Supreme Lord

Chapter 1327


The boundless darkness.


Endless silence.

Raised his hand with a finger, and shattered the purification trial of immortal dao.

A sound of prestige smashed the transcendent judgment of Buddhism.

Put up your hands and make Heavenly Dao’s destruction and trial impossible to move even a little bit.

How many people can do between Heaven and Earth?

Who would dare to believe it if it hadn’t seen it in person?

Even if I witness it with my own eyes, the world is still in a dream.

At least.

Su Wei is like that.

She never thought that Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body was already so powerful as to startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping.

It’s just that.

She is not at all happy because she knows that the present and the ancient have not been opened for more than a hundred years, and the origins of the Three Thousand Great Daos are regenerating, and because of the existence of space barriers, the Dao is judged Greatly discounted, and the Eye of the Judgement on the avenue just disappeared temporarily, and it didn’t mean it was broken.

This is not important.

The important thing is that the world trial has not yet appeared.

In this world, the great judgment is not terrifying, but terrifying is the law of this world!


Is the law judged?

Why hasn’t it arrived?

Just when Su Wei was suspicious, a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering sound broke the darkness and the silence here.

I saw the sky that was supported by Gu Qingfeng’s hands suddenly spinning, forming a boundless vortex in an instant, nothing else, it was the rule of judgment from this world.

When the law trial appeared, Gu Qingfeng was immediately involved in it.

If the rule of justice is like endless changes, it also has endless power.

This change is a change in space, and this power is also Space Power.

According to the legend, no matter how strong you are, you will not be defeated or broken up in the face of the laws of the world. You cannot get out or escape, as long as you are involved in it. , Will be torn to pieces and turned to ashes on the spot, as long as you are not, the law trial will not stop!

What is the law, this is the law.

What is space, here is space.

Is it true?

It may be the case for others.

But for Gu Qingfeng, the relationship between Heaven and Earth has never been absolute, let alone legends.

Among vortex.

Shengxue’s white clothed is flying, and Mo’s long hair is dancing.

Gu Qingfeng still stands still, holding the sky with both hands.

No matter how crazy this vortex is, no matter how this space changes, no matter how infinite the law is, and no matter how terrifying the trial, he will never be able to shake him anymore.

He just stood so, just so supporting the sky, just like the War God that can support both heaven and earth!


Gu Qingfeng did not escape!

He won’t run away either!


Smoke suddenly appeared all over his body for some reason.

This smoke is neither the bloody smoke shrouded by the blood moon, nor the white smoke purified by immortal dao, nor the golden smoke that has been overwhelmed by Buddhism, but black smoke.

What is this?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

I only know that the black smoke is getting bigger and bigger, and it spreads in an instant. The next moment, it is like the entire world is filled with black smoke.

Su Wei cautiously probed, and finally knew what the black smoke was.

It is murderous intention.

It’s a murderous intention against the sky! .

It’s killing intent!

It’s a killing intent!

Oh heaven!

Su Hua’s frightened face was as gray as death, and her whole body was shaking uncontrollably. She couldn’t imagine, nor could she imagine, how could Gu Qingfeng have such terrifying killing intent and such terrifying murderous intention ? What has he experienced, and what has he experienced to achieve such monstrous murderous intention and brutal killing intent?

murderous intention everyone will have.

But killing intents don’t just want to have them.

This is a taboo.

Especially for the immortal Buddha, it is a taboo among the taboos, because the achievement of a killing intent requires countless killings and killing countless lives before you can practice a killing intent, which is also a killing intent. Heaven Realm is listed as a taboo reason.

The most important point is that if you want to practice killing intent, you must first kill your own humanity. Only by killing your own humanity can you be ruthless, and once you practice killing intent, Intent, humanity disappears, and it is insane.

By then, humans will not be humans, immortals will not be immortals, Buddhas will not be Buddhas, ghosts will not be ghosts, and demons will not be demons.

In his previous life, Su Wei had seen many people who were cultivation killing intents, and in the end, without exception, they were almost crazy.

Is Gu Qingfeng going crazy?

I don’t know.

Su Wei really doesn’t know.

She doesn’t even know how Gu Qingfeng’s murderous intention is so against the sky, how can killing intents be everywhere all is!

Is this really just killing intent?


It’s not just killing intents.

Su Hua may not know, but the Daxing monk does.

Even though he is the living Buddha of the West Heaven who wanders between Heaven and Earth.

Even if he goes up to heaven or down to Hades, he doesn’t know how many years he has cultivated, he doesn’t know how many great powers he has seen, let alone how many big scenes he has seen.

At this moment, looking at the black smoke in the sky, I still can’t help but suck in a cold breath, I just feel that I have one’s hair stand on end, the sky is spinning.


This is not just a murderous intention against the sky!

It’s not just killing intents all over the sky!

There are also monstrous killings!

There is also a killing force to the sky!

The Daxing Monk knows Gu Qingfeng’s identity. Not only does he know Gu Qingfeng’s identity, he even knows that Gu Qingfeng has already cultivated this heaven-defying murderous intention since ancient times, and he also practiced It became the killing intent, the killing intent, and the killing intent, not only he knew it, but many people in the Heaven Realm knew that this was the supreme killing of Nine Nether that made people become terror-stricken at the news. area!

He knows and has witnessed it.

The reason for the shock is not because this supreme killing domain contains murderous intention killing intent, but Gu Qingfeng after taking out this supreme killing domain.

The stronger the murderous intention, the stronger the killing intent, and the stronger the killing intent, the harder it will be to control. If you cannot control it, you will be crazy.

And Gu Qingfeng’s killing intent murderous intention is incomparable, the most in history, and no one can match it. Even the Old Demon heads in Nine Nether Hell are far behind, big The monk walking around Three Thousand Worlds, and has never seen anyone whose killing intent can be compared to Gu Qingfeng, if not, it would not be called the Supreme Killing Domain.

The Daxing Monk clearly remembers that in ancient times, after Gu Qingfeng took out the Supreme Killing Realm, he couldn’t control it at all. Every time he took out, he would be crazy and would not kill him. Never give up, and whether he can wake up is even more unknown. Maybe he will be completely crazy and will always be reduced to a killing demon.

But now.

Is Gu Qingfeng crazy?


Su Wei may not be able to see it, but the Daxing monk can see clearly, Gu Qingfeng is absolutely not crazy.

What does this mean?

It means that Gu Qingfeng of today has been able to completely control his supreme killing domain.

The Daxing Monk also clearly remembered a sentence that Zen Sect Old Ancestor said that year.

Zen Sect Old Ancestor said.

After Gu Qingfeng took out this supreme killing domain, if he is no longer crazy, it means that he can already control this killing domain, and when he can control this killing domain, it means that he has cultivated into one. A heart of killing, when he cultivated a heart of killing, it also meant that he opened a door, a door of a avenue, this avenue is a supreme Slaughtering Dao.

Think of this.

Quickly, the monk no longer stands steady, and suddenly fell from in midair, he did not get up, but tremblingly whispered: “Slaughtering Dao, Slaughtering Dao… Did the old boy motherfucker really open a supreme Slaughtering Dao?”

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