Supreme Lord

Chapter 1284


The reason why Xun Daolin dismissed the idea of ​​hands-on was not because he admired King Chixiao, nor was it because he was kind to King Chixiao, nor was it that the king was righteous to him back then.

It’s because he knows the king, he also understands the king, and he knows more about the character, temper and who the King Chixiao is.

“Senior Lin, what kind of temper is Gu Xiaozi? I believe you also know whether Little Jin’er is a catastrophe and whether it will bring disasters. It is still unknown for the time being. If you kill him today With Little Jin’er, in the future, the old boy will know about this, do you think he will give up?”

The words of the true sun wine fairy made Xun Daolin’s heart stunned and looked deeply. Glancing at the true sun, nodded, to express gratitude.


Thank you.

He felt that he was really impulsive just now. If he really kills Little Jin’er, once King Chixiao knows about it, when the time comes is not a question of whether to give up or not to give up. It’s not a question of disaster or not, but…

It’s what, Xun Daolin doesn’t know, but in his heart, he would rather let the disaster brought by the catastrophe come, than let King Chixiao bring it. Disaster is coming, just as Zhen Yang said, the disaster brought by the catastrophe is a disaster at best, and the disaster brought by Emperor Chixiao is definitely more than a disaster.

Think of this.

Xun Daolin also hesitated, not knowing what to do.

It was just his hesitation that Great Sect all over the world immediately started talking.

Some people agree, some people object.

People who agree also feel that what Zhen Yang said is not unreasonable.

If King Chixiao hadn’t appeared more than ten years ago, no one would be really afraid.

However, more than ten years ago, the former overlord King Chixiao really appeared. Not only did he appear, but everyone could see it clearly. Thousands of people could not shake anything together. The terrifying thing is that he also personally killed an ancient destiny. The most terrifying thing is that everyone knows that if you kill the destiny, you will inevitably be condemned. However, on the same day, Heavenly Might came, but it only came, not at all. Any gods.

For a person who doesn’t even dare to deal with God, who can imagine how terrifying he is?

Of course.

Opponents do not believe this. Even though King Chixiao was not condemned by heaven on that day, it does not mean that King Chixiao will not be condemned by heaven in the future. King Chixiao never appeared after Shangqing Sect disappeared. It has been more than ten years, and this has always been the case, and many people think that it is possible that King Chixiao was really condemned by the sky and he was already dead.

Everyone believes that the sins of God can be forgiven and cannot live.

There is a way for good and evil to be rewarded, Heavenly Dao is a reincarnation.

If you don’t believe me, look up, who is forgiven by the sky.

Many people firmly believe that King Chixiao’s killing of the fate of the present and ancient times in public is absolutely self-inflicted, and the heavens will definitely not forgive him.

At this time, Sect Master Jin Chanzi of the Great Ascension Sect stood up and said righteously: “For now, let’s not talk about whether King Chixiao has been condemned by the sky. Even if he has not been condemned by the sky, he is still alive. How, I’m afraid he won’t be successful if I wait?”

Coldly snorted, Jin Chanzi continued: “Dorin Golden Immortal, don’t forget, now our world has a leader. He is the leader of the world who is the outstanding person of Taiji, and the king of humanity who will dominate all living beings in the future.”


Pure Yang Sect’s Sect Master also said: “Yes, no matter how powerful the Emperor Scarlet Heaven is, he is only a person at best. As long as he is a human, he must abide by humanity. It’s hard to beat today’s world leader Tai Chi, the king of humanity who will dominate all living beings in the future? What a joke!”

The Sect Master of Thousandstar Sect also followed suit and said, “I When I firmly believe in Tai Chi, Shang Guan Yu will definitely be the master of the world, and that is the case, we naturally don’t need to be afraid of Gu Tianlang.”

“Indeed, if it is because I am afraid of Gu Tianlang, we will let the catastrophe. If you just sit back and watch, the people of my generation of cultivation are too spineless!”

“Dowling Golden Immortal, I have always respected you, and you have always been the Senior I have been waiting for, saying this The words are not aimed at you and questioning you, but wish for Senior. Don’t listen to some people’s slander and delay the major event. If you don’t kill the catastrophe immediately, once a disaster occurs, the crisis will reach the common people in this world, I No one can afford to wait for this responsibility!”


True Yang Jiuxian became angry on the spot, and said angrily: “You bastard are really scarred. Forget the pain, the old boy didn’t kill you all one by one more than ten years ago. You motherfucker thought he didn’t dare or what? The boy motherfucker dared to kill even the fate of the ancients, there is nothing he dare not do in this world What’s the matter? Tell you bastards, if you really kill Little Jin’er today, then go back obediently and honestly and prepare for the future generations! When the time comes, no fucking mother can save you!”


Great Ascension Zong Sect Master Jin Chanzi disdainfully said: “I admit that Gu Tianlang ability is powerful. I am not his opponent, but it does not mean that he can be here. The world one hand shrouding the heavens, maybe before, but now we have the world leader Tai Chi, the leader of humanity in the future, Gu Tianlang, even if he is able to heavenspan, he can only kneel in front of the Tai Chi. !”

“I pooh!”

Zhenyang Jiuxian fiercely’s Chao Jin C hanzi spit on his face, shouted: “World leader Tai Chi outstanding person? Return the damn humane lord who will dominate all living beings in the future? Who blocked it? Did you brat it? Go and call the boy named Shangguan, and ask if he dare to claim to be the lord of humanity who rules all living beings? “

“It’s nothing more than a master of Tai Chi. He is 108,000 li away from the master of humanity who dominates all living beings. Don’t say that kid is not the master of who, he is really aspiring to humanity. Lord, do you think Guy Gu is afraid of him? Gu Xiaozi killed Jin Gu Destiny, God didn’t dare to fart, he is a great Tai Chi master! “

Jin Chanzi touched the spit on his face, thunderous in anger, pointed at Zhen Yang, and said every word: “Zhen Yang Xiaoer, you are bully intolerably!”

“I deceived you today, what’s the matter? If you don’t agree, let’s practice?”

Zhenyang is a famous hot temper, he said repeatedly, just I really dared to do it with Jin Chanzi in front of the people of the world. Fortunately, there was Xun Daolin in the real garden next to him, and then he stopped.

At this time.

Rainbows suddenly appeared in the night sky.

The rainbow is blooming and the sky is everywhere.

The rainbow in the sky collided with the bloody clouds above the night sky, making a crackle sound.

Rainbow is a sacred rainbow, and also a holy rainbow, just like an auspicious sign descended from the heaven.

And the sea of ​​blood is an evil sea of ​​blood, and it is also a terrifying sea of ​​blood, just like a disaster.

The two collide together, like water and fire are incompatible, causing the night sky to burst again and again, and the bombing space is constantly trembling.

Looking at this scene, everyone was not at all surprised, not afraid, not even a trace of worry, not only that, but all of them were very excited, excited, and some even bowed to the ground. Because they all know that the auspicious sign descended from the heaven must be the arrival of outstanding people.

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