Supreme Lord

Chapter 1441

Huoyunzhuang can be regarded as the largest Spirit Beast manor in Da Riyi City, and its main focus is the favorite Huoyun Spirit Beast of local tyrants.

There are a lot of customers in the manor, and it looks very lively, but there are more people who watch it and fewer people buy it.

Although Da Ri Yi City is the Yi City that local tyrants like most.

But this does not mean that everyone who comes to Yicheng is a local tyrant. There are also many immortals who come to Da Ri Yicheng to wander around, have a long experience, open their eyes, can’t afford it, and have an eye addiction. Count it once.


Even if it is a family of wealthy immortals, or even a wealthy nouveau riche who came to buy Huoyun Spirit Beast, it does not mean that you can buy it. After all, a cub of Huoyun Spirit Beast has to Several million, it scares the individual to death. Before anyone buys, he has to weigh whether he has the financial resources.

Gu Qingfeng and Prince Ma were wandering and chatting in Huoyunzhuang.

Prince Ma has never raised any Spirit Beast before, let alone Huoyun Spirit Beast, which is a more affordable white crane. He has never raised any Spirit Beast. I don’t know anything about Spirit Beast. What is bloodline? I can’t see it.

He is so.

Gu Qingfeng is no exception.

Don’t see that he was once again aspiring to the Immortal Warriors Throne and Nine Nether the Great. Go up to heaven or down to Hades. The Three Thousand Great Daos is involved. What immortal dao ten art is involved. , Dao Magical Powers, is proficient in everything.

As for Spirit Beast, he really doesn’t understand.

Prince Ma has never been raised, nor has he been raised.

He has never tempered even the magic weapon of fairy warfare, let alone Spirit Beast.

Back then, there was a giant Tibetan dragon elephant mount, but that thing was not a Spirit Beast, nor was it an Immortal Beast demonic beast. As for what a giant Tibetan dragon elephant was, Gu Qingfeng didn’t know until now.

Wandering around in Huoyunzhuang for a while, Gu Qingfeng asked Prince Ma to pick one.

This scared Prince Ma very much. Gu Qingfeng said just now that he gave him a Fire Cloud Spirit Beast. He thought it was just a joke. Didn’t expect it to be true.

“Big Lord, this can’t be done, Huoyun Spirit Beast is too expensive, we can’t afford it.”

“What can’t afford it, isn’t it just a Spirit? Beast, even more how, if you don’t lend him a thousand chips, he can’t win so many immortal stones.”

Although Prince Ma wants to have his own Fire Cloud Spirit Beast, he When he is ready to wait until he has the strength, he will buy another Huoyun Spirit Beast. If it is given by someone else, he can’t afford it. The most important thing is that it takes a lot of fairy stones to raise this thing, and even if you buy it back, he can’t afford it.

“If you can afford it, you can afford it. Later, I will go to the bank to open an account for you and give you some fairy stones!”

When he set some fairy stones by himself, Prince Ma almost collapsed on the ground in fright. He quickly said: “Lord, don’t do that. We’re already very happy to meet you, Huoyun Spirit Beast, forget it, really. You Senior just allocated some fairy stones for us. I dare not raise it. We have never raised Spirit Beast before. I don’t know anything about this stuff. What should I do in case we die? And raising this stuff is very laborious. I don’t have that energy.”

“Don’t you want it?”

Prince Ma fiercely shook his head and said: “No, we are still used to using the magic weapon of fairy warfare, Spirit Beast This thing is not suitable for us.”

“Okay, we will buy the magic weapon of fairy warfare later.”

Gu Qingfeng has never been a polite master, let alone Like to push around, when Prince Ma refused, he did not continue, raising his hand to invite the handyman from Huoyunzhuang, ready to buy one for himself.

It should be said that this Huoyunzhuang is worthy of being the largest Spirit Beast manor in Da Riyi City. The handyman quality in it is quite good, not at all because Gu Qingfeng and Prince Ma have no cultivation base. A mortal, a mortal dressed in an ordinary dress has any negligence. Instead of any negligence, he is very enthusiastic to explain to the two.

I don’t know if I don’t listen.

After listening, Gu Qingfeng knew that the doorway inside Spirit Beast is really not small. There are many varieties of fire cloud beasts alone, such as fire cloud gilt horse, fire cloud gale leopard, fire Yun Jinjing wolf, fire cloud purple flame lion, fire cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger, different varieties, different prices, like the fire cloud golden horse is the cheapest, but it costs three to four hundred million, and the fire cloud golden wolf 56 million. The most expensive is the Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger, which is as high as 8 million. This is still impure bloodline. A pure bloodline Scarlet Flame Tiger is as high as tens of millions.

“I don’t know which variety you are interested in? The small one will give you a detailed explanation.”

“If you want it, of course it is the most expensive.”


“The most expensive?” Handyman was taken aback, said with a smile: “Our Huoyunzhuang’s most expensive variety is the Huoyun Scarlet Flame Tiger. Scarlet Flame Tiger has the most ferocious temperament, and the fleshy body is the most powerful and powerful. It is also the most powerful. With a roar, even if it is Heaven Encompassing Exalted Immortal, it has to tremble three times. An adult Scarlet Flame Tiger can reach more than ten meters in size. When angry, the battle strength is particularly amazing. Even Golden Immortal dare not face it. Take it hard, therefore, the Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger has always been hailed as the Spirit Beast of the Fire Cloud Beast!”

“It sounds very good.”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, Prince Ma next to him asked: “What is the price of the Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger?”

“The price of a Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger cub is 8 million, and an adult Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger is priced at 12 million. “

hearing this, Prince Ma couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath. The price was really scary. Then he asked: “Is this price a hybrid price or a pure bloodline price?”

“Of course it’s the price of hybrids.”

“The pure bloodline Scarlet Flame Tiger is too rare, so the price is relatively high. A pure bloodline cub is 20 million, An adult is more than 30 million.”

When I heard that an adult bloodline pure fire cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger was more than 30 million, Prince Ma just felt that the sky was spinning, and he forcibly resisted the numbness of his scalp. Feeling, I asked again: “How many fairy stones does the bloodline pure Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger need to raise for a year?”

“Not much, five 600,000.”

Prince Ma secretly Startled and said in amazement: “God, just feeding a bloodline pure fire cloud Scarlet Fl ame Tiger has five 600,000 in a year? Is it not expensive? Raising a person for ten or eight years will cost 56 million, which can be used to purchase a magic weapon of immortal warfare. “

“Your Excellency, the account can’t be calculated like that. A pure bloodline Scarlet Flame Tiger, if it grows up, it will deter Golden Immortal nothing difficult, and its strength is comparable to Great Principle Golden Immortal. Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger is also known as a loyal protector, and can save lives even more in times of crisis. “

handyman said with a smile: “This between Heaven and Earth, is there anything more precious than your own life?” Is there more than five 600,000 a year than your own life? “

Listening to what handyman said, Prince Ma thought about it, and it seemed that it made sense.

“Even more how, there are fierce fire clouds like Scarlet Flame Tiger Spirit Beast guards the left and right, charges for you, and snatches heavenly materials and earthly treasures outside. Is there a better chance? At least, if other people compete with you, you have to weigh whether you have the strength to withstand the power of the Scarlet Flame Tiger terrifying of Huoyun. You get what you pay for. This is the eternal truth, everyone knows. Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger is the most expensive, but no one can deny the power of Fire Cloud Scarlet Flame Tiger! “

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