be too difficult for others. Everyone should make friends.”

Gu Qingfeng Looking at Prince Ma outside, he asked: “Old Ma, how do you feel?”

“It feels good!”

“hahaha!” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: ” If it’s cool, don’t just go shopping and go to the bank.”


When I heard about the bank, the old shopkeeper seemed to realize something and asked in surprise. Said: “Great Lord, did you agree?”

“Of course.” Gu Qingfeng raised his glass and said, “Didn’t you tell me, just make friends.”

“Good! Good! Good!”

The old shopkeeper said three good times, and the excitement in his heart exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech.

Facts as he said, this big wheel has devoted a lot of his efforts. If it weren’t for the huge funds needed to expand Huoyunzhuang in recent years, he would never sell this big wheel. Therefore, he has been thinking about the price of 500 million for a long time. If 500 million is just a cost price, it may be an exaggeration, but there is a saying in old shopkeeper that is definitely not an exaggeration. The hard work and energy devoted to this car is definitely worth far more than 500 million.

In the past few years, he didn’t think about selling this big wheel. He also found a few buyers, but in the end they didn’t reach a conclusion. The other party didn’t mind that the price was higher. It’s 500 million. It’s not a small sum for anyone, especially if you spend 500 million to buy a big wheel. Don’t talk about those rich people who got rich overnight, not about the fairy families, even the big bosses in charge of Secret Realm. All have to be weighed.

The old shopkeeper didn’t expect to run into the big Lord who won 1.8 billion in casinos today.

Neither did it expect that this great Lord would purchase this great wheel.

I didn’t even expect that this great Lord didn’t even have to counter-offer, so he agreed directly.

“Lord, you are definitely the most bold person an old man has ever seen, no one!”

The old shopkeeper drank the wine in one glass and said, “For The boldness of the big Lord, the old man will give you a big gift later!”

“Oh, this is good.”

Gu Qingfeng and old shopkeeper will come After arriving at the bank, after the transaction, he returned to Huoyunzhuang. Only then did the old shopkeeper say that he would give a big gift, Gu Qingfeng not at all taking seriously, until he received the so-called big gift, did he know that the old shopkeeper actually gave three pure bloodline The cub of Huoyun Linglong Bird, I heard that this thing is very rare, and its value is even higher than Huoyun Scarlet Flame Tiger.

The head of the line was over, and Da Nun also had it, and Gu Qingfeng also left.


Dariyi City is very lively.

The city of Bright Moon, which is equal to its popularity, is also lively.

The difference is.

Those who wander around in Dariyi City are all local tyrants.

And wandering around in Bright Moon Yicheng are more expensive Young Masters and beautiful fairies with extraordinary family background.

The Bright Moon Yi City looks not at all, as magnificent as Da Ri Yi City, and it gives people a very quiet feeling.

In addition to being expensive, the things in Da Riyi City are expensive.

Although the things in Bright Moon Yicheng are not cheap, they are more refined and elegant.

The mounts of those local tyrants in Da Riyi City are without exception the fierce Huoyun Spirit Beast.

And the Yaxian wandering around in the Moonlight City, the mounts are more docile, mostly white feather Immortal Crane, water cloud astrology, purple and green exquisite bird, and flying silver horse.

Of course.

Not all Yaxians take a ride to stroll around, but there are also many strolls.

On the street.

A group of four people are walking together.

These four people, one man and three women.

The man is handsome, out of the ordinary, holding a white jade fan, and looks personable.

A woman with a beautiful face and a melancholy temperament.

There is also a lively and lovely woman who seems very excited along the way.

There is also a woman who is gentle and moving, angry like a orchid.

The four are not others, they are Xuanyun, Liuli, Qianling, and Qiandiao.

After the four left the manor, they played in Fengyue Small World. After playing, they went to Moonlight Yicheng for a stroll.

Qianling is cold-tempered and as always reticent. Compared with that, Qiandiao is much happier. Since the little girl came to Bright Moon Yicheng, she wanted to buy whatever she saw.

It’s a pity.

They are all too expensive.

The things here are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

And Chidori is out on the adventure, and only earns 20,000 to 30,000 Celestial Stones a year. Although she wants to buy it in her heart, she also knows that she cannot afford it.

Whether it is Xuanyun or Liuli, they are the masters of good money. The price of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands is not a big deal to them. I wanted to buy small accessories for Qianling. With Chidori, it’s just that Chiling didn’t want it. Although Chidori wanted it very much, she also knew that it was not good to accept anything from others at will. Her personality may be carefree, but she also has her own personal rules.

“Well, it’s so boring to go shopping like this.”

Chidori felt very fresh at first, just looking at that many exquisite accessories, and I couldn’t afford it. , This is really a very painful thing.

Liuli said with a smile: “Chidori younger sister, you just don’t want to buy it. Naturally I feel boring.”

“Do you think I don’t want to buy it? It’s not that I can’t afford it. Well.”

“I said, my big brother Xuanyun just now, you can buy whatever you want and he will pay for you. What are you afraid of? If you change to me, you will definitely kill him fiercely. After a meal, he is very rich, he is not slaughter, but he is not slaughter.”

Xuan Yun shook his head helplessly laughed, and looked at Qian Ling next to him, a touch of helplessness seemed to float in his eyes.

“Aiya! Forget it, Hyun Big Brother Yun’s money is not blown by the wind. We are very grateful for inviting us to live on the floating island. Wait some day this Young Lady will send it Fortune, I must invite you to a big meal.”


“Of course it is true.”

“Chidori younger Sister, when you get rich, we may all be old…”

“Sister Liuli, you will make fun of me and tell you, maybe someday this Young Lady’s luck will come. , This person’s luck can’t be stopped. On the way, you didn’t listen to other people’s discussions. Today, a guy in the casino won 1.8 billion by playing dice!”

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