Supreme Lord

Chapter 1285

In this auspicious rainbow in the sky, it looks like the yin and yang are changing, making the light and dark intertwined, and like the sun and the moon blending.


Dragon’s Roar, Phoenix’s Cry burst out.

A huge light dragon roared out, as if swimming in a rainbow, and then, a huge light phoenix appeared to be conceived in a fire and soared in the rainbow.

After that, a holy silver white beam of light condensed out, and the light dragon and light phoenix hovered up around the light beam.

And then.

A person is pedaling colorful clouds dropping from the sky in the silver white beam of light.

This person is slender, have a dignified appearance, a pair of eyes, his left eye is like the sun, his right eye is like a moon, he is dressed in a holy white robe, and he has a graceful and gentle temperament. , Like a spring breeze 10 li.

He just stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds, under the guardianship of Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness, dropping from the sky in the holy beam of light, sacred like True Fated Son of Heaven, and like dropping from the sky Spiritual God is average, breathtaking, and even more impressive.

This person is known as the leader of the world and has the reputation of being a great Tai Chi master guarded by Dragon Phoenix.

The reputation of Shangguan came, and most of the great leaders of Great Sect and the people who gathered inside and outside Shangqing Sect, and the cultivation of the entire Weiyang domain, bowed to the ground to welcome the arrival of the reputation of Shangguan.

Taichi is an outstanding man.

Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness.

The hanging pot helps the world.

Preaching sermons.

For the country for the people.

To this day, Shangguan Yu is in this world, both in popularity and influence. No one can compare with it. Nine Heavens Profound Lady Su Wei can’t, even if it’s Ancient Era’s mastermind. King Chixiao, the overlord, cannot do either. Based on this, Shangguan’s reputation is definitely a well-deserved influential figure of this world in modern and ancient times.

“You don’t need to be polite, please get up soon.”

After Shangguanyu descended, the brilliance flashed like stars, and the people kneeling on the ground looked like Supported by a breeze.

“Shangguan Young Master, you are here just right, please must be fair to the people in the world!”

“Yes! Shangguan Young Master, the catastrophe comes to the world, It must be eradicated immediately, otherwise it will cause no end of trouble!”

The great leaders of Great Sect emotionally asked Shangguan Yu to come forward and kill the scourge.

Shangguan Yu stood on top of the colorful clouds, holding a mixed fan of light and dark, fanning slightly in front of him, a pair of deep and bright eyes staring at Little Jin’ in the blood-colored beam of light. er, the expression seems quite surprised.

“Old man meets Shangguan Young Master.”

Although Xun Daolin is a respected Senior in the world and Immortal Elder from the immortal dynasty, he faces Shangguan reputation. He also had to call Shangguan Young Master politely. After all, Shangguan reputation is a great Tai Chi figure who inherits his true life. No matter whether he can be the king of people in the future, or he can become the lord of humanity to dominate all living beings, he will not Dare to make any negligence, because he knows very well that the four words inheriting the true destiny are more noble than the ancient destiny.

“Senior Lin is too polite, just call my name.”

Shangguanyu has always been a gentle and modest gentleman, from the Great Principle Golden Immortal to the insignificant just now The cultivator of Foundation Establishment, he has always been treated as equals, and he has never put on the air of a great Tai Chi figure in front of anyone. This is one of the most important reasons why everyone regards him as a world leader.

“Shangguan Young Master, this little girl has an extraordinary identity. I hope Young Master will think twice before doing it.”

“What do you say?”

“little Girl is not only the younger sister favored by Fairy Fairy, but also the younger sister particularly favored by King Chixiao.”


When I heard Fairy Fairy and King Chixiao, Shangguanyu was slightly confused, but only doubtful. In addition to doubts, not at all, there was too much emotional color. Looking at Little Jin’er in the blood-colored light beam, lightly said with a smile: “I can get fairy and famous King Chixiao’s favor, it seems that this little girl is really extraordinary.”

After that, Xun Daolin expressed his concerns and said, “Whether it’s Fairy Fairy or King Chixiao, The existence of the two is beyond the imagination of the old man. If I wait for the little girl to kill the little girl without their knowledge, I am afraid that it will cause unnecessary misunderstanding. Therefore, the old man feels this. It’s better to take a long-term view. I don’t know what Shangguan Young Master thinks?”

“Senior Lin, you just said that you are worried about causing a misunderstanding. I wonder what this misunderstanding refers to?”

” This…”

Xun Daolin hesitated because he didn’t know whether Shangguanyu really didn’t know, or pretended not to know.

“Shangguan Young Master, let me talk about it.” Seeing Xun Daolin’s silence, Great Ascension Sect Master Jin Chanzi stood up and said: “Senior Lin is worried that I will wait for this little girl to be killed today. In the future, Gu Tianlang will make trouble for me. I will tell Senior Lin in the next morning that as long as there is Shangguan Young Master, he will not dare to take the three courage of Gu Tianlang!”

“hehe, so that’s how it is.”

Shangguan Yu smiled slightly and said: “The little girl may seem pitiful, but after all, she is the scourge of the world and will definitely be the world belt There is a disaster, so even if we don’t want it, we have to obliterate it. Since my Shangguanyu has inherited my true destiny and is a great Taiji person, I have the obligation to protect the world and this responsibility. If not, I am sorry for the gift from heaven. I’m sorry for the people of dawn who support me.”

paused, and said: “As a Nine Heavens Profound Lady and a Nine Heavens Profound Lady, I think even if she is here today, Of course it will not be stopped. As for the King of Chixiao Gu Tianlang, hehe…If he flies into a rage for this in the future, let him come to me, Shangguanyu.”

Shangguanyu this remark Going down, there was a burst of cheers. Everyone in the Great Sect cultivation cheered excitedly, shouting the name of Shangguanyu.

Xun Daolin originally wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Shangguan Yu as soon as he spoke: “Before Daolin, don’t worry, I said that if you kill this scourge today, it will cause any trouble, Fairy Huan. Regardless of King Chixiao, or something else, all the responsibilities are borne by me, Shangguanyu alone.”

Shangguanyu’s words sound devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, but this devotion to righteousness that inspires In the reverence, there is also the pride that belongs to his unique and unmatched Tai Chi. This sentence is perfectly clear to everyone. His Shangguan reputation is neither afraid of Nine Heavens Profound Lady, nor unfathomable. Gu Tianlang, the king of Chixiao from the sky.

Of course.

He also has the qualifications to say this.

But it’s just qualifications, it doesn’t mean he has the ability to say this.

At least, Qin Yang, the chief prince who watched silently from a distance, did not think that Shangguan Yu had the ability to despise King Chixiao.

Not only does he not think, but also the Empress Ye Tianlan.

The difference is that Qin Yang continued to remain silent, while Empress Ye Tianlan suddenly said: “Shangguan Young Master’s rhetoric is admirable, but he is afraid of killing Little Jin’er. You can’t bear this responsibility.”

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