Supreme Lord

Chapter 1263

Gu Qingfeng is gone.

The only purpose he came to Shangqing Sect was to see his teacher, apart from this, and nothing else.

The purpose of seeing Old Master is not to make up for anything, but just to see it, nothing more.

Regardless of guilt or self-blame, Gu Qingfeng always bears it by himself.

As for Old Master saving himself, he was compassionate to the world, or worried that he would harm the common people. Gu Qingfeng didn’t know, he didn’t know before, and he doesn’t know now, and he doesn’t want to know in the future, because he from the very beginning don’t care.

The only thing he cares about is that his teacher saved himself back then, so that is enough.

Although the Master didn’t say it clearly, Gu Qingfeng can still hear it somewhat. Master is very worried about the humanity that has revived in the past.

To be honest.

Gu Qingfeng has no interest in the seat of the Lord of Humanity, not even a little bit.

He has always had no lofty ideals and no lofty desires. He has never had any lofty wishes since he was a child. He prefers to be a free and unconstrained, free and ordinary person than the so-called powerful.


The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps going.

A drop of original sin’s blood has firmly tied him to the era of innocence.

A group of creatures also bound him firmly with humanity.

The existence of the era of no way is causally related to the catastrophes of the present and the ancients, which makes Heaven and Earth intolerable.

Humanity is the foundation of Three Thousand Great Daos, and Three Thousand Great Daos cannot tolerate him.

Gu Qingfeng is very clear that not only he has no retreat for a long time, but also no way forward.

We have already fallen into the vortex of the catastrophes of the present and the ancients. Surrounded by enemies are all enemies. There is no way to go, nowhere to escape, and nowhere to hide.

What should I do?

I don’t know.

Gu Qingfeng didn’t want to know, he never bothered himself for the so-called danger.




Neither worry nor fear.

Because he is used to it, he has come all the way from the Great Northwest back then. He had no way to go back then. It was forcibly that he broke a blood path, and there is still no way to go. Gu Qingfeng didn’t mind blazing another trail.

The deceased in this world back then, almost all the people who should have met, and the people who shouldn’t have been seen also. The so-called grievances and grievances, those who can be broken are broken, and those who cannot be broken He doesn’t plan to break it, in this manner.

Next he just wanted to understand one thing.

That is one’s own cause and effect.

The so-called cause and effect.

There are nothing more than three questions.

Who am I.

Where do I come from.

Where am I going again.

This is a problem that looks simple but it is complex and contains infinite profound mystery.

Some people say.

As long as you understand these three questions, you can understand your own cause and effect.

Understanding one’s own cause and effect is equivalent to cutting off cause and effect.

Cut off the cause and effect, you can jump out of Heaven and Earth.

If you jump out of Heaven and Earth, you can also aspire to True God.

This is a legend.

Gu Qingfeng does not know true or false.

To speak of which, he has no interest in becoming a god.

What is the existence of God?

I don’t know.

I don’t even know what kind of existence God is, so where does the interest come from?

If someone is said to be a god, they can live freely and carefree, Gu Qingfeng might still have that little interest.

But who can guarantee that after becoming a god, he will be carefree? No worries?

No one can guarantee.

Therefore, Gu Qingfeng will not mess around for something that is fundamentally uncertain, nor will it be for an illusory legend.

He not only has no interest in becoming a god, speaking of which, he has no interest in who he is, where he comes from, and where he is going, which is the so-called cause and effect.

If you let Gu Qingfeng answer these three causal questions.

He will definitely answer, I am me, I come from Chiyanling in the northwest of the Great Northwest. As for where I am going, I don’t know or don’t want to know. I just want to live so smart and comfortable, drinking small wine every day. , Basking in the sun, molesting a girl, hooking up a girl, sleeping until she wakes up naturally.

This kind of life is his wish to be a child.

It has never changed.

What cause and effect?

Not idle pain in the balls, don’t you find yourself uncomfortable?

If possible, Gu Qingfeng really does not want to ask for the cause and effect of this trouble.

It’s a pity.

He can’t ask for cause and effect now, because he knows that he has fallen into a causal vortex. Even if he doesn’t ask for cause and effect, the so-called cause and effect will come to the door. Can’t drop.

So so.

After Gu Qingfeng left Shangqing Sect, he was ready to sleep well.

Since he woke up in this world, he has been in a state of weakness. He has been tossing all the way from the Northwest to Shangqing Sect. It is also really choking. It’s time for a good night’s sleep and rest. Rest, raise Soul Nurturing, or conserve strength and store up energy, and prepare for the imminent Wudao Mountain.

Ye Tianlan said that Three Thousand Great Daos will take advantage of this opportunity to do something on himself when Wudaoshan is present, apart from this, it seems that the group of Wudaoshan also have this plan. Gu Qingfeng believes in Ye Tianlan. If he does, he also feels this way. Not only does he feel this way, but he also believes that besides Three Thousand Great Daos and Wudaoshan, there may be many messy people.

Who are these people?

He doesn’t know.

I don’t want to know, and I don’t want to investigate.

Love who.

To kill one is to kill, to kill two or to kill, ten millions are kills, there is no difference.

When the time comes, hit if you can hit, or run if you can’t hit.

Failure to run is nothing more than death. Immortality will eventually rise.

It’s that simple.

Gu Qingfeng also wanted to open up.

He is not afraid of death, never afraid.


He found a quiet and secluded place and began to fall asleep. The acupuncture points around his body were closed, the meridian stopped running, the blood stopped flowing, the heart stopped beating, and his mind, five internal organs, and even the soul began to fall asleep. , Everything in the body gradually lost its vitality, just like a dead body.


Falling asleep.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Gu Qingfeng faintly heard a voice ringing in his ears.

The sound is very ethereal and faintly discernable.

Very subtle.

Gu Qingfeng tried to capture this sound, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn’t catch it.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Illusory’s voice sounded again, clearer than before.

But still very weak.

The feeling is as if it came from far, far away.

Gu Qingfeng tried to capture again, and finally heard clearly this time.

“I have my own wisdom, my own confusion, distinguish things from me!”

“Hundreds of Yang, Hundreds of Yin, turned into Heaven and Earth!”

“No good, no evil, only cause and effect!”

“Thousands of sages, thousand of demons, let others say!”

Seems familiar, like I have some understanding, but I don’t understand, like looking at flowers in a mist, or like illusion, unfathomable mystery invades it, and I can’t help myself for a while.

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