Supreme Lord

Chapter 1262

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity.”

Looking at the boundlessness like a lunatic, the immortal master Zhenyuan said with regret: “I have an immortal dao imperial fate, and I should have the fate of the ancients. I have boundless prospects, but it’s a pity…it’s a shame.”

The fairy master of the true garden can see that even though Wuya is on the cultivation base, his mind is already broken and his spirit is even worse. It has collapsed, and even the soul is lost. This is the most taboo thing for people of cultivation. If the cultivation base is gone, you can practice again, and if the good fortune is gone, you can come back. But if your mind is broken, if you want to reshape your mind, it’s not. It’s so easy, and it’s harder than heavenly ascension. It takes ten, a hundred, even millennia, or even ten thousand years to reshape your mind. With mental breakdown and trance, it’s even more difficult to recover.

“This kid asked for it himself, what a pity.” Zhenyang Jiuxian said: “If he hadn’t done anything to the ancient kid at that time, he wouldn’t have suffered such a blow, but then again, This kid’s ability to bear is too bad, he can’t even bear this setback, and Gu kidn’t bother him much.”

“Wuya has always been higher than the sky, he always thought he was Standing at Peak, I didn’t realize that I had been at the foot of the mountain until I met King Chixiao.”

It was Old Ghost who was talking. He went crazy before and injured him, so that he was seriously injured. He clutched his chest, his face was ashen, looking at Wuya here in a complicated way, shaking his head and said: “Wuya simply can’t accept this fact, so I lost my mind…”

At the time, Old Ghost was very self-blaming, and blamed himself for not persuading Wuya.

“Senior Brother, I advise you to imprison this kid. Depending on his situation, it won’t take long for his self-awareness to disappear, his human form will fall, and he will soon become a demon. , You have to make early plans.”

The True Sun Brewmaster’s voice fell, and Old Ghost, regardless of his serious injury, knelt down and pleaded, “I also hope that you Elder will give Wuya a chance. Wuya will definitely be able to get out of the predicament.”

Zhenyang Jiu Xian said unceremoniously: “You are also an Old Senior. You should know that it is almost impossible to get out of this situation like him. The thing is not that simple to say, nor can it be solved by time, since ancient times, broken minds, mental breakdowns, confusion, lost souls, how many people can stand up again? No, not one, at least, The old man has lived for so long and I haven’t seen one…”

As he was talking, Zhenyang Jiuxian turned his head and said: “It’s not true. The old man became a demon three times before and after. He can be awakened from the demons. Unfortunately, he is not the ancient boy, nor does he have the perseverance that the sky cannot take away his aspirations and the destiny cannot destroy his heart.”

“Zhentian fairy master, still hope …I hope you will give Wuya a chance!”

Old Ghost kowtowed and pleaded.

The Immortal Master Zhenyuan shook his head slightly and sighed.

Although he didn’t say anything, he understood that the facts are just like what Zhenyang Jiu Xian said, since ancient times, broken hearts, mental breakdown, confusion, and lost souls, there are not many people. I can stand up again, because once I am demonized and lose my humanity, I will forget myself. From then on, desire will dominate everything. People will not be people, ghosts will not be ghosts. To satisfy desire, by fair means or foul.

At this time, a vague but unusually flat voice came from somewhere: “Kill him from Shangqing Sect.”

Just when everyone was surprised, the two Tao silhouette appear out of thin air on Bairi Peak.

An old woman who looks old.

Another woman is dressed in a red gauze tulle, her face is beautiful, beautiful and alluring, her beauty is neither enchanting, nor charming, let alone unassuming, she is a kind of fish and goose. The beauty of peerless grace and elegance, the dignified beauty, and the beautiful atmosphere are just like a surging forward with great momentum, imposing manner magnificent and unparalleled painting.

I saw the woman.

Everyone was shocked.

Because the woman is not someone else, she is Shangqing Sect Sect Master, Empress, Ye Tianlan!

No one thought that Sect Master would suddenly appear. All the Elders reacted and did not dare to neglect, and they immediately saluted, headed by the real garden fairy master.

Yun Wan also went forward to bow down in surprise, and asked: “Master, you…have you exited the customs?”

Ye Tianlan was just nodded, it was a response, and then looked towards Infinitely, he said quietly: “Excellent talents make you famous when you are young, and your extraordinary good fortune makes your cultivation smooth sailing. The immortal dao command commands your heart to be higher than the sky. Occasionally, the fate of today and ancient times will make you mistakenly recognize True Fated Son. of Heaven, I don’t know how to concentrate on cultivation and serve my imperial life. Instead, my mood swells, vainly trying to take good fortune.”

“At the foot of the mountain, if you can maintain a normal heart, you are still a good material, but unfortunately , You are greedy for fame and fortune, eager to show yourself, ended up today, can’t blame others, totally having only oneself to blame, you deserve it.”

“You shouldn’t join in this excitement, especially the excitement of King Chixiao, you I can’t afford it, and I can’t afford it.”

“Heaven’s sins can be forgiven for sins and you cannot live.”

“Today this sect will drive you out, and then it will be life or death. , Let it be fate.”

“No! Empress, please give Wuya a chance!”

Old Ghost kept kowtow pleading.

“It’s not that this school didn’t give him a chance. At the foot of the mountain that day, when he stood up and wanted to take action against King Chixiao, his fate was already destined.”

Say it.

Ye Tianlan waved his hand, when the brilliance bloomed, the unkempt and unkempt Wuya disappeared instantly, as if it had never existed before.

Old Ghost was like an emptied balloon, paralyzed on the ground at once, unable to speak a word.

“Trending Elder, please tell the world about this.”

Nodded, the true fairy master should be.

When Ye Tianlan was about to turn around and leave, Su Wei’s voice came from behind him.

“Nvzong Empress, please wait.”

“You don’t need to be polite, Fairy Hua, just call my name.” Ye Tianlan turned to look at Su Hua, and said quietly: ” I don’t know what Fairy Fairy can do?”

“I think…”

Su Weigang only said two words, and Ye Tianlan responded as if he could see what she wanted to ask. : “He’s gone.”


Su Wei really wanted to ask Gu Qingfeng news, the past few days she had been at Shangqing Sect, but she was I haven’t seen Gu Qingfeng for a long time, but she is not worried, because she knows that Gu Qingfeng would not leave if she didn’t see Old Master, but she didn’t expect Ye Tianlan to say that Gu Qingfeng was gone.

“Has he seen Elder Zhenjue?”

Seeing Ye Tianlan nodded, Su Wei panicked, and hurriedly asked: “When did it happen?”


“Not long ago, did he…didn’t say goodbye to you?”

“No…I didn’t see him at all!”

Su Wei was anxious Angrily and angrily said: “This guy knows I’m waiting for him, how can he leave without saying a word!”

Then he asked: “Do you know where he went? “

Ye Tianlan shook her head, she didn’t know.

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