Supreme Lord

Chapter 1367


That dream again.

At some point, Su Hua fell into a nightmare again.

In the nightmare, the mysterious woman’s voice still echoes.

“I have my own wisdom, my own confusion, distinguish things from me!”

“Hundreds of Yang, Hundreds of Yin, turned into Heaven and Earth!”

“No good, no evil, only cause and effect!”

“Thousands of sages, thousand of demons, let others say!”

In the nightmare , There is no sun and moon, no Heaven and Earth, nor light and dark, nothing, only chaos, endless chaos.

It’s just that.

In the past, this endless chaos filled the whole nightmare like smoke.

And now this endless chaos is slowly spinning like a vortex.

If it was before, Su Hua might still want to stay in this nightmare for a while, because she wants to know more, and also wants to know what secrets this nightmare hides and what is its relationship with herself. .

But now.

She just wanted to leave this dream, and didn’t want to wait for a moment.

Now she no longer wants to know what secrets this nightmare hides, nor does she want to know what it has to do with herself.


She didn’t want to know anymore, she just wanted to leave, she just wanted to return to Gu Qingfeng’s side, nestled in her arms and accompanied.

Unfortunately, she didn’t know how to enter the nightmare, nor how to leave the nightmare.

“Don’t forget! Don’t forget! Never…Don’t forget!”

“False, all false, all false, everything is false…”

“Don’t believe in cause and effect, and don’t believe in destiny…and don’t believe in them…”

During the nightmare, women kept repeating these words.

Su Wei has long forgotten how many times he has heard it.

At this time.

A soft voice sounded in the ears.

“She was right, don’t believe in cause and effect, and don’t believe in fate.”


Su Hua looked over, and suddenly discovered that a person did not know when to appear in this nightmare.

Is a woman.

To be exact, it is a girl, dressed in white clothed, floating barefoot in the sky. This girl looks ordinary and ordinary, just like a touch of insignificant in this nightmare. The same as the glory.

Seeing this girl, Su Wei was startled at first, and then surprised: “Anonymous elder sister?”

“Wuer, long time no see.”

“Really you?”

Su Wei knows Angu Wuming. Not only does she know, but the relationship is very good. She also knows that Angu Wuming will come here in this world, but she didn’t expect to appear in this nightmare. in.

“The nameless elder sister, why are you here?”

“You are here, so I am here.”

“You came here specially Mine?”

An ancient nameless nodded, looking at the chaos that slowly rotates like a vortex.

Su Wei had always wanted to see Ji Gu Wuming, because she had many doubts and many questions in her mind, so she wanted to find Ji Gu Wuming to answer.

But it was only once.

Today’s Su Wei, although she still has many doubts and many questions in her mind, she no longer wants to know the answers to these questions.

And Jigu Wuming seems to have seen through her mind, softly said: “Don’t worry, I just came to see you, nothing more, no other intentions, I understand your heart and will not persuade you , I will not force you, let alone interfere with you, I am so, and so is your Big Senior Sister.”

“My Big Senior Sister…come too?”

“Come on, we have been in your Cave Mansion just now, now she should be leaving.”


Su Wei is a little bit lost, but more is Feeling guilty, said: “I’m sorry…Big Senior Sister and the nameless elder sister, you must be disappointed in me?”

“Why do you say that?”

“I am Jingu The person who should be robbed, in the danger of Heaven and Earth, was supposed to rescue the common people and resolve the catastrophes of the present and the ancients, but I chose to escape extremely selfishly, and also…”

“Silly girl, who Tell you that the person who should be robbed must be in danger in Heaven and Earth? Must save the world? Must resolve the catastrophe of the present and the ancient?”

“Anonymous elder sister, you don’t need to be comforted.”

“I’m not at all comforting you, I’m just telling you a fact.” The ancient nameless said, “It’s not wrong for you to be a catastrophe, but it’s not a Heaven and Earth catastrophe, and no one would respond to Heaven. and Earth catastrophe, this world catastrophe can only be Heaven and Earth himself, but everyone who should catastrophe should be his own cause and effect catastrophe, you are so, Heaven and Earth is no exception, everything has a cause, everything There are results. If not, how can you say the cycle of heaven and law, Karmic Retribution.”


Su Wei didn’t understand.

“Only you know your karma.”

Su Wei shook his head, still not understanding.

At this time, the nightmare’s voice came again.


“We are all cursed… They are also cursed… We are all cursed by cause and effect, and cursed by fate…”

” p>

“Our clansman is…their clansman is…”

“Don’t believe in cause and effect, don’t believe in destiny…”

“Never… “

“Find that person, only if you find that person, maybe you can completely break the curse…”

“Must find that person!”

Famed of this vortex-like chaos, he said with a deep meaning: “Just like this nightmare language, if you don’t understand it now, it doesn’t mean that you don’t understand it in the future. You will understand one day…”

“Why didn’t she make me believe in causal destiny?”

An ancient nameless murmured: “You will understand…”

Then Su Wei asked again:” Should I believe in causal destiny then?”

Ancient Wuming shook his head, looked at the chaotic vortex, and responded: “I don’t know.”

“Is causal destiny worthy of belief?”

Ancient Wuming shook his head again, answering I don’t know.

“The nameless elder sister, are you not the messenger of fate, the incarnation of cause and effect? ​​Why don’t you even know about it?”

The nameless elder sister no longer looks at the chaotic vortex, but stares at it Su Wei said: “Because I am only the messenger of fate, just the incarnation of cause and effect, I can neither represent cause and effect, nor can I control destiny.”

After silence.

Angu Wuming took the initiative to ask: “Wu’er, don’t you want to ask me about him?”

Su Wei shook his head, without the slightest hesitation’s replied:” I don’t want to.”


“How he chooses, it doesn’t matter to me.”



“If he chooses destroying heaven extinguishing earth, I will accompany him. If he chooses consigned to eternal damnation, I will accompany him. No matter what he chooses, I will accompany him without hesitation. , What choice does he make, is it important to me?”

“It really doesn’t matter.”

“But…Wuer, do you know? There is no end to cause and effect. , There is never an end…Sometimes, when you think all of this is the result, it may be just the cause, and sometimes, when you think it is about to end, it may be just the beginning.”

The ancient nameless this remark came, and Su Wei fell into deep contemplation. She seemed to understand, but she was even more confused.

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