Supreme Lord

Chapter 1411

The two were walking and chatting, and they were walking, Prince Ma suddenly started, staring at Gu Qingfeng, rubbing his long chin, and said: “Something is wrong.”

“Why is something wrong? “

“You brat doesn’t look like a fairy, wait! It’s not that you don’t look like it, but you are not a fairy at all.”

“Stupefied you are from Fengyue Small World Handyman?” Prince Ma shook his head again: “It’s not right. Even the handyman of Fengyue Small World should have a more or less cultivation base, but you brat doesn’t have any cultivation base, not even a bit of spiritual energy. “

“It’s hard to say that you are a congenital waste body? Can’t cultivation? Or is your cultivation out of setback, and the cultivation base is lost?”

I found that Gu Qingfeng is not a fairy, Without the slightest cultivation base, Prince Ma couldn’t help but become curious.

“Me?” Gu Qingfeng said indifferently: “The congenital waste body is not enough. It is considered that the cultivation has gone out of setback, and the cultivation base is lost.”

“It turned out to be like this. Ah, what I said, if you are congenital abandoned body, your family will not worry about letting you out alone. Sure enough, the cultivation is out of setback.”

I heard that Gu Qingfeng is out of cultivation. The setback caused the loss of the cultivation base. Prince Ma’s curious heart was relieved a lot, and he seemed to sigh, saying: “Only those of us who have no family background and no one to rely on will lose their cultivation base. People are in charge.”

Maybe Gu Qingfeng is poor, Prince Ma’s voice has also been much lower, and he stopped calling Gu Qingfeng Little Brat, and asked: “But, brother, don’t be discouraged. In the Great Wilderness cultivation, there are many people who have lost their cultivation base. As long as they don’t give up, they will be able to stand up again.”

For thousands of years, even though they are becoming immortals The easier it is.

But also because many immortals are too impetuous, the foundation is not well laid, the realm is not consolidated, and they are eager to become immortals.

Becoming a fairy is easy, but after becoming a fairy, this road will only become more and more difficult.

Once the cultivation is setback, the cultivation base will stagnate in the lighter, the cultivation base will be lost in the more severe cases, and the scened ashes and dispersed smoke may not be the same in the more severe cases.

Prince Ma said, as long as you don’t give up, you can stand up again if you survive.

This may have a comforting element, but it is also a fact.

If it is Ancient Era, the resources are scarce, the cultivation is setback, and the cultivation base is lost, I am afraid it will be difficult for Foundation Establishment cultivation.

However, for thousands of years, the resources are extremely rich, and all kinds of immortal pills and marvelous medicines are available. There are at least seventy-eighty immortal pills and marvelous medicines on the market, which can regulate the fleshy body. Re-cultivation.

However, such immortal pills and marvelous medicines are often expensive and scary, and ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

One sentence.

Still family background.

If you have a good family background, everything is fine. During the cultivation, the elders can take care of them. Even if the setback is done, it can be saved in time. If you can’t save it, it will lead to the cultivation base. If you have lost everything, you can continue to adjust the fleshy body, re-cultivation, and rely on powerful resources to once again become a fairy.

But if the family background is not good, once the cultivation is setback, it can only be resigned to fate.

Prince Ma deeply feels this.

His family background is very ordinary, and now he is hanging out with a bunch of brothers in Golden Crow Secret Realm.

Golden Crow Secret Realm is plentiful and easily available as an ordinary fairy like him. Almost every year, some people lose their cultivation base for various reasons.

The family has a bad family background. If you lose your cultivation base, you will basically be a cripple, and worthless, inferior to a dog.

In Golden Crow Secret Realm, if someone loses their cultivation base, they will be treated as trash and they will go out. The brother who was a blood alliance will also leave, and his friends and relatives will pretend not to know each other. Even bloodline relatives may even avoid silently.

Are you exaggerating?

No exaggeration at all.

This is reality.

After all.

It is not easy for everyone to survive in the Great Wilderness, and no one wants to be affected by a waste person.

If you lose your cultivation base, you will lose your ability to survive in the Great Wilderness.

This kind of people tend to fend for themselves in the end. Without a cultivation base, they can’t even earn a celestial stone. Where can those celestial stones buy immortal pills and marvelous medicines for conditioning fleshy body?


What makes Prince Ma curious is that Gu Qingfeng doesn’t look like a person whose cultivation base is lost. He has seen all those who have a cultivation base, and there are many, every one It’s almost like a walking corpse, waiting for death to come.

But this guy.

How can there be a half-hearted look, let alone all thoughts, a little despair on the face, even if there is no sorrow, and even drinking a little wine, how can this be like a master who has lost his cultivation base, It looks more like a second generation ancestor who came out for fun.

Prince Ma tried to sense it again, and was sure that this guy really didn’t have any cultivation base, and Essence, Qi, and Spirit were also weak, he really couldn’t understand that this guy was mixed to this point. How come it’s happily.

“This…Little Brother, I don’t know whether to ask a question.”


“Your cultivation base is gone , How come you look more cheerful than me.”

“Otherwise, what should I do? Sad face?”

“We didn’t mean that, but… your cultivation base It’s all gone, how can I still have fun? It’s hard to figure out.”

“What is this, it’s just that the cultivation base is gone, not the soul flew away and scattered. It’s difficult. Don’t live anymore?”


Gu Qingfeng’s words made Prince Ma not know how to refute for a while, scratching his head, thinking about it, it seems that this is also the case Lier, there is no regulation. If the cultivation base is gone, you can’t live.

After thinking about it again, Prince Ma said again: “Wait, it’s not such a reason. You brat almost got into it. I’m not saying that you can’t live without the cultivation base, but it looks like you are gone. Cultivation base, I don’t want to adjust my fleshy body, so why go to the casino instead?”

“My hands are itchy, go to the casino, play two, and earn some fairy flowers by the way.”

hearing this, Prince Ma seemed to guess something, and said: “It turns out that you brat wants to go to the casino to do a good job. If you win, you can buy immortal pills and marvelous medicines. No?”

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Yes, that’s what it is.”

“But brother! Listen to my old brother’s advice, go back, but everyone, Everyone wants to go to the casinos to make big games, but they often lose miserably and miserably in the end. Brother is a good example. Let’s not hide it from Brother, I used to be the number one player in Golden Crow Secret Realm. A large group of brothers followed us, and they were majestic everywhere. Even the expensive Young Masters of the fairy family were all brothers when they met us. But since we went to the casino and lost our family and went bankrupt. One day is not as good as one day…”

Perhaps thinking of the sad past, Prince Ma was very melancholy and couldn’t help sighing again and again, saying: “The past is like a cloud, there is no way to mention it, just mention it. I can’t wait to chop my hand.”

Gu Qingfeng looked at the tall and strong man, and asked: “Since you know, why continue to go to the casino.”

“Isn’t we trying to flip the book.”

Gu Qingfeng laughed and scolded: “Nonsense, there are not many gamblers in the casino who don’t want to flip the book, but in the end, the book didn’t turn over, it would only capsize. “

” Brother is talking about the most plausible sayings, but I can’t do anything. I also blame ourselves as good-for-nothing. I can’t restrain myself, and I can’t help it. I always want to blog and lose. I lost, at worst, start all over again. Anyway, it’s not the first time. However, my brother, I have a cultivation base. Even if I lose money and go out for half a year, I can go out and mix a lot of fairy stones, but brother, you are different. If you lose, you will lose completely. You don’t have a cultivation base. You can’t even make a fairy stone when you go out. You don’t even have a chance to make a profit.”

” Don’t worry, I haven’t lost gambling in my life. “

“Brother, I haven’t seen anyone who wins but not loses, brother. “

“That’s because you haven’t met me before. “

The casino is finally here, Gu Qingfeng impatient wants to go in and play two, said with a smile: “Meet me today, let you see the legendary Paragon God of Gamblers!” “

Behind, Prince Ma looked at Gu Qingfeng’s back, shook his head, and couldn’t help sighing: “Hey…this brother must be the cultivation base. After losing, he became insane. I also blame the uncle. The reaction is dull, how can I talk to a lunatic with a mental disorder for so long? Gambling is really harmful. The uncle of gambling is getting stupid. “

Shaking his head and sighing, Prince Ma screamed that gambling was harmful, and walked quickly into the capital.

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