Supreme Lord

Chapter 1368

Su Hua fell into a nightmare.

Gu Qingfeng also fell into a nightmare.

In Su Hua’s nightmare, there is no Heaven and Earth, nor light and darkness, only endless chaos.

Gu Qingfeng’s nightmare is the same.

Su Wei’s nightmare is different from the past. The endless chaos revolves like a vortex, and Gu Qingfeng’s nightmare is also different from the past. The same endless chaos revolves slowly like a vortex.

There is a woman in Su Wei’s nightmare who repeats it constantly, don’t let her forget, and don’t believe in causal destiny.

A woman in Gu Qingfeng’s nightmare also told him not to forget, let alone believe in causal destiny.

The only difference is.

Su Hua’s nightmare, tell her to find someone.

And Gu Qingfeng’s nightmare told him to wait for him at Xuwang Mountain.

“She’s right, don’t forget, let alone believe in causal fate.”

The voice fell.

A young girl appeared in Gu Qingfeng’s nightmare.

The girl dressed in white clothed, floating barefoot in the chaos, faintly discernible, seemingly indistinguishable from the chaos.

Gu Qingfeng glanced at the girl and said, “You are the ancient nameless person known as the messenger of fate, causal incarnation?”

Gu Qingfeng has never seen the ancient namelessness before, even once. No, but when the ancient nameless appeared, he still recognized it at a glance, because he felt it and saw it.

“In the rumors, if you have a false understanding, you can clearly understand World’s All Living Things.” The ancient unknown looked at him and said: “It seems that it is true. In your eyes, this World’s All Living Things , There is no secret at all. What kind of feeling is this?”

“I don’t know.”

“I don’t know?” The ancient nameless seems a little confused, but very She quickly felt relieved and said: “It seems that you haven’t got a great enlightenment.” After that, she seemed to realize something, and said: “No, it’s not that you don’t have a great enlightenment, but you don’t want to have a great enlightenment. Can I know why?”

“Don’t you claim to be above heaven under earth know everything?”

“I know astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom, but I don’t know you.”

“Then I ask you, knowing astronomy from the top, geography from the bottom, between Heaven and Earth knowing everything, what kind of feeling is it?”

“A kind of helplessness and hesitation, more A feeling of confusion…This between Heaven and Earth, there is no real omniscience, some are just endless mysterious. I thought I could see the whole Heaven and Earth by climbing out of the bottom of the well, but it was just what I thought. , Who knows that this world is not another bottom of the well?”

“In that case, why should I have a thorough understanding to try to see through this infinite mysterious and infinite truth and falsehood of Heaven and Earth?”

An ancient nameless startled suddenly, looking at Gu Qingfeng with a surprised look, and said: “You are really amazing!”

“I’m not amazing, I just can’t afford it.”



Too lazy

Ancient Wuming was still very puzzled just now, I wonder if Gu Qingfeng can clearly understand, why didn’t she realize it, now she finally knows, this guy is too lazy to understand it, in other words, he is not at all I don’t want to, and I don’t want to see through this World’s All Living Things.

“I have to say that you are the laziest person I have ever met. Although I don’t want to, I have to admit that you are the most arrogant, domineering, free and unrestrained person I have ever seen. He is also the most unique person.”

“No wonder Weier flies into the flame for the moth, and no wonder Jun Xuanji and the others will lose themselves. I think… I will meet you instead. I will lose myself like the moth flies into the flame…”

“Don’t worry.” Gu Qingfeng stared at her and said, “You won’t have that day.”


“Not why, because I can’t look down on you.”

hearing this.

The ancient nameless was taken aback for a moment, and then he burst into laughter, speechless saying: “This sentence is really hurtful.”

“Is it wrong?”

” What’s wrong?”

“Are you still a human?”

“I realized that you would be hostile to me, but since I’m here, I’ve done it I’m mentally prepared.”

“I have no hostility towards you.”

An ancient nameless replied: “But you are hostile to cause and effect and destiny.”

“You can’t represent cause and effect, and you can’t represent destiny.” Gu Qingfeng’s words once again surprised Gu Qingfeng. She looked at Gu Qingfeng deeply, and after a long time, she said: “You It’s much more powerful than I thought…”

“So, just say anything, don’t talk nonsense to me!”


The ancient nameless faintly sighed, sighed a little helplessly, and said: “I see you today, just want to talk to you.” Xu was worried about causing misunderstandings, and the ancient nameless quickly explained: “You don’t want to Misunderstanding, I am not talking about Dao Void without Dao Void, nor your choice, but I want to talk to you about cause and effect, fate, and this original sin.”

Gu Qingfeng did not speak. , Just waiting.

The eternal unknown looked like a vortex-like chaos, and said: “Maybe you didn’t realize it before, but I think you should already feel that the cause and effect you have been searching for is not your own cause and effect. , But the cause and effect of original sin.”

“From the day you were born and become the person of original sin, there may be a cause and effect of your own, but when you merge with that drop of blood of original sin, Your cause and effect is no longer your cause and effect.”

“Similarly, when you are only the person of original sin, you may still be just yourself. When you merge with that drop of blood of original sin, you It’s not yourself anymore, but the incarnation of original sin.”

“From then on, you are the original sin, the original sin is you, and your cause and effect is the cause and effect of the original sin, and the cause and effect of the original sin is also yours. Cause and effect, your existence will affect the existence of original sin, the existence of original sin will also affect your existence, your cause and effect will affect the cause and effect of original sin, and the cause and effect of original sin will also affect your cause and effect.”

“You Perhaps I have always wanted to know whether it was causality, destiny, or original sin that caused all this. Now, I can tell you that this is both causal and destiny, and it is original sin that chose you. At the same time , It is also the cause and effect of your own choice, the fate of your own choice, the original sin of your own choice.”

Gu Qingfeng remained silent, just listening.

“Original sin has always been looking for incarnation, since ancient times, has always been, has never stopped. This is its instinct, its cause and effect, and its destiny, just like the liger was born. It’s just like hunting, just like a baby needs to be breast-fed.”

“Therefore, many original sinners in this world came into being, which should be the cause and effect of original sin, and it should also be original sin. Destiny, why that many people of original sin are the only ones who merge the blood of original sin in the end? This is probably your destiny. I wonder if you have heard a sentence, character determines fate?”

” If you are a person of original sin, cause and effect may have been doomed, but your destiny is not. When you are a teenager, if you are cowardly and timid, your destiny will be different. If you act honestly, your destiny will be different. If you are rich and wealthy, your destiny will be different. ……”

“But when you were a teenager, you were so arrogant and arrogant, you were so unruly, and it is this character that made you embark on this path.”

“Therefore, I said that this is not only a cause and effect, but also a destiny arrangement. It is also the original sin that chose you. At the same time, it is also the cause and effect of your own choice, the fate of your own choice, the original sin of your own choice.”

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