Supreme Lord

Chapter 1393

Xianshi is Dahuang’s trading currency and an indispensable cultivation resource for every Daoist fairy.

Ordinary cultivation, replenishing vitality, restoring immortal strength, arranging Magical Powers Formation, refining fairy weapons, etc. are all inseparable from fairy stones.

Spell stone is different from Spirit Stone spar. Spirit Stone and spar can be gestated through Spiritual Veins, while fairy stone is tempered. It requires a lot of Spirit Stone and spar to be stored in the cauldron. tempering.

This thing has always been the hard currency of the great famine.

Three hundred immortal stones, if you say more, it doesn’t count as much, if you say less, it’s definitely not less.

Like Ronaldinho Secret Realm’s golden rainbow crystal, each value can be exchanged for more than ten thousand celestial stones. It sounds like a lot, but you must know that the entire Ronaldinho Secret Realm’s golden rainbow crystal can be pregnant in one year It’s just a few of them, and Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm has been around for more than a thousand years, so counting, there are not many celestial stones left.

In ordinary times, immortals secluded bitter cultivation and rely on Spiritual Qi to be completely self-sufficient.

But if you go out to experience, the Spiritual Qi between Heaven and Earth alone is completely unsatisfactory. At this time, you need a fairy stone to maintain it.

Different cultivation realm, the celestial stone that is consumed daily when going out to practice is also different.

Like True Immortal, one one a day on average is enough.

Samsung, two tablets a day, can also maintain daily consumption.

If Chidori is a Golden Immortal, you need three or four a day to maintain daily consumption. In other words, three hundred immortal stones can maintain daily consumption for a full 100 days.


This is just going out to experience and maintain daily consumption.

If you encounter an emergency situation when you are practicing outside, the consumption will increase exponentially. If you consume dozens of them in a day, hundreds of them are not impossible. If you want to refine What kind of bauble, the cost of immortal stone is countless.

A while ago, Chidori just refined a bauble, and spent a full four thousand celestial stones, and it can only be regarded as a semifinished product, not even a fairy soldier, according to Chidori estimated that if it were to become an immortal soldier, it would not work without tens of thousands of immortal stones.

So, in the Great Wilderness, it often takes many years for the immortal to refine the magic weapon of the immortal soldier. Some are because the refining of the immortal soldier requires repeated tempering and repeated trials, and more importantly, refining one piece The magic weapon of immortal war requires too many immortal stones, and ordinary immortals can only accumulate slowly.

“I said little drunkard, you are really not a master, and you don’t know that chai rice is expensive. Do you think three hundred immortal stones are good for making money? Tell you, that’s what this Fairy exchanged for a small life outside.”

Looking at Gu Qingfeng snort disdainfully on the three hundred immortal stones, Chidori felt that it was necessary to beat this ignorant guy, and said: “This is this Fairy that has this ability. Would you try it for someone else? Three hundred immortal stones are three immortal stones, and many immortals can’t get them out.”

“I said Chidori sister…”

Gu Qingfeng just spoke here, Chidori Immediately corrected and said: “Call a fairy! Fairy Qiandiao!”

“Well, Fairy Qiandiao, if you say Ancient Era, many fairies can’t get three celestial stones, I believe it, but not all of them now. Has it been for thousands of years? Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is ten thousand times richer and purer than it was in ancient times. I am afraid that there are many cultivation resources? Just go out for a walk and you should have something to gain, right?”


The appearance of Chidori is like hearing the funniest joke on the world, and like witnessing an ignorant kid talking with his own eyes, pointing to Gu Qingfeng , Very helpless, said: “big brother! Do you think the fairy stone is a Spirit Stone? Just go out and get something to gain? It’s really ignorant!”

Gu Qingfeng asked: “What’s the matter? Not?”

“You are really…” Qiandiao explained: “The present and the ancient are open for thousands of years. It is ten million times more dense and pure than the Spiritual Qi of Ancient Era. There are many more cultivation resources, but there is one more problem you didn’t realize, right? That is, there are tens of millions or even billions of times more immortals in the Great Wilderness than Ancient Era.”

“Ancient Era It’s not easy to become immortal. It’s always cultivation success over 10,000 years. In the ages of thousands of years now, becoming immortal is just as commonplace. It’s even easier than the cultivation foundation establishment. Let alone the great famine, the immortals in the secular world are now It is plentiful and easily available.”

“One monk carries water to drink, two monks carry water to drink, and three monks don’t have water to drink, don’t you understand the truth? even more how, now there are many Great Thousands C of Worlds Ultivation resources are monopolized by those giant hegemons. You can’t imagine how difficult it is for ordinary immortals to survive in the wilderness. “

Tell the truth.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t have much idea about cultivation resources.

Because he has been cultivation for five hundred years, think about it carefully. , I never seem to lack any cultivation resources. Anyway, I have never gone out to experience, and I have never risked. I have always been fighting and killing, and killing people and looting resources is much faster than experience and adventure.

Listening to what Chidori said, he was nodded and said: “Yes, even though Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is richer and more pure, there are more and more immortals, so the pressure of survival naturally doubles. “

“Nonsense! Otherwise you think it’s easy? “

Chidori rolled his eyes and said, “I used to be ignorant when I was a child. I always thought Old Ancestor was too conservative and spineless. They knew Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm piece of land all day long. I don’t want to make progress, but I didn’t know until now that when they grew up, Old Ancestor could guard Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm in such a chaotic wilderness. This piece of land is already amazing. It is also the Old Ancestor who can guard Ronaldinho’s Secret Realm. We I can cultivation at ease, and I have never worried about Xianshi. “

Qiaodiao sat beside Gu Qingfeng, drank together, and said, “Little drunkard, do you know?” It’s not easy for many immortals in the Great Wilderness to survive. Our Ronaldinho Secret Realm has golden rainbow Spiritual Veins, which can be self-sufficient, occasionally go out to practice, and have a small surplus. But other Secret Realm immortals are different. There are too many people and insufficient resources. Minute. “

Qiaodiao talked about the current situation of Dahuang, and said: “If your aptitude is good and your potential is great, Secret Realm will also train you to ensure your daily consumption, but if your aptitude is average, Secret Realm doesn’t bother to care about you at all, don’t even mention giving you fairy stones, you have to pay a certain amount of fairy stones every year in Secret Realm cultivation. “

“In order to survive, many immortals can only rely on going out to take risks. Good luck can gain a little bit. If you are not lucky, you may not gain anything in ten or eight years, and even lose your life. Maybe it’s a child. “

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and sighed: “Is it too frustrated to live like this? You are all immortal, where is the cultivation and not the cultivation, why are you still staying in the so-called Secret Realm? “

“You really don’t have a backache when you stand and talk. Do you think that you are a mess in the wilderness? It’s hard to stay in Secret Realm, okay? Stay in Secret Realm. Although it’s a little harder to survive, at least life can be guaranteed. If anything happens, everyone can take care of each other. If you’re alone, you might die. Do not know at all. “

Toasting and drinking, Chidori said something that has touched her the most since she went out: “In the Great Wilderness, if there is no background, no power and strength, you can’t live as a dog. “

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