Supreme Lord

Chapter 1412

Gu Qingfeng had searched for Fengyue Small World for a long time but could not find where the casino is.

Until he came to the casino, he did not know that the so-called casino is not at all on the ground, but in the sky.


In the sky.

Every city is.

At the moment of stepping into the casino, even if Gu Qingfeng, who once went up to heaven or down to Hades, could not help being impressed by this splendorous and majestic luxury and luxury like an imperial city.

Looking at the past, the entire casino city is like a carefully carved city of Gold Jade, shining brightly under the sun, it is very gorgeous.

Don’t say anything else, just the two words on the top of the city gate make Gu Qingfeng amazed. At first glance, it was written by a great writer and book immortal. A glance at it is comparable to a big day. The power is shocking.

The street leading to the city is a rainbow bridge. Both sides of the rainbow bridge are full of beautiful and beautiful maids, which is dazzling. These maids not only greet the gamblers who come, but also kindly shout With this Young Master, that uncle, this celestial being, that celestial master, who is called a beautiful, listening person overwhelmed by emotions.

“Really motherfucker can play.”

Walking along, Gu Qingfeng sighed.

I lament the great changes that have taken place over the years, which is really incredible.

I also sighed that I used to be in vain, fighting and killing all day, never had a good day, thinking that since this one is here, I have to enjoy this dazzling Luxury life.

The maids on both sides of the Rainbow Bridge are all gorgeously dressed, dressed in beautiful dresses, with fragrant shoulder exposed and beautiful legs underneath, and their figures are more lithe and graceful.

Gu Qingfeng has heard from Chidori that Fengyue Small World has many handyman maids. Most of them are selected by Fengyue Small World people from various poorer worlds. After a long time Only by training and teaching can you become a real handyman.

Although everything is revived for thousands of years, the Spiritual Qi between Heaven and Earth is becoming more and more rich, and so is All Heavens Myriad Realms.

But not all Great Thousand Worlds are like this. In some worlds, Spiritual Qi is still sparse and resources are relatively scarce. In this kind of Great Thousand Worlds cultivation, it is naturally very difficult. Some of the Great Thousand Worlds’ cultivation civilization has only just emerged, and some Great Thousand Worlds may still be living in the primordial era.

This situation is not an exaggeration.

Gu Qingfeng accidentally broke into the Great Thousand Worlds of a primordial era in the early years. The people in there were not civilized, and they didn’t even have a basic language. It would be okay if there were immortals who would come to teach sentient beings. Some, if no fairy comes, this kind of primitive world wants to develop from a cultivation world, it will take a long time.


For those born in poverty in Great Thousand Worlds, it would be a good thing to enter Fengyue Small World as a handyman.

After all, the Spiritual Qi of Fengyue Small World is richer and purer than most other worlds, and even stronger than the Spiritual Qi of Secret Realm in many great wilderness.

cultivation up twice the results for half the effort.

The most important thing is that you can broaden your horizons in this Fengyue Small World. How to say Fengyue Small World is also the most lively trading center of Bipolar World, and there are countless to-and-fro fairies. I broadened my horizons, and I gradually understood many things.

Gu Qingfeng walked into a manor casually, and it was very lively. Every table was surrounded by people. He walked over and took a look. It seemed that they were all playing dice.

There are three dice in total, and the maximum number of points for each dice is six.

The sum of the three dice, from four to ten is the small one, and from eleven to seventeen is the big one.

You can also bet on odd and even numbers, these odds are one to one.

Apart from this, you can also bet on the sum of three dice points individually. The sum of the bet points is different, and the odds are different. The odds of betting on nine, ten, eleven, and twelve are one If you pay six, eight or thirteen points, you pay eight, seven or fourteen points, you pay twelve, six or fifteen, you pay fourteen, five or sixteen, eighteen, four, or seventeen. It is 50 for one.

The leopard pays 30 for one.

To say that the highest odds is the singles round dice, which means to specify the points of the three dice, if it is all hit, it is a loss of two hundred!

These gameplays have been handed down by Dahuang since ancient times, and the rules have not changed.

Whether it is dice or dice cup, it is refined with special extraordinary resources. No matter how high your cultivation base is, you can neither hear nor see, and even Divine Consciousness cannot be detected.

The most important thing is that it is not a person who shakes the dice, but the Formation. It is a chaotic array for the little thousand fortune. This Formation has infinite changes and is fickle. No matter your perception is unparalleled, you can’t see it. Among them, the profound mystery, just like chaotic changes, there is no order, no rules, and no reason at all, everything is for fortune.

At least.

The Chaos Array of Xiaoqian’s fortune has been spread so far, and no one has been able to see through the profound mystery.

This is why everyone likes to play dice, because gambling on this stuff depends on luck.

Don’t say that gamblers want to smoke elders, even the banker can’t smoke elders.

Gu Qingfeng looked at it for a while, then went to exchange some chips, he only had more than sixty immortal stones all over his body, and he came from Qiandiao, originally thinking of exchanging fifty immortal stones first The bargaining chip, what Gu Qingfeng did not expect is that the minimum bet here is one hundred.

This motherfucker is a bit embarrassing.

“I said brother, you just got the money?”

Prince Ma stared at those horse eyes, looking at Gu Qingfeng’s pitiful dozens of hands in disbelief. A fairy stone, he thought at first that Gu Qingfeng wanted to use all his belongings to stake all on one throw in the casino. Since it is all his belongings, there are no tens of thousands, at least thousands of them, but he never thought that all of Gu Qingfeng’s belongings would only be motherfucker. Ten fairy stones.

“You just have a bitter, you say…what are you here to play, you can’t even eat a meal.”

Gu Qingfeng said with a bitter smile: “I This is not the first time I have come to play. I don’t have much experience. I thought that dozens of immortal stones would be enough.”

“Enough ass! Not enough to stuff your teeth.”

” How about you lend me a hundred first, and I will pay you back ten times later?”

“Brother, it’s not our stingy, I can lend it to you, but the point is, you use this Bargaining chips, what can you do? If you go down, you won’t even have a chance to make a copy.”

“Just say whether to borrow.”

“Ai , Forget it, let’s not advise you anymore, you brat’s mentality must be faulty, this is good luck for you today, you have to meet a kind master like me, you must have it, let’s play a few, and have a hand addiction. Let’s go quickly, what should I do in the future.”

As far as Prince Ma is really generous, I still give Gu Qingfeng a bargaining chip worth a thousand, and I don’t forget to warned repeatedly before leaving: “Boy, just remember to play two or three to have a handy addiction. Don’t be on your head, save some fairy stones, and live your life later.”

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