Supreme Lord

Chapter 1266

Gu Qingfeng knows that Jun Xuanji has always come and go without a shadow or trace, just like go up to heaven or down to Hades omnipotent, at least, in the impression, this between Heaven and Earth seems to have no Jun Xuanji can’t go without Dare to go.


He knows.

But what surprised him and depressed him was this dream, Jun Xuanji also wanted to come to come.

If it is an ordinary dream, Gu Qingfeng would not be so surprised, but this dream is not an ordinary dream. Only when he communicated with the person covered in white cloth, he knew that only the person of original sin can Enter this so-called causal nightmare.

But why did Jun Xuanji also come?

Is the man covered in white cloth lying, or is it that Jun Xuanji is the same original sinner as himself?

Just when he was puzzled, Jun Xuanji, who flashed up, seemed to be able to see through his inner thoughts, and whispered softly: “Don’t be surprised, because…because I am just like you…all… …All people of original sin.”

Good fellow!

That’s true!

Gu Qingfeng looked at Jun Xuanji in astonishment. It was just a guess just now. He didn’t expect it to be true. He stared at Jun Xuanji and suspiciously said: “Are you also the person of original sin? You have also merged with original sin. Blood?”

“Yes… fused… a long, long time ago…” Jun Xuanji was confused and said: “It’s really a long time… a long time…”

Jun Xuanji is still the same as before. There is no emotional color on a poignant face. In the cold, bloody eyes, there is endless confusion and hesitation. Her silhouette is like burning in chaos. Swaying like a flame, blooming like a rose blooming in the dark.


Gu Qingfeng exhales one breath saying, for Jun Xuanji, he couldn’t see through before, but now he can’t see through, there is too much in this woman Mysterious, unknown mystery, every time it appears in the impression, Gu Qingfeng will startled. This time is no exception. He never thought that Jun Xuanji was also the person of original sin. This was really unexpected.

“Well, what do you do with the blood of original sin?”

“No…I don’t know, I…can’t remember, forget…I really forgot… “

Jun Xuanji is lost.

Since Gu Qingfeng met Jun Xuanji again after waking up in this world, he has never seen Jun Xuanji when he was awake. Every time he saw her, he was so delirious.

She said she forgot.

She also said that she was lost.

What you have forgotten, and why you are lost.

Jun Xuanji doesn’t know it herself.

Fortunately, Gu Qingfeng is also used to it.

Suddenly remembered what Jun Xuanji said just now, what he didn’t have a previous life, neither did he, and neither did we have a previous life, and asked: “What do you mean by what you just said? Who has no previous life?”


“You…have no previous life, neither do we…none of us have a previous life.”


Gu Qingfeng questioned: “You said The man who was just now?”


“Do you know him?”

“No…I don’t know … Maybe I knew him before, but I forgot… I can only feel that he is dangerous… You… be careful.”

Even if Jun Xuanji didn’t say this, Gu Qingfeng himself understood.

The person who was wrapped in white cloth, he did it to himself the first time I met, and the unfathomable mystery appeared just now, although Gu Qingfeng didn’t know what the other party was going to do, but one thing is for sure, definitely not here Make friends.

As far as danger is not dangerous, he doesn’t care much.

He himself is already very dangerous, no matter how dangerous, where can he go?

It was the sentence Jun Xuanji said that there is no previous life, which made Gu Qingfeng quite puzzled, and asked: “What does it mean that I have no previous life? And it is still us?”

“No way People of this age…none have a previous life.”

“But I am not a person from the age of innocence.”

“You exist because of…the blood of original sin…and the original sin The blood belongs to the era of innocence, in a sense…what is the difference between you and the people of the era of innocence, not at all…Where did you come from in the previous life…”

“This is also OK? “

Listening to Jun Xuanji’s words, Gu Qingfeng thought about it carefully. It seemed that there was some truth to it, but after thinking about it, I felt that something was not quite right. I thought about it, and the more I thought about it, the more chaotic I became. , I really can’t figure out what the cause and effect of this trouble is.

To be honest.

Since the search for cause and effect, Gu Qingfeng has become more and more confused. He does not know whether he is a human being or not, even if he was born from the womb. Up.

“You…very distressed, aren’t you?”

Looking at Gu Qingfeng, Jun Xuanji whispered quietly, saying: “Bite me…Blame me, no…”

“What does this have to do with you?”

“I don’t know… I forgot… I really forgot… I have been thinking hard, but I can’t remember anything …I really…it’s useless.”

“Come on, it has nothing to do with you, and you don’t need to blame yourself.”

Gu Qingfeng was talking, but was Jun Xuanji interrupted and said, “No, it must be related. I am sure that your existence must be related to me, because…every time I face you…I blame myself…and I am very guilty. I know what I’m blaming, and I don’t know what I’m guilty of…”

A trace of pain appeared on Jun Xuanji’s poignant face, a trace of dazed pain, she seemed to forcefully recall , Said: “Perhaps… Maybe it’s because the setting sun has no you… If… if I… I stopped the setting sun and Wuyou, no… to be precise, to prevent the drop of blood of the original sin in the hands of the setting sun… …You won’t have so many…worries…”

Hearing that the setting sun is not quiet, Gu Qingfeng immediately asked: “Do you know the setting sun?”

“Know. “

“Where is she?”

“She fell asleep…”

“She really fell asleep…”

“You have seen her, haven’t you?”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, she has indeed seen the Setting Sun Wuyou, but it is not the Setting Sun Wuyou herself, but a touch of the residual knowledge of the Setting Sun Wuyou.

Up to now, he still remembers clearly. It was nine years ago, after he was judged by the sacred, the fleshy body was reborn from loneliness, and his consciousness entered a state of chaos. At that time, a trace of the ignorance of the setting sun appeared in In his chaotic consciousness.

Originally thought that the setting sun Wuyou used the blood of original sin to conceive herself, at least, Jun Xuanji said so.

Gu Qingfeng has always been dubious.

Later, I met a touch of incomplete consciousness of the setting sun.

That’s not what the setting sun says.

She said that when she got the blood of original sin, she originally intended to seal it, but then she realized that she underestimated the blood of original sin, saying that the blood of original sin had a mutation, and she did not know what method she used The man of original sin was conceived in the northwest.

Sunset Wuyou said that she could not stop the blood of original sin, so she could only obliterate these people who were conceived of original sin, but the more you kill, the more confused you are. If you kill, you lose yourself… Do not seal yourself up.

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