Supreme Lord

Chapter 1442

There are many gardens in Huoyun Village.

Each garden is covered by Formation, and various fire cloud beasts are kept inside.

After the introduction of handyman, they took the two to the garden where the Scarlet Flame Tiger was raised.

Don’t say it.

This thing is really big enough. It is about nine meters long and six meters high. Its hair is like flames. Even if it’s just lying there, it looks like a burning Mountain of Flames.

Handyman hit a Spirit Art. When the Formation flickered slightly, the fire cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger, which had been lying on the bed, stood up suddenly, shook its huge head, and made a deafening tiger roar. The powerful, shocking Prince Ma’s mind was slightly trembled, and he stepped back subconsciously, exclaiming: “This Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger is really scary.”

General local tyrants, although they are also They all have Fire Cloud mounts, but most of them are Fire Cloud Gilt Horses with the price of millions. There are also many Fire Cloud Gold Crystal Wolves. However, there are not many Huo Cloud Gale Leopards, and Fire Cloud Purple Flame Lions are rare. Scarlet Flame Tiger, the king of cloud beasts, is even rarer.

In the impression, Prince Ma hasn’t seen him a few times. He wondered that only the kind of celestial immortal would spend 20-30 million to buy a Scarlet Flame Tiger. After all, Those upstarts who get rich overnight do not have a fixed source of huge sums, but good luck get rich overnight. If you buy such a Scarlet Flame Tiger, you will not be able to raise them.

Of course.

The average local tyrant may not be able to afford it, but for the 1.8 billion local tyrant Lord, it is both affordable and affordable.

Prince Ma looked towards Gu Qingfeng and asked: “Lord, how do you feel?”

“It’s okay to see.”

Beside, Handyman looked at Prince Ma and asked Gu Qingfeng for his opinions, and also took a mouthful of a big Lord. Handyman was very puzzled.

As the handyman of Huoyunzhuang, he has seen all kinds of people over the years, including the young master of the fairy family, and the nouveau riche who became rich overnight. The Lord is not I haven’t seen it, but I’ve never seen it before, any great Lord turned out to be a mortal without a cultivation base.

This makes him very incomprehensible.

However, he didn’t dare to ask anything more, and continued: “If the two are interested in buying, they can pay a certain amount of immortal stone, and they can also try riding.”

“Try riding even Yeah, I’m not interested in riding this thing. I only like sitting on the big wheel. Do you have a big wheel pulled by the Scarlet Flame Tiger?”

“Of course, if it’s equipped with a big wheel, big wheel Different, the price is different, or else, the younger one will take the big Lord to see the big wheel?”

“Don’t look at it, just give him the most expensive big wheel.”

Handyman seemed unbelievable, and asked in surprise: “The most expensive?”

“Yes, the most expensive.”

“Then…what about Spirit Beast? “

“Naturally, it is the purest Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger in bloodline, and it’s still an adult. You don’t want the cub master.”

Handyman poked his head, asking a little uncertainly. Said: “Lord, do you have any intention to buy?”

“Nonsense, if you have no intention to buy, what do you come here for?” Gu Qingfeng said: “Go and get a Scarlet Flame for the Lord. Tiger, go with the most expensive big lion, and let the Lord test it. If you are satisfied, you will buy it on the spot.”

“Okay, big Lord, it will take a while to equip the big lion. Let’s take you to the garden to rest for a while.”

“Let’s go.”

Gu Qingfeng followed the handyman to the garden to rest, and saw two fire-cloud gilt horses pulling a horse Da Nian whistled past, Gu Qingfeng said again: “Is there a scarlet flame tiger scarlet, so let’s give him three heads. There are not many three heads. Raising one head is to raise, and raising three is also to raise. Since you have to raise it, just make up an auspicious number and just get eighteen heads.”

Listen to this.

Prince Ma was not only frightened there.

In the Great Wilderness, owning a Spirit Beast mount is a symbol of status, and owning a Spirit Beast symbolizes a more noble status.

Because a large lion is often equipped with not only one Spirit Beast, it may be two, three, or even more. In this way, just raising these Spirit Beasts every year requires a huge stone, even more how I bought a Spirit Beast, so I have to find a coachman. Raising a coachman is another celestial stone.


Even some family members, Young Masters or local tyrants, in order to show their noble status, they are just getting two or three fire cloud beasts, and they are still fire cloud gilt horses. It’s pretty good, you know, a golden horse with a fire cloud is worth three-four hundred million, and three are almost 10 million.

Like two or three headed Huoyun gusty leopards, Huoyun Jinjing wolves pull large lions, but they are rare. Two or three Huoyun Ziyan Lions are even rarer.

As for the two or three-headed Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger, I am afraid that no one except the wealthy and nobles of Heavenly Paradise can afford it. After all, a Fire Cloud Toothed Tiger costs 10-20 million. The bloodline is pure. If you have three heads, it will cost nearly 100 million. The average annual cost of raising a bloodline pure Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger is 5,000,000, and three heads cost more than one million.

Who can afford it?

And now what Gu Qingfeng said, he wants a big wheel equipped with an 18-head Scarlet Flame Tiger, and it is pure bloodline.

Prince Ma has been cultivated for thousands of years. He has never seen a big wheel equipped with an eighteen-headed Scarlet Flame Tiger. He has never seen it before. He has never heard of it.

Mo said that he hadn’t heard of it, just the handyman who had been working in Huoyunzhuang for a long time, and he had never heard of a genuine Huoyun Scarlet Flame Tiger equipped with 18-head bloodline.

Don’t talk about the big wheel equipped with the 18-headed Scarlet Flame Tiger. He has worked in Huoyunzhuang for hundreds of years and has seen the most Scarlet Flame Tiger big wheel, but only equipped with five heads. , And bloodline is not the purest yet.

He really can’t imagine, the guy in front of him who wants a cultivation base without a cultivation base, wants good fortune and no good fortune, wants temperament and no temperament, just a trifling, what is the confidence of a mortal? Come out a big scorpion equipped with an 18-head Scarlet Flame Tiger.

He stared at Gu Qingfeng for a long time, took a deep breath, as if he was aware of himself, and said, “Lord, are you joking with the younger? If so, it’s a joke. It’s not funny.”

Perhaps I think that Gu Qingfeng is playing a game of himself. Handyman is quite angry, and his words are a lot more serious, saying: “If you intend to buy, the younger one will continue to entertain you, if you I have no intention of buying. I’m sorry, but the younger ones have to entertain other customers.”

“Why? I’m afraid that the master can’t afford it?”

“Can you afford it?”

“It’s nothing more than 18 bloodline pure fire clouds Scarlet Flame Tiger, not just hundreds of millions of immortal stones.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Little Brother, Lord, the local tyrant, the local tyrant of genuine, Don’t say eighteen heads, even twenty-eight heads can afford it.”

“Isn’t that hundreds of millions of immortal stones? It’s a big tone!”

Handyman talks more and more I was angry and was about to reprimand. At this moment, a voice came: “Impudent, how can I be so rude to customers.”

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