Supreme Lord

Chapter 1363

“Sister, what am I pretending to be stupid with you? I don’t even know which one you sang.”

Gu Qingfeng wanted to cry without tears, and said: “What past life? You? Is it still for cause and effect? ​​Sister, tell you the truth, although you keep saying that there is cause and effect between us, I still don’t know what cause and effect are between us.”

“I have never seen a shameless person like you!” Su Wei stared at Gu Qingfeng, and said: “If you tell a lie, you don’t even blink your eyes. If I didn’t know the truth, I’m afraid I would really be caught by you. Lie to the past!”

“The truth? What is the truth? Why do I get more confused as I listen.” Gu Qingfeng shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said: “Sister, I think there must be some misunderstanding between us?”

“Misunderstanding? Do you dare to say that it is a misunderstanding?”

Su Wei really couldn’t bear it, stood up all of a sudden, glared at Gu Qingfeng, shouted: “I ask you, who is Youdi!”

When Su Wei mentioned the word Youdi.

Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but move in his heart, so he stopped talking, no longer refuted, and said nothing in silence.

At the beginning, he was indeed a little confused by Su Wei’s question. He thought that the past life Su Wei was talking about was the past life of no cause and effect. He didn’t expect it to be this past life until Su Wei mentioned it. You Di, he gradually understood what was going on.

“Answer me, why not answer me.” Su Wei asked: “Don’t you like to lie? Continue to lie to me! Don’t you like to play me? Continue to play me!”



Gu Qingfeng scratched his head and said: “Actually, I’m not at all to lie to you, and I didn’t trick you…”

Gu Qingfeng I was trying to explain, but just as he spoke, Su Hua was angrily coming over before he finished speaking.

“How can you be so shameless, you have been exposed by me, you still dare to quibble? You said you didn’t lie to me? Didn’t you fool me? Hehe…Are you less fooling me? Are there still few? From the very beginning, you are deceiving me and you are playing me!”

“You know I’m looking for King Chixiao, and you and I met that many times, but you never I have confessed my identity. If it weren’t the accident more than ten years ago, I’m afraid I don’t even know that you are the King of Scarlet Clouds!”

“If it’s just that’s all, you clearly I know my identity in the past life, but deliberately pretend not to know me.”

“Sister, if I did not admit that I was King Chixiao, I deceived you. I admit it, but I don’t know your past life. Besides, you are different from your previous life, how can I recognize you.”

“My appearance may be different from the previous life, but my previous life is also called Su Hua.”


“Sister, you are a bit irrational, right? There is probably a girl named Su Hua in the world who is not tens of millions but also millions. I dare not recognize a single name.”

“Yes! You are right. There may be many women named Su Wei in the world, but the Nine Heavens Profound Lady whose surname Su is between Heaven and Earth is Su Wei alone!”

This Gu Qingfeng was silent again.

Because the facts are just like what Su Hua said, there may be thousands of Su Huas in the world, but there is only one Nine Heavens Profound Lady between Heaven and Earth with the surname Su Ming Hua.

“You recognized me a long time ago, didn’t you? From the very beginning you recognized it, but you pretended not to know, kept hiding from me, and never admitted to me that you are King Scarlet Heaven has never admitted that you are Emperor You.”

“It’s ridiculous that I once doubted whether you were Emperor You. For this reason, I also asked you. Do you remember you were How did you answer me?”

“I asked you if you were Emperor You, but you said that you don’t know any Emperor You, and you haven’t heard of it, and that I have too much imagination?”


“The surname is ancient, what do you say about this? Don’t you feel blushing at all when you are embarrassed?”

Gu Qingfeng lies on his back on the chair with his hands on his face , Extremely embarrassed, how could he not blush when Su Wei questioned him.

“What’s even more ridiculous is that I was so stupid that I still believed your nonsense. Not only did I believe your nonsense, I also told the detailed process of how I met, met, and met with Youdi. You…”

“How about you, you are like an outsider, listening to these as a story, if it hadn’t happened to me, I wouldn’t even believe it, the world Why are there people who are’honest’ like you, being honest is horrible!” The word honesty in Su Wei’s mouth is really harsh for Gu Qingfeng, and I can’t wait to find a place to drill it. Go in.

Maybe I was really drunk.

Maybe there is really too much grievance in his heart, Su Wei burst into tears as he spoke.

Gu Qingfeng is the least able to hear a woman crying. As long as he hears a woman crying, he has a headache. Looking at Su Hua who was crying aloud, Gu Qingfeng stood up and walked over, patted Su Hua’s back. Trying to comfort him a few words, but before he could speak, Su Wei stood up abruptly, facing Gu Qingfeng with a beating.

“You bastard, do you know how happy I was to meet you back then!”

“Do you know how lost I was when I left you back then!”


“Wu wu wu! Do you know how worried I was when you were fighting against the Dao!”

“Wu wu wu-Do you know that you witnessed your trial by the Dao.” , How desperate I am!”

“Do you know how sad, how painful, and how much I miss you after you disappeared!”

“wu wu wu!”

Su Wei kept beating Gu Qingfeng like crazy, venting the endless grievances in his heart, but Gu Qingfeng didn’t say a word, let her beat her.

Perhaps because he was tired, Su Wei lay down in Gu Qingfeng’s arms and wept again, using tears to tell the countless and countless misses in his heart. Every tear is like a representative As she missed Gu Qingfeng, she cried for a long, long time, and also left many tears.

Unconsciously, until the tears were exhausted, until the body and mind of crying were exhausted, Su Hua fell asleep unconsciously, and fell asleep in Gu Qingfeng’s arms…

And Gu Qingfeng motionless hugged her with a look of helplessness and some guilt in his eyes.

To be honest.

It’s not that he doesn’t know Su Hua’s feelings for him.

Because of knowing, he clearly knew that she was looking for King Chixiao, and Gu Qingfeng never admitted it. Because of knowing, he knew her feelings for Youdi, so he kept hiding it.

It’s not that she is worried about her existence.

Maybe there will be this worry before.

However, Gu Qingfeng today does not worry about injuring anyone at all, because he has the confidence and the ability to protect anyone from harm.

But it’s just not hurt.

Apart from this, he can’t guarantee anything, and can’t give the other party everything he wants.

Because he knows his virtue very well.

I also know that the so-called feelings are nothing more than the flavor of emptiness and loneliness for myself.

I know more clearly that I am a complete bastard and never take any relationship seriously.

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