Supreme Lord

Chapter 1265

“The original sin nightmare, the original sin curse…”

Gu Qingfeng muttered, although he didn’t know what this thing was, his instinct told him that it should not be a good thing.


The word “original sin” itself is terrifying. If you add the nightmare curse, you can think about it with your toes and you will know how terrifying the motherfucker is.

“Do you know who this voice belongs to?”

“A woman.”

“Woman? What kind of woman?”

When Gu Qingfeng was about to ask further, the other party was silent again, and he didn’t know if he didn’t want to say it or didn’t know.

After a long time, the other party said again: “A woman who was buried in Xuwangshan by Wudaozun in the era of no way.”

Good fellow.

Is there anything like this?

“She said she was waiting for Wudaozun, waiting for him to return to Xuwangshan.”

Gu Qingfeng asked: “In the rumor, Wudaozun is already… “

There are many legends about Wudaozun.

Some people say that he cut off his own cause and effect and jumped out of Heaven and Earth to become a god.

Some people also said that he knew the big secret between Heaven and Earth and was wiped out by the gods.

Some people say that he personally buried Heaven and Earth, the incarnation causal black hole…

What is true and what is false.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t know.

There are very few things about the Age of Innocence, even if it is just a legend.

“Wu Dao Zun is dead, but still alive…”

Gu Qingfeng who heard this sentence was a little confused. What is dead and alive? What’s this saying?


The other party didn’t explain, Gu Qingfeng really couldn’t understand it, and he felt that it was too hard to communicate with the other party, and he was a little tired and panicked. After talking about this for a long time, there were some ambiguities, half true half. If it is false, Gu Qingfeng is really anxious.

He did not intend to continue to ask any more, but looked at the other person, pondered for a moment, and said: “We met before, and you are also from that world?”

“I am not.”

“Yes, this is a rare thing.”

Gu Qingfeng thought for a while and said: “Last time you did something to me, this I’m afraid it’s not accidental that we ran into here this time, did you ask me for something, or is there another reason?”

“Eternal catastrophe Heaven and Earth, Three Revolutions Reincarnation eternal, past life In this life, the cause and effect are seen, and whoever lives depends on the sky.”

The voice of the other party fell, and Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but chuckle, subconsciously resisting this sentence, saying: “What do you mean?”

“I come from the era of innocence.”

“You come from the era of innocence?” Gu Qingfeng was confused for a while.

When he thought about it, since the other party is a person of original sin just like himself, he should logically be a person of original sin with the blood of original sin just like him. How could he be a person of the age of innocence.

Furthermore, the blood of original sin is the blood of Wudaozun, this servant claims to be a person from the age of innocence, is it possible that he has merged the blood of original sin in the age of innocence? Wasn’t the motherfucker still alive at that time?

Gu Qingfeng was very confused, but when he asked, the other party said.

“We will meet again later.”


The other party disappeared without any warning, disappear without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

Only Gu Qingfeng is left alone, feeling messy in the chaos.

He feels a little confused now.

What is this motherfucker called?

The unfathomable mystery pops out.

Then said a bunch of unfathomable mystery, and then unfathomable mystery disappeared.

And then.

No more…

Gu Qingfeng used to think about what would happen if he meets a person who is the same as himself, but he never thought of the real After meeting the same original sinner as yourself, it will be the beginning of such unfathomable mystery and the end of such unfathomable mystery.

Gu Qingfeng carefully savored what the other party said.

When he asked if the other party was the person of the original sin, he said yes or no, neither admitted nor denied.

In other words, he may also be a person of original sin, but he is not the same person of original sin as himself, but he said that he and him are the same kind of person, and belong to the same person, and he also From the age of innocence.

If you really belong to the same person as him.

Then this person must be an Innocent Supreme.

But motherfucker is still alive on Wudaozun in the Age of Wudao, how did he merge the blood of original sin on Wudaozun?

Gu Qingfeng can’t think of a reason even if he wants to break his head, the more he thinks, the more chaotic his mind, the more confused he thinks.

What makes Gu Qingfeng feel more headache is the last sentence the other party said.

“Eternal catastrophe Heaven and Earth evolve, Three Revolutions Reincarnation eternity, past life and present life, the cause and effect, whoever fate, who needs to see the sky.”

What does this mean?

Why did you mention this sentence?

His previous life’s cause and effect should have been in the era of innocence, and he also claimed to be from the era of innocence, and belonged to the same person.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng suddenly thinks of a terrifying thing, is it possible that the guy who was entangled in white cloth just now was his previous life? It is now Three Revolutions Reincarnation, and eternity has begun to appear. His past life and his own life began to meet on the road of cause and effect? Ready to kill each other?

Will it be like this?

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, denying this terrifying idea.

He thinks this is a bit unrealistic, and a bit nonsense.

Leave aside whether Three Revolutions Reincarnation is true or not. Even if it is true, it should not be such a view of causality in the past and present life. The most important thing is that Gu Qingfeng believes that if oneself If you see your previous life, you can definitely feel it. In the person with white cloth just now, although there are some familiar feelings, it is only a familiar feeling. This familiar feeling should come from the blood of original sin, not from the previous life and this life.

“You, there is no previous life, he, there is no previous life, we…none have a previous life.”


Another voice gradually came.

This voice is very familiar. Hearing the voice, Gu Qingfeng immediately thought of a person, a woman who is both familiar and unfamiliar to him, a woman he wants to see but does not want to see, and a mixed feeling for him. The contradictory woman is also a woman who makes him love and hate intertwined.

The voice fell.

The original chaotic dreamland gradually rose to a round of brilliance.

Guanghua is like a cloudy moon and like a sun.

Similarly like light, and like darkness, the light is changing, and the darkness is melting.

Seems holy, but also evil.

That round of brilliance was like a bloody sun and moon. When it appeared, the chaotic dreams were stained with blood. The blood was boiling, and it seemed to be burning, accompanied by a terrifying power. , A power that seemed to melt Heaven and Earth.

Looking at the bloody sky, looking at the brilliance that resembles the bloody sun and moon, feeling this power that seems to melt everything, Gu Qingfeng’s brows can’t help but frown.

A woman appeared from the blood moon.

Three thousand white hair.

Worn in blood.

A peerless grace and elegance, beautiful and alluring, and Unparalleled woman, is also a woman who looks extremely poignant.

Its beauty, if it dares to compete with the sun and the moon, it also makes everything in the world dim before her.

Blood stains the sun and the moon.

The sky is everywhere.

She appeared, a beautiful and alluring beauty that seemed to be not part of Human World seemed to be throbbing. Looking at Gu Qingfeng, she seemed to be missing, tangled, and resentful. , And seem to be angry…A lot of emotions are chaotic and complicated. Of course, they are more hesitant, at a loss, and also lost.

As Gu Qingfeng thought, it is not someone else, it is the Empress of the world, Jun Xuanji.

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