Supreme Lord

Chapter 1394

“Okay, girl, can say this remark, it means you really have grown up.”

“How many times have I told you, don’t call me girl, call me fairy! Fairy! Fairy! !”

“Well…Fairy! Great aunt, you are a fairy, right?”

In the face of Chidori’s corrections time and time again, Gu Qingfeng really didn’t. t know whether to cry or laugh, saying: “It’s nothing more than a title, it’s so important to you!”

“Of course it is important, this Fairy will become a great, famous in the future. Character, how can you be a big girl, if it spreads in the future, this Fairy will lose face.”

“The famous great character? How big do you want to be?”

“How old is it?” Chidori tilted his head and said, “Anyway, the bigger the better. You also know that Saintess Empress is the idol of this Fairy, and this Fairy will be like Saintess Empress in the future. Cultivate the common people and be respected by the world.”

“Saintess Empress? You mean…Su Wei?”

“Nonsense, is there a second Saintess Empress in Dahuang?”

Hearing that Qiandiao mentioned Su Wei, Gu Qingfeng uttered a loud voice, and did not speak any more.

Since waking up, he has heard Qiandiao mention Su Wei’s name more than once. After learning that Su Wei is now respected by the world, Saintess Empress, he is very happy for Su Wei and learned that Su Wei travels around Heaven. and Earth, when the sentient beings are taught only to wait for themselves, Gu Qingfeng’s heart is not only a sigh, but also a sigh.

That year.

The reason why he asked Su Hua to wait for him is that he didn’t want Su Hua to die with him, that’s all.

Because of igniting the fire of original sin karma, everything is unknown. Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know if she can live, and Su Wei said that if she dies, she will not live alone. Therefore, Gu Qingfeng only Can tell her, waiting for himself, when he wants to come, as long as Su Wei survives, then everything is fine, time can dilute everything.

Gu Qingfeng did not expect that he would survive.

Neither did he expect that Su Wei would have been waiting for herself, and she was still waiting for more than ten thousand years.

Gu Qingfeng has always looked at feelings very lightly.

This time he woke up, he saw through many things and realized many things, especially the cause and effect. He was no longer confused and hesitated like before, but understood a lot.

In the past, Gu Qingfeng would have been guilty of knowing that Su Hua had waited for him for ten thousand years, and would desperately seek out Su Hua.

But now.

I don’t know if I have seen it through, or I have seen it through, and I don’t know if I understand or understand. I know that Su Wei has been waiting for himself, and his heart is not at all. Any special emotions, his heart is like stopping water. Without waves, he didn’t plan to look for Su Hua, let alone avoid deliberately, just do whatever happens.

So for feelings.

This is especially true for causal destiny. Gu Qingfeng will not seek anymore, will not deliberately avoid it, but will not force, take the initiative, and will not refuse, letting all this happen.

“Hey, little drunkard, what are you thinking, you are thinking so fascinated?”

“I didn’t think about anything.” Gu Qingfeng stood up, stretched his waist, and said : “It’s just a sigh.”

“Exclamation? What do you sigh? You guy sleeps every day besides eating, besides eating, what can you sigh about?”

” According to what you said, I’m not even qualified to sigh?”

“I’m not saying you’re not qualified to sigh, I just think…you guy everyday all is wasting your time, don’t feel very boring Don’t you think life is boring?”

“No, I think it’s interesting, and I don’t think it’s boring. Time is a waste of time.”

” You…really…the mud can’t help the wall! Little drunkard, I ask you, don’t you have a dream? Don’t you pursue it?”


“What dream? Speak up and listen.”

“My dream is to waste time, basking in the sun every day, drinking a little wine, I think it’s good now.”


Qiaodiao pointed at Gu Qingfeng, the look of hatred, he was speechless to Gu Qingfeng, I wanted to fiercely scold him, but I thought of Gu Qingfeng’s weird fleshy body Chidori couldn’t help but comforted: “Little drunkard, I don’t know what happened to you before that made your fleshy body so bad, but you can’t have no desire to improve like this, I believe, As long as you don’t give up, everything will be fine!”

“Sister, I don’t have no desire to improve, I really think it’s good now.”

“Difficult But you don’t want cultivation? You don’t want to be a fairy?”


“You! You are really a great aunt! I have never seen such a lack of ambition like you Guy!”

The thousand birds pressed the anger in my heart. Earnest and well-meant advised persuaded: “Although I can’t understand your pain, I can definitely understand it. Listen to me, nothing is Impossible, everything is possible. I think that the experience that the Emperor You endured back then was more painful than you. Before becoming immortal, the cultivation base alone was abolished nine times, but the Emperor You never gave up. The base was abolished, and I could stand up again every time, and later it became even better The double throne. “

“Ancient calamity, the Emperor You’s throne of Immortal Demon Warriors and the Nine Nether Throne were all taken away by God, but what about it, You Emperor hasn’t stood up again to realize humanity The most important thing is the worship of the Buddhas in the Buddha and the six forbidden avenues. The soul of Asura, the soul of Asura, the humane incarnation of Yellow Springs, the Three Thousand Great Daos, and the Heaven and Earth cry. Dad called mother, if Youdi weren’t for this world back then, he would have become a saint. “

“Look at others Youdi, and then look at you, people Youdi was besieged by Three Thousand Great Daos, suppressed by the sky of Heaven and Earth, and even the causal destiny would not let him go. Even so, You Imperial Capital has never given up. Now your fleshy body has become a bit rotten, and you are not destined to be unable to cultivation, so you start to have no desire to improve. Are you too spineless? “

Gu Qingfeng shook his head. In addition to a bitter smile, he said: “Sister, listen less to such unreliable stories in the future. They are all made up and fooled. It’s not that the emperor doesn’t want to give up. On the contrary, he wants to give up, but the point is that it won’t help if he gives up. Heaven and Earth Grand Dao will not let him go. “

“What do you mean by making up and making things unreliable?” Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand! “

“Everything, great aunt, I don’t understand? Okay? “

“It was originally. The experience You Di suffered back then was not what we could imagine. How could it be as simple as what you said. “

Gu Qingfeng didn’t want to talk too much on this topic, but just sighed: “Big girl, everyone has aspirations, and there is no need to force it. Some cultivation is for wealth and glory, and some are for fame and prosperity. There are people who want to live better, some people want to be gods and sanctified, and my wish since childhood is to live free and unconstrained freely, just like now bask in the sun, sleep and sleep, it’s good, this kind of life is good for you It may be simple, but for me it is a great luxury. “

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