Supreme Lord

Chapter 1321

In the eyes of everyone, Heavenly Dao, immortal dao, and Buddhism have issued an ultimatum, and the Dao Judgment will come at any time. Change to anyone at this time, no matter how bold you are, no matter how high your ability and strength you are No matter how strong it is, it will inevitably be in awe, fear, and fear.

It’s just unbelievable that the white clothed man still stood quietly in the void, holding Little Jin’er so silently.





Not all!

Not only there is no awe, no fear, no fear, but on his stern face, there is not even a hint of worry, but only silence, boundless silence, endless silence.

Only the white clothed dress of Shengxue was flying gently.

Only the three thousand black hairs that are like magic are dancing slightly.

Apart from this, nothing.

Just like at this moment, Heavenly Dao, immortal dao, Buddhism and Taoism are not sending him an ultimatum, nor is the Dao Judgment coming because of him, just like an outsider, just like what happened here. Nothing has anything to do with him.

Why is he so fearless?

Why is such a serene?

Why is it so calm?

No one knows.

hong long long ——

In the sky, the bloody moon trembled more and more severely, the evil blood brilliance became stronger and stronger, and the mysterious power contained in it became stronger and stronger. The horror is coming, and the Buddhist swastika that sealed it becomes more and more blurred, like a candle in the wind, and like smoke, it will collapse and disappear like the next moment.


Gu Qingfeng lifts the head and glanced lightly at the blood moon in the sky, which seemed to be cut open and sealed at any time, but only glanced at it, and then asked: “white eyebrow holy monk, Can I ask you a question?”

No one thought that at this time, Gu Qingfeng would still be able to say such a thing, including the white eyebrow holy monk. He started his heart first, and then Replied: “Ancient layman, may I ask.”

“Today, no matter if I will hand over the Buddha statues to worship in Vientiane, you will bring Little Jin’er back to Xitian, right?”


Perhaps I did not expect that Gu Qingfeng would suddenly ask such a question. White eyebrow responded: “Yes.”


“God has a good life. Virtue, my Buddha embraces compassion. Little Jin’er is innocent. At least, she was innocent before she brought disaster. Today, regardless of whether the ancient layman would hand over the Buddha to worship in Vientiane, Lao Na will take Little Jin. ‘er go back to the west!”

“I believe what you said, and I believe you will do it.”

Gu Qingfeng said, and asked: “If I don’t hand it over Little Jin’er, you will definitely grab it, right?”

When Gu Qingfeng asked this sentence, white eyebrow’s face was a little strange, like something guilty, thinking for a while, This was nodded, and responded: “Yes.”

His response made many people feel very puzzled, unable to figure it out, and even more incomprehensible.

Since Little Jin’er is the catastrophe of the era of innocence, we should take precautions against it and kill him on the spot.

Even if the West Heavenly Buddha Dao is compassionate, wouldn’t he rob him of this compassion?

even more how now immortal dao, Heavenly Dao, including Buddhism and Taoism know that Gu Qingfeng cares about Little Jin’er, so they threatened Gu Qingfeng with Little Jin’er’s life to surrender all living things and worship in Vientiane. Why do you listen to the meaning of white eyebrow? Regardless of whether Gu Qingfeng will hand over the Buddha, the white eyebrow holy monk will take Little Jin’er back to the West? Moreover, if Gu Qingfeng doesn’t give it, he will still grab it?

Why on earth?

Many people don’t know why.

Su Wei didn’t understand either.

At this time,

Gu Qingfeng also asked: “Why?”

Everyone wants to know why, but they don’t know why. When Gu Qingfeng asked, the white eyebrow holy monk lowered his head and chose to remain silent.

At this time, Su Wei was even more confused.

“You said that you brought Little Jin’er back to Xitian because of compassion. I believe that you said that Little Jin’er was innocent. But there is another reason, I’m afraid you didn’t say that, it should be to threaten me, right?”

Listen to the word threat.

Su Wei finally understood, and finally realized that Xitian’s coming this time was definitely a well-planned, and he thought of all the possibilities and considered all the consequences.

They know that Gu Qingfeng cares about Little Jin’er, so they use Little Jin’er’s life as a threat.

Gu Qingfeng would be better if he surrendered the Buddha statues in Vientiane to worship.

If you don’t hand it over.

They will obliterate Gu Qingfeng at all costs.

But after all, the existence of Gu Qingfeng is unpredictable, and none of them is absolutely sure to obliterate it. Once they cannot obliterate Gu Qingfeng, they will try their best to snatch the Buddha statues and worship in Vientiane.

And if you don’t even grab the pilgrimage to the Buddhas, then take the next step and snatch Little Jin’er.

They may not be absolutely sure to obliterate Gu Qingfeng, nor are they absolutely sure to snatch the Buddha of the Buddha and worship in Vientiane, but they are still absolutely sure to snatch Little Jin’er, as long as they snatch Little Jin’er, take precautions The unknown disaster is secondary, the most important thing is that in the future, we can use Little Jin’er to threaten Gu Qingfeng.

too terrifying!

Too mean, too shameless, and too sinister.

immortal dao yes, Heavenly Dao yes, so is Buddhism!

All are jackals of the same tribe!

They completely pushed Gu Qingfeng to a dead end this time.

What will Gu Qingfeng do?

Will he surrender the Buddha statues to worship?

If it is handed over, it is equivalent to handing over the body protection symbol. How could this group of people let him go.

But if you don’t pay, what can you do?

Faced with the encirclement and suppression of Heavenly Dao, Buddhism, and immortal dao, Gu Qingfeng’s own life and death cannot be guaranteed, so how can the life of Little Jin’er be guaranteed?

This is really a dead end and a dead end.

“Amitabha!” The white eyebrow holy monk said again: “Since the ancient layman has already seen through, Lao Na doesn’t want to hide it, let alone say anything. You say that Lao Na is despicable and insidious, or shameless is hypocritical, Lao Na admits , Lao Na is willing to sacrifice everything for the common people of the world, and hope that the ancient laymen can surrender all the lives of the Buddha.”

Gu Qingfeng bluntly said: “I surrendered to death. That being the case, why should I pay it?”

The white eyebrow holy monk wanted to speak, but he was interrupted by Gu Qingfeng before he spoke: “Today you white eyebrow if you dare to say that Gu Qingfeng will live If the Buddha is handed over, it will survive. Then I will hand it over. Do you dare to say this?”

The white eyebrow holy monk is silent, he dare not say this, and he doesn’t have this. Qualifications say that he may be able to sacrifice everything for the sake of the world, but if he is allowed to do things without his conscience, he can’t do it.


Can’t do it.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but he can’t do it. What he cultivates is a compassionate heart, and he can’t do it to violate this compassionate heart.

“Lao Na has no right and no right to determine the life and death of the ancient layman. Lao Na does not expect to be understood by the ancient layman, nor does he expect the ancient layman to think of the world with compassion. In the innocent Little Jin’er, don’t want to persist in your own wrong doings.”

“It’s for Little Jin’er, so I can’t do it.”

“The ancient layman doesn’t care about his own life and death. Does he even care about Little Jin’er’s life and death?”

Gu Qingfeng casually replied: “Sorry, this is not something you should worry about Question.”

The white eyebrow holy monk almost shouted: “Why?”

“No, the reason is simple. You live for the world.” Gu Qingfeng responded: “And I only do Little Jin’er.”

I don’t understand.

The white eyebrow holy monk this time really does not know what Gu Qingfeng wants to do.

He doesn’t understand, and others don’t understand even more.

But one person understands it.

This person is no one else, but Su Wei.

She rushed forward desperately, rushed to Gu Qingfeng, and tremblingly asked: “Gu… Gu Qingfeng, what do you want to… do?”

“Cut the avenue, destroy the world, Exterminating Heaven and Earth.”

Just nine words.

There is neither momentum nor prestige, but it is heaven-shaking, earth-shattering in everyone’s ears.

Su Wei was even more panicked and asked in amazement: “Stupefied…Do you want to go to war with Three Thousand Great Daos?”

At this moment, Gu Qingfeng kept his head down. Finally lifts the head, his grim face is still expressionless, and his dark eyes are still so silent. He looked at Su Wei, lightly saying: “Why not!”

“Aren’t you afraid? “

“Why be afraid!”

“What if you die because of this?”

“Then… die because of this!”

After that, Gu Qingfeng turned around, holding Little Jin’er, and wanted to fly into the air, Su Wei said with tears: “Promise me, don’t die.”

Gu Qingfeng stopped, but didn’t look back, just returned a word: “Okay!”

“I’m waiting for you!”

“Remember to bring fine wine and wait together Me!”

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