Supreme Lord

Chapter 1320

“Humanity is not only the foundation of the Three Thousand Great Daos, but also the origin of our lives in the world. Gu Qingfeng did not get his life, but he did not know how to use the evil ways to make all living creatures worship this and the others.”

At this time, Shangguan Yu stood up and loudly shouted: “In the ancient times, this person indiscriminately killed innocents for the sake of innocence and no quality. He snatched the seat of the Demon King because of his wrong intentions and overthrew. Xian Dynasty is for immortal dao sinners, walk the heavens-defying road, is for Heavenly Dao sinners, fused with the blood of original sin, is for innocent sinners.”

“Such a wicked and no quality, mind It’s not true, not only as an immortal dao sinner, as a Heavenly Dao sinner, but also as an innocent sinner. He can be described as a person who is not tolerated by Heaven and Earth. How can he be qualified to have the worship of all living things? Is he worthy to have all living things to worship? “

Shangguan Yu is an outstanding Tai Chi figure who inherited his true life. He is known as the existence of the world leader and has a great influence. His shouting was immediately echoed by everyone in the world, especially to Gu Qingfeng The big brothers of Great Sect who hated them, stood up for the first time.

“Gu Qingfeng is ruthless, bloodthirsty and cruel, and exterminates humanity. In this world, he does a lot of evil and harms the people. Such a person is not worthy to have all living things to worship!”

“Yes, if he dominates humanity in the future, he will surely bring harm to all living beings. He is not qualified to have the Buddha statues and worship, and he must give it up!”

“This evil sin that Heaven and Earth cannot tolerate A disciple, everyone gets to blame!”

More and more people stood up and shouted, some of Gu Qingfeng’s crimes, some angrily denounced Gu Qingfeng’s evil deeds, and they asked Heavenly Dao, immortal Dao, the Grand Dao Lord of Buddhism and Taoism wiped out Gu Qingfeng on the spot!

It’s messed up!

Everything is messed up.

The immortals who had just hid away because of fear were more angry at this moment, swarming over, yelling to enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven.

Looking at this scene, whether it is the true garden fairy master or the true sun wine fairy, whether it is the female sect Ye Tianlan or Su Hua, even though they are extremely angry inside, they face the countless immortals. In the face of this immortal dao, this Buddhist Dao, and this Heavenly Dao, even if they feel unhappy in their hearts and fight injustices for Gu Qingfeng, they can only silently submit to humiliation.

Because they all know that the current situation is too chaotic and too strong. The chaos makes them not knowing what to do, and the strong makes them unable to intervene at all, let alone intervene, even if they are even qualified to intervene. nothing.

Not only them, but even the great monk known as the Living Buddha of the West, facing the Dao Dao, he has nothing to do. It is not that he does not want to help, but he does not have the ability and the ability to help.

In front of immortal dao, Buddhism, and Heavenly Dao, they are all too small, as small as trivial ant.


hong long long ——

A loud noise came.

Everyone looked over, and saw that the blood moon above the sky trembled violently, and the bloody brilliance began to bloom. The Buddhist swastika that had previously sealed it was already faintly discernible. It may collapse and disappear. Once the Buddhist swastika collapses, the blood moon will explode again, and Little Jin’er’s bloodline and soul will also be affected again.

“The swastika seal will collapse at any time.”

immortal dao Ruler Wu Yuan still looks like that aloof and remote, he said: “I advise you not to hesitate It is still obediently and honestly to hand over all living things to pray to the Buddha. Otherwise…not only the little girl in your arms will die, but you will certainly not live!”

In the middle, the world vortex began to rotate slowly. Everyone knows that this vortex is the Eye of the Judgement of this world. When the Eye of the Judgement of the world starts to rotate, the power of the vast world spreads. The entire world seemed to be angry, as if to eliminate all evil in the world!

Just as the Eye of the Judgement of the world is spinning, the bright day hanging in the sky also starts to spin. Everyone knows that this is the Eye of the Judgement of immortal dao. Come on, the holy immortal might be like purifying all evil in the world.

The source of the judgment of the world, and the Eye of the Judgement of the immortal dao have begun to revolve. Obviously, Wu Yuan is telling Gu Qingfeng that if he does not hand over the Buddhas to worship in Vientiane, the world and immortal dao will be judged. Will come.

“Gu Qingfeng! Lao Na urges you one more time, if you hand over all the Buddhas to worship, we will not only obliterate the little girl in your arms, but also Suppress the seal, but do your best to save her. If you persist in your own wrong doings, hmph! “

The intangible holy monk from Xitian Pure Land Sect pointed to Gu Qingfeng, shouted:” Then don’t blame me, Heavenly Buddha Dao, to kill the common people!”

Go ahead!

At the moment of rushing, in the sky, another round of big day is like dropping from the sky.

Different from the bright day of immortal dao, the golden light is shining, solemn and sacred, and it contains the vastness of Buddha’s breath. When the golden light flashes, Buddha’s radiance envelopes the world, as if to transcend the world Of all sins.

Perhaps many people have never seen the judgment of Buddhism and Taoism, but when this super-saving day appeared, everyone knew that this was the Eye of the Judgement of Buddhism and Taoism.

If the judgment of the world is judged by law, then the judgment of immortal dao is the judgment of purification, and the judgment of Buddhism is the judgment of transcendence.


immortal dao has issued an ultimatum to Gu Qingfeng with the law and purification of the two major Eye of the Judgement.

And Xitian also sent an ultimatum to Gu Qingfeng with the supernatural judgment of Buddhism.

Everyone looked towards Poyun again, as if they were all looking forward to Heavenly Dao’s trial, but what was puzzling was that the Heavenly Dao trial not at all appeared, and as Heavenly Dao Ruler, Yun did not issue an ultimatum like Wu Yuan and Wuxiang did, and he still stood with his hands behind and closed his eyes.

After a while, he spoke.

“Gu Qingfeng, I, Heavenly Dao, have always been tolerant to you, and always have been. You have walked the heavens-defying road many times, and even openly obliterated the fate of the ancients. My Heavenly Dao never descended Judgment, I only hope that you can know the grace of heaven and give up all the living things to worship.”

Wu Yuan’s voice is still as noble as before, so proud, this kind of noble and proud is superior to all living beings. The nobility and arrogance of heaven, this between Heaven and Earth is also only the messenger of Heavenly Dao, who has such inherent nobility and arrogance.

Immediately, he opened his eyes, his eyes despising sentient beings, and said: “Now I, Heavenly Dao, will give you another chance. This is also the last chance. I hope you can cherish it. Once Heavenly Dao descends Absolute judgment, this above heaven under earth, these all living beings, and even the gods, no one can save you.”


Heavenly Dao also issued an ultimatum to Gu Qingfeng.

Although Heavenly Dao has not lowered the absolute judgment now, everyone is clear. Whether Heavenly Dao lowers the judgment depends entirely on whether Gu Qingfeng will hand over the Buddhas to worship in Vientiane. In other words, Gu If Qingfeng surrendered all living things to worship in Vientiane, Heavenly Dao would not judge him. If he did not hand in, Heavenly Dao would inevitably come down for judgment, and it would still be a legendary absolute judgment!

Everyone present was very excited, because this scene was really spectacular, and it could be said that it was unseen in ancient times. It not only amazed them, but also made them emotionally irrational.

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