Supreme Lord

Chapter 1326

If it is said that killing the destiny, God will not tolerate it.

Thus, Heaven and Earth cannot tolerate the killing.

We must know that all true people, whether they are fate or should be fate, are closely related to the life and death of this World’s All Living Things.

What is true fate?

It is both cause and effect and destiny.

It is the cause and effect that is above the avenue, and it is also about the destiny of Heaven and Earth.

In other words, the birth of any real person is not accidental, but causal, and even fate.

even more how Shangguanyu is still a great Taiji figure who inherited his fate, what does it mean? It means that he is likely to be the overlord who dominates humanity in modern and ancient times, and humanity is known as the foundation of the avenue. Today, Heavenly Dao, immortal dao, and Buddhism have used Little Jin’er’s life to threaten Gu Qingfeng to hand over. The worship of the Buddhas in Vientiane is precisely to gain humanity.

Under this situation, how could Dadao easily let Gu Qingfeng kill Shangguanyu? Not only this road is not allowed, I am afraid that even this world is not allowed.

Gu Qingfeng is already in trouble with Dao Dao. He clearly knows that if Shangguan Yu is beheaded, Dao Dao will be completely angered, but he just did so.

Is he crazy?

I don’t know.

Su Hua really didn’t know. At this moment, she was paralyzed on the ground, her sanity had long since been blurred, her consciousness had long been blurred, and her thinking had long been confused. That’s how she looked at Gu Qingfeng.

Now, only Gu Qingfeng is in her eyes.

In the field.

Just when Shangguanyu was kneeling in the sky by Gu Qingfeng with a loud voice, he stepped out and wanted to obliterate Shangguanyu on the spot. Suddenly, there was an extremely angry shout in the sky. The sound came.

“Sinner! Tai Chi heroes who have inherited the destiny will not allow you to kill them. My Heavenly Dao trial will definitely destroy you!”

hong long long! ——

There is a loud noise.

Like the road flowing, like the rolling river, like the boiling sea of ​​clouds, containing the vast horror, endless power, with the strong pressure of the rolling Heavenly Might, the shaking world, this void constantly explodes, Constantly trembling, this scene is like falling from the sky, crushing everything in the world, very terrifying.

“It’s nothing more than Heavenly Dao’s ruining trial, and what can I do!”

Just when Heavenly Dao’s ruining trial was overwhelmed, the white clothed man, the Gu Qingfeng stood in the air, not only did not dodge or dodge, but jumped up, rushed up, raised his arms, opened his five fingers, palms facing up, and wanted to fight the sky!



Powerful fluctuations erupted, the tremor’s great void exploded, cracks and holes.

Fortunately, this is the great void and nature. If it happens on the ground, it is impossible to imagine what terrible disaster it will cause.

Even so, the powerful wave still blasted the Formation shock on the ground.

Although the people of the long-distance cultivation who have already avoided, although they are also greatly affected, no one cares at this moment, and no one cares. All of them are watching closely In the sky, one by one, like a statue, froze there, staring at Gods Vestige.


This scene is even more exaggerated than Gods Vestige, it is also outrageous, it is also jaw-dropping, and it is breathtaking!

In the void.

The judgment of destruction under the pressure stopped falling, and it was blocked in midair.

Beneath the judgment of destruction, the white clothed man stood standing like a lonely mountain, raising his hands so forcibly to support the falling sky!

This is a trial!

Moreover, it belongs to Heavenly Dao’s destruction trial, and it is like a boundless fall from the sky, but now it is blocked by Gu Qingfeng.

Who has seen such a crazy scene?



The three mysterious giants do not have the Purple King, Third Prince, and Big Palm Reserve.

Su Wei did not!

The female sect Ye Tianlan did not.

There is no such thing as a living Buddha!

What is able to support both heaven and earth!

This is called able to support both heaven and earth!

“God! In ancient times, you can’t help me! In ancient times, you still can’t help me. If you give you millions and millions of years, you still can’t help me!”

The white clothed man held the Heavenly Dao trial with both hands, and shouted sharply, and roared: “Get me up!”


When he exerted his arms, he actually shook Heavenly Dao and moved upward!

“Sinner! Take it to death!”

Suddenly, the world bloomed brightly, and endless light and craziness shrouded Gu Qingfeng. This situation is like a billion stars. It is the same as Gu Qingfeng, but everyone knows that this is not a star, but a trial, a purification trial of immortal dao!

As long as there is light, purification will not stop!

How terrifying is the purification trial of immortal dao?

I don’t know.

I only know that as long as you are enveloped by the purification trial of immortal dao, no matter how strong you are, you will be scattered ashes and smoke dispersed in an instant!


Gu Qingfeng is not at all scattered ashes and dispersed smoke covered by the purification trial, but the fleshy body is like being steamed through the sun, emitting white smoke.


It’s just that.

Gu Qingfeng fearless and dauntless, he swept across with a glance, staring at the bright day hanging in the sky, shouted with domineering: “Little Jiutian immortal dao also wants to purify Lao Tzu? Only when this world has light can it dare to have light. If I want this world to fall into darkness, it will never dare to light up and destroy it for Lao Tzu!”

Gu Qingfeng holds Heavenly Dao in his left hand, which looks like the sky. Judgment, raising the right hand, pointing in the air, the hit of light fell when the light hit, and the world fell into darkness in an instant. This is really darkness, and there is no light in the darkness.

hong long long ——

The thunder sounded, and the sound of the Buddha came. It was a transcendent judgment from the Buddha’s way. In the darkness, it looked like a big Buddha faintly discernible, chanting , What is chanted is the Sutra of Chaodu!

The sound of chanting is solemn, sacred and inviolable.

Such a super sound, rolling and moving, super superb Gu Qingfeng.

Gu Qingfeng, who is supporting the sky with only one hand, the fleshy body has also become blurred.

“Want to supersede Laozi? You Xitian does not have the qualifications yet!”

Gu Qingfeng’s voice exploded like a god, like a demon howl, as if from all directions, Another example is from above heaven under earth, one word shakes the sky, one sound shakes the earth, one sound disappears, one prestige and one quiet, one momentum and death silence!

When every word explodes, the sound of the vast transcendence will be weakened a bit, and when a few words fall, the faintly discernible Buddha collapses and disappears, and the sound of the vast transcendence completely ceases.

The purification trial of immortal dao, as long as there is light, purification will not stop.

Buddhism and Taoism’s transcendental judgment, as long as thunderous, transcendence will not stop.

And Gu Qingfeng pointed in the air, referring to the immortal dao’s bright day falling and disappearing, and referring to the world there is no light anymore.

With a sound of his majesty, the sacred sun of the trembling Buddhism and Taoism fell and disappeared, and the world that trembles has no sound anymore.

This moment.

This world is not only plunged into endless darkness, but also into endless silence.

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