Supreme Lord

Chapter 1298


As soon as I heard this, the originally desperate Su Hua rekindled hope in her heart. She, who was sitting on the ground, immediately stood up, her face turned gray and excited. He asked: “Big Senior Sister, what do you mean? Who can save Little Jin’er?”

“You want Little Jin’er to live carefree, then Little Jin’ er also hope that who is carefree, who is carefree, who is alive?”

When the voice of Big Senior Sister came, Su Wei’s mind instantly came up with a person’s name and asked: “Big Senior Sister, do you mean Gu Qingfeng?”

“Who else can there be besides him?” Big Senior Sister exclaimed: “Looking at Heaven and Earth, only he has the courage and ability. Only he has this ability to rescue Little Jin’er from the hands of Three Thousand Great Daos. I am afraid that between Heaven and Earth, only he is qualified to reawaken Little Jin’er’s desire to survive.”


Only Gu Qingfeng.

In this world, this world, since ancient times, there may be many people who dare to challenge the Three Thousand Great Daos, and there are not all people who dare to challenge God.

However, the person who can fight Three Thousand Great Daos and God for so long, and can survive, is definitely can be counted on one’s fingers.

Gu Qingfeng may not be the first, nor the last, nor the strongest, the most powerful, the most arrogant, but it is definitely the newest, largest and most lively one in history.

Imagine a person who knows that Heaven and Earth are incompatible with his existence. Three Thousand Great Daos has been glare like a tiger watching his prey, and God is staring behind him again. Who can laugh out? Who dare to laugh out?

Gu Qingfeng dare.

He not only dared to laugh, he also laughed happily.

You should eat and sleep all day long, and do not delay anything.

No matter what Three Thousand Great Daos does, he will accept it all.

Then continue to change to eat the he he, as if there is no such thing.

This is also what Su Wei admires Gu Qingfeng most.

The problem is that Gu Qingfeng has disappeared mysteriously for more than ten years, Heaven and Earth is big, where should I look for him?

I don’t know.

If you know, Su Wei has found Gu Qingfeng a long time ago and will not wait until now.

At this time, she thought of Big Senior Sister and wanted to see if Big Senior Sister could find Gu Qingfeng, but just as soon as she spoke, the voice of Big Senior Sister came.

“Don’t ask me, I don’t know whether you can find him or not, it depends on your good fortune. Whether Little Jin’er can survive, you can only see her fortune… Go ahead. , Let it all go, and only let it go…”

hearing this.

Su Hua no longer hesitated, and disappeared.

Looking at Su Wei who disappeared and Nalan Qianqiu next to him, as if he could not believe it for a while, he asked: “Big Senior Sister, you really let Little Junior Sister go? You Isn’t it that Little Junior Sister has gone farther and farther on the road of cause and effect? ​​Why did she continue to participate in this matter? Little Junior Sister is the one who inherited the true fate, and the surnamed ancient in the innocent era The person of original sin has cause and effect and that’s all. Do you still want her to have cause and effect with Little Jin’er, the catastrophe of the era of innocence?”

“Wu’er is not on the road of cause and effect. Going farther and farther, but already sunk in… Whether it is the original sin or the catastrophe, this is her own cause and effect… She can’t escape, and can’t get rid of…”

“But…but even so, you can’t let Little Junior Sister sink deeper and deeper…”

“This is the path she chose. No one of us can stop it, let alone replace it, if it is It can be stopped, and I would not allow her to samsara reincarnation…”

“Really! I just can’t figure it out. Since Big Senior Sister, you know you can’t stop it, why did you even come forward to send Little Junior Sister Bring it back and let her go now. This is not a superfluous act.”

“I brought her back, just to calm her down and make her think clearly about what she is thinking and what she is doing… …Since she has already figured it out clearly, what reason do I have for her to stay? In this respect, Huaer is much better than you, although she is destined to bear the fate of the era of innocence, but at least, she knows herself What do you want, and what about you… Although it has nothing to do with Wudao, you don’t even know what you want.”

Nalan Qianqiu twitched his lips and responded: “I would rather not know what I want No matter what, I don’t want to bear the fate of the era of innocence.”

“So, you don’t understand the meaning of the innocent Little Jin’er living to Huaer.”


“Okay, I admit that I don’t understand, but, having said that, Big Senior Sister, what you said just now is true or to comfort Little Junior Sister, the guy surnamed Gu can really save Little Jin’er “

“I’m not comforting Huaer. As for whether he can save Little Jin’er, I don’t know. I said that whether he can be found depends on the good fortune of Huaer. Whether Little Jin’er can survive or not depends on her good fortune… I can do it…”

“In my opinion, you shouldn’t let Little Junior Sister go, let alone let Little Junior Sister go looking for someone with the surname Gu. Since that guy disappeared in Shangqing Sect, ten There has been no news for many years. I don’t know how many people are looking for him, but no one can find him. “

Nalan Qianqiu said: “The reason why the cloud dared to obliterate Little Jin’er this time is probably behind the idea of ​​immortal dao, and immortal dao is also the guy with the surname Gu, who dare not hear from it. In doing so, if immortal dao knows that the guy surnamed Gu is still in this world, lend them three courage, I am afraid that he would not dare to obliterate Little Jin’er so blatantly. “

“Not necessarily. “

“What may not be? Big Senior Sister, do you think immortal dao dare to obliterate Little Jin’er in front of the guy surnamed Gu? “

“why not dare? “

“If the guy surnamed Gu knew, he would definitely come forward for Little Jin’er, and the cloud would not be allowed to harm Little Jin’er at all. Immortal Dao failed to kill the guy surnamed Gu after several toss. Guy, if the surname Gu came forward to protect Little Jin’er, immortal dao would be helpless. “

“This is not a question of dare to dare, nor a question of how to do it, but a question of attitude. It is precisely because immortal dao cannot kill him three or five times, so immortal dao is even more important. Never give up. “

“Why is this again?” “

“I said that this is an attitude problem. The original situation is already very chaotic, and no one knows what the future will be. But such a chaotic situation has caused a variable like the ancient person. This makes the future of the present and ancient times even more confusing. Therefore, now the Three Thousand Great Daos is watching and waiting for opportunities, watching the attitude of Heavenly Dao, and also watching the attitude of immortal dao, demonic path, and evil way. “

“Heavenly Dao’s attitude towards the variables of the ancient surname has always been very vague. When the ancient surname merged with the blood of original sin, it was more than ten years ago that the ancient surname killed the fate of the ancient times. It is also Heavenly Dao’s vague attitude that has caused other avenues to be on the sidelines all the time. Now Three Thousand Great Daos has no leader, and immortal dao has always wanted to be the leader of the avenue. At this time, immortal dao will naturally stand up and set an example. “

“What’s the use of an example. “Nalan Qianqiu coldly snorted and said: “After tossing for so long, it hurts and loses its strength, shame and humiliation, and the surname of the ancient is not still a good life, why dare to do it. “

“So, immortal dao is in a very helpless situation now. I know that the ancient surname is a hard bone. If it doesn’t chew well, it will break its teeth. But even so, immortal dao can’t If you don’t gnaw, immortal dao has no retreat. If you can gnaw, you have to gnaw, and you can gnaw if you can’t. You can only continue to gnaw like this again and again. In ancient times, the hope of immortal dao to fight for the top of the avenue was shattered…”

Big Senior Sister sighed: “immortal dao this move. Chess went wrong…from the very beginning Wrong… But now, it can only be so wrong… In contrast, Heavenly Dao is more brilliant… Knowing that Gu Qingfeng’s bone is not easy to chew, so from the very beginning, there is no plan Nibbles…but gave the opportunity to immortal dao…”

Nalan Qianqiu said with a smile: “Heavenly Dao gave the opportunity to immortal dao, relying on it, it is clearly to immortal Dao dug a big hole, let immortal Dao jump down, and never come up again…”

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