Supreme Lord

Chapter 1299

Shangqing Sect.


A round of blood moon is still spinning slowly in the night sky, and billowing clouds are still condensing. Under the shroud of the blood moon, it is like a boiling sea of ​​blood, making everyone have one’s hair stand on end.

In the blood-colored light beam, Little Jin’er’s petite body has become more and more blurred, as if it is merging with the blood-colored light beam bit by bit, she seems to have fainted a long time ago, but even so, it seems The consciousness was still there, the petite body was trembling constantly, struggling all the time, resisting, and refusing to merge with the blood-colored light beam.

She is very weak, as weak as a candle in the wind in World of Ice and Snow, as if it would go out at any time.

In the air, Shangguan Yu stood with his hands on his hands and stood on the colorful auspicious clouds, his expression calm and calm, the brilliance of the whole body shimmering slightly, like a Dragon Phoenix.

Shi Tian hugged his arms and stood on the head of the huge liger beast, with an arrogant and stern expression, just like watching the world.

The Big Palm Reserve, Third Prince, and Zixiaowang stood there quietly from beginning to end, just looking at Little Jin’er in the blood-colored light beam, without saying anything. One sentence.

In the Eastern Skyrim.

The day of light has risen to the sky. It is different from the big day, there is no sun shining, and there is no fire burning. It is more like a light that purifies the world.

The celestial beings in the clouds stood in the air with different expressions, looking at Little Jin’er in the blood-colored beam of light, and then at the bright day in the sky, as if they were waiting for something.

The headed immortal dao Adjudicator, and the fierce mountain of the world Law Enforcer, holds the immortal dao order in his left hand, and the right hand holds the world order flag, with a solemn expression, and he also glanced at the bloody beam of light Little Jin’er looked at the bright day in the sky again, and then patrolled the world, and found that after Su Wei really disappeared, he slowly exhales one breath saying, and a stone hanging in his heart finally fell.

He was very glad that Su Wei was taken away like this.

As for who took it away.

He doesn’t know, and doesn’t want to know.

As long as Su Hua is taken away, it is enough for him.

If Su Wei continues to guard the disaster star so persistently, Lieshan really doesn’t know what to do.

After all, Su Hua’s existence is a person who inherits the true fate of the ancient times. It is related to the future of all living beings, the rise and fall of the Three Thousand Great Daos, and even the survival of Heaven and Earth. Face this An existence, Lieshan naturally dare not to act blindly without thinking, and dare not even dare to wipe out a disaster star and annihilate a man who has inherited his fate.

He doesn’t have the guts.

Even if he did, Three Thousand Great Daos, who was silently following the matter behind him, would never allow him to do so.

Take another ten thousand steps, even if Three Thousand Great Daos allows it, God does not allow it.


Su Hua left.

In the field.

Everyone discusses spiritedly, because everyone can see that Scarlet Yeyue is getting stronger and stronger, and the calamity star Little Jin’er is slowly rising into the sky in the scarlet light beam. It will not take long before it will be Yeyue fusion.

Only Su Huaxian has stopped it. If you can’t do it, it’s all. Why is Su Huaxian gone now? The cloud has not used the world law to wipe out the catastrophe.

The cloud didn’t explain it, just stood there.

And everyone didn’t dare to ask, waiting anxiously in this manner.


Someone couldn’t help it, and stood up and asked: “Master Shifa, why haven’t you tried to judge the catastrophes that came from the world today?”

This person is not Others are the leaders of the world, the Tai Chi masters who have inherited the true fate, and the official reputation.

“No hurry.”

Lie Shan replied faintly.

“Not in a hurry?” Although Shangguan Yu didn’t at all put Lieshan in his eyes, but also because Lieshan is a world Law Enforcer, he didn’t dare to be too impudent and said: “I believe you can see that the catastrophe seems to be about to merge with the blood moon… If it merges, the consequences will be unthinkable.”

At this time, Shi Tian stood up proudly Li shouted: “If you don’t use the clouds, how about I Shitian do it for you!”


Lie Shan shouted: “The clouds belong to this world Domination, naturally has the obligation and responsibility to guard the world, no one needs to do it for you.”

“If so, why not do it?”

“The time has not arrived.”

“The time has not come?” Shi Tian coldly snorted and said: “When is the time then?”


The mountain is furious, Holding the world flag, pointing to Shi Tian, ​​shouted: “Shi Tian! Are you questioning the clouds?”

The arrogant and arrogant Shi Tian wanted to pass in anger, but just saw the world in Lieshan’s hands. After Lingqi, even if he is not reconciled in his heart, and is not convinced, he dare not say anything, and can only be coldly snorted and stop talking.

Not far away.

Ye Tianlan, the female sect, looked at the doubtful Shangguan reputation, and then looked at the unconvinced Shi Tian, ​​she shook her head secretly, and sighed that although the two of them are unparalleled in good fortune, one inherits his fate, the other It is a destiny, but after all, he is still too young and too little experience to understand or see the current situation.

Other people may not know, but Ye Tianlan knows that if Shangguanyu, Shitian, or even anyone in this world can obliterate Little Jin’er, Yunyun would never show up, because Yunyun knew The calamity is so powerful that other people can do it. If it cannot be destroyed, it will cause unnecessary trouble. Therefore, Yunyun had to come forward at the last minute.

As for why Yun Yun hasn’t done it for so long, the female sect Ye Tianlan probably guessed that it is not that Yunyun does not want to do it, but that immortal dao’s will not come down.

Why did the will of immortal dao not come down? The reason is very simple, immortal dao is also afraid, for fear of killing the calamity, it will anger Gu Qingfeng.

So, immortal dao has been waiting for Little Jin’er in the blood-colored beam to perish.

immortal dao should have already seen that Little Jin’er does not want to merge with the blood moon, and has been struggling desperately until now.

Will Little Jin’er finally fuse with Blood Moon, no one is sure.

If Little Jin’er would rather die unyielding, then it would be better. In this way, the calamity will be eradicated and Gu Qingfeng will not be offended, one move, two gains.

If Little Jin’er struggles desperately, it is useless, then immortal dao will definitely order the cloud to use the world law to destroy Little Jin’er.

Maybe this will anger Gu Qingfeng, but immortal dao can’t help it.

After all, the existence of Little Jin’er is the catastrophe of the era of innocence. Its threat is worse than Gu Qingfeng, the man of original sin in the era of innocence. A Gu Qingfeng is already immortal dao is a headache. If you add a calamity of the era of innocence, the consequences will be more terrifying, the future will be more confusing, and immortal dao will only become more and more passive.

So, immortal dao can only wait now.

Wait for Little Jin’er to destroy himself.

If Little Jin’er cannot reach the blood moon, immortal dao can only obliterate it by brace oneself, even if the consequences of angering Gu Qingfeng are serious, immortal dao can only bear it.

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