Supreme Lord

Chapter 1364

This night.

Su Wei had a dream.

It’s not that she grew up and had been a nightmare for two lives, but a dream that made her feel extremely happy.


She and Gu Qingfeng traveled all over the mountains and rivers of this world.

They walk hand in hand in the most beautiful sea of ​​flowers.

I also joked under the most spectacular waterfall.

Ride horses galloping on the most expansive grassland.

Play in the deepest seabed world.

Enjoy the night view of the entire world on the highest mountain, and chase and play in the most dangerous beyond the topmost clouds.

It’s a pity.

When Su Wei opened her eyes and when she woke up, she realized that it was just a dream.

A dream that is out of reach for her and never thought of.

Where is this?

Su Wei got up and found himself lying on a stone bed. This is a house, a very simple house. There is almost nothing in the house. Leaving the house, there is a house yard outside. In the yard Gu Qingfeng was still lying on his back on that chair and swaying leisurely.

“Oh, sister, awake?”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice came, Su Wei felt a bit sorry, because she vaguely remembered that she scolded Gu Qingfeng yesterday A dog with bloody head.

“What’s the matter, do you want to have two more glasses?” Gu Qingfeng tilted his head, looked at her with a smile, and said: “If you haven’t scolded enough, if you feel uncomfortable, you can continue, I promise If you can’t fight back, you can’t scold you!” Su Wei knew that Gu Qingfeng was hurting himself, but he couldn’t say anything. He just twitched his lips and turned around.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

At least.

Su Wei felt embarrassed and regretted. She felt that she was a little too much yesterday. She wanted to apologize to Gu Qingfeng, but she saw this guy with her legs upright, looking frivolous, like a okay person. Similarly, Su Wei was really out of breath.

“Why? There is nothing to say?”

“Don’t expect me to apologize to you.” Su Wei glanced at him and said: “Compared to you Deceive me again and again, I have been very kind to you yesterday.”

“That’s why I asked if you were angry. If you don’t, you can continue to fight and scold you.”


“Do you think I am as unconscionable like you?”


Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know what to say, and Su Wei doesn’t even know Say what.

The two fell silent.

Perhaps to ease the embarrassment, Su Wei took the initiative to break the silence here and asked: “Where is Jin’er?”

“Little girl is fine.”

“He… will have nothing to do.”

“Of course not.”

Su Wei believes Gu Qingfeng, if Gu Qingfeng says Little Jin’er is fine, Then there must be nothing wrong.

After a while, Su Wei asked again: “What about you, what are you going to do?”

“What am I going to do?” Gu Qingfeng wondered:” What’s the matter? You want me to make up for you?”

“Who wants you to make up? I’m not talking about this at all!”

“What’s that?”

“I’m talking about Wudaoshan.”

“What happened to Wudaoshan?”

“You know, why do you still ask a question, when already knows the answer, Heaven and Earth cannot tolerate your existence. When Wudao Mountain comes, they are all ready to kill you.”

“You said this.”

Gu Qingfeng stood up and looked at the rising sun in the east. Fiercely stretched his waist and said, “It’s going to rain my mother and marry someone. If they can’t tolerate me, then I can’t tolerate it. Kill me, then kill, what else can I do?”

“Then you…will you die?”

Gu Qingfeng turned to look at her and said: “Then you Do you want me to die?”


I wanted to blurt out, only to touch Gu Qingfeng’s eyes, Su Wei’s stunning face suddenly blushed and looked down. Head, wanting to speak, but hesitating to speak, after a long time, seeming to have gathered courage, she finally said: “I don’t want you to die.”

“If you don’t want to If I die, then I won’t die.”


No matter how shy or not, Su Wei raised his face, a pair of beautiful eyes burst into light. .

“Of course, when did I lie to you.”

At first, Su Wei was very happy, but when he heard this, he immediately fell down and said: “You lied to me. Is it less?”

“Not anymore.”

“Can I still trust you?”

“Why not try to believe the last time What?”

“Okay! I believe you for the last time.”

until now The haze shrouded in Su Wei’s heart, this moment finally dissipated, the grievances and loss accumulated in the two lives , Pain, longing, etc. disappeared in this brief moment, and there is only happiness, only happiness, only excitement, only satisfaction.

“You just said…compensate me? How do you plan to compensate me?”

“Didn’t you stop talking about this?”

” But now I want to talk about it again, can’t it?”

“Okay, I didn’t say no.”

Gu Qingfeng walked over and swept Su Wei in. In her arms, she stretched out her hand and raised Su Hua’s chin, and asked: “Beauty, what compensation do you want?”

Perhaps he didn’t expect happiness to come so suddenly, Su Hua had some not knowing what to Do, her heart smashed like a deer, and her face was even more blushing. She wanted to break free from Gu Qingfeng’s arms, but she was so hugged by Gu Qingfeng that she couldn’t break free.

“Can you let me go first!”



“Or What do you think?”

“shameless, rascal! Bastard!”

Su Hua struggled again, but the more he struggled this time, Gu Qingfeng hugged him The tighter the tighter, the tighter the tighter you don’t hug, and she still touched her body for a while, and Su Hua who touched her screamed again and again, begging for mercy: “I’m wrong… Stop it… Ah! Stop it! You bastard! I’m really angry if I don’t stop it!”

“ha ha ha ha ha!” Gu Qingfeng laughed heartily, and said: “Okay, no kidding, just talk, how can I compensate you? .”

“How do you want to compensate?”

“I said meat compensation, but you don’t want to.”

“You! Can you Be more serious.”

“Be more serious, right, OK.” Gu Qingfeng looked at Su Wei, and said seriously: “As long as you want, as long as I have it, can you?”

“As long as I want it? As long as you have it? Anything?”

“Of course!”

“Okay! I want you to take me to realize a dream.”


“What dream?”

“A dream I had last night. As for what dream, you will know when you go.”

“No problem.”

“And, wherever I take you, you must go, and what I ask you to do, you must do.”

“Everything depends on you.”

After that, the two left.

Su Wei took Gu Qingfeng to realise the dream she had last night, walking hand in hand in the most beautiful sea of ​​flowers, talking about love under the most beautiful waterfall, and staying beyond the topmost clouds. Snuggling on the mountain peaks and admiring the most spectacular night view in the entire world. The two traveled hand in hand through the mountains, rivers and seas in the world. They also left the footprints that the two of them walked together in this world, and left a piece of belonging The best memory between the two.

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