Supreme Lord

Chapter 1246

“Is it so exaggerated?” The silhouette of the illusory said: “Fairy doesn’t look like this person.”

“That’s because you don’t know her. , Once my Junior Sister gets serious, I will be more persistent than anyone. If I fall in love with someone, I will be crazier than anyone.”

“You just said that the surname Gu once broke into the fairy What’s wrong with my heart, it’s hard that they already knew each other when they were in Heaven Realm?”

“Not only is the understanding so simple, my Junior Sister was also known by the guy surnamed Gu for a while. The fascinating Divine Soul is turned upside down. Fortunately, the ancient times ended. Junior Sister’s whole mind was put on the search for cause and effect. If she knew that the ancient surname was Youdi, I really can’t imagine what would happen to Junior Sister…”

“The surname ancient is the Nine Nether, I am afraid you can’t hide it, Fairy Fairy will know it sooner or later.”

“Drag one day is one day, or else you can What to do?”

“Heavenly Dao, they also know about this?”

“Of course, not only Heavenly Dao knows, immortal dao and Three Thousand Great Daos probably know it.”

“Fairy Fairy is the real man who deserves to be killed in the modern and ancient times. Three Thousand Great Daos places high expectations on her, and the existence of the ancient surname is the biggest threat to the ancient times. It’s a great irony that there is a cause and effect between the man who deserves to be killed and one of the greatest threats of the present and ancient times. It’s just… why hasn’t Three Thousand Great Daos taken action to stop Fairy Fairy for so long?”

“How to stop it? My Junior Sister is now full of cause and effect, and I am very persistent. I will never listen to anyone’s persuasion. What she is carrying is the fate of the old and the ancient. Who dares to force her No one dares.”


Illusory’s silhouette exclaimed: “Actually, sometimes thinking about it, Three Thousand Great Daos is very pitiful.”

Nalan Qianqiu agreed with nodded very much, and said: “It is indeed pitiful. My Junior Sister bears the fate of the present and the ancient. They dare not move, but the surname is ancient, they want to move but can’t move. Every time I move, I am cautiously, trying to gain an advantage only to End up worse off Not to mention, I am afraid to provoke this guy and fall into consigned to eternal damnation. It is really pitiful. “

“The game of Heaven and Earth seems to have reached a deadlock. Whether Heavenly Dao or immortal dao, the Three Thousand Great Daos are all frozen there, no one dares to move, no one moves. No more. “

“More than they can’t move, the chess pieces in this game can’t be moved either. Looking at the whole game of Heaven and Earth Chess Match, only the one with the surname ancient A chess piece is moving. “

“Who said no.” “The silhouette of the illusory pondered for a moment and asked: “You said, what does the surname Gu think?” How much does he know about the current and ancient situation? “

“From what I know about him, he probably doesn’t know much about the current and ancient situation. “

“Not much? Unlikely, right? “

“What does this guy say? He always only cares about the things he cares about. As for other irrelevant things, he doesn’t want to know at all. When you left just now, you already said it very clearly. Now, he said that he just wanted to make up for the regret left over that year. As for other things, he didn’t want to participate in the cooperation, and he was too lazy to participate. “

” He also said that after finishing the work of this World, he would go to the Heaven Realm to settle accounts with the avenue. The meaning is no longer obvious. It is perfectly clear to tell Three Thousand Great Daos, you work hard. Toss it, whatever toss, he will remember every account he tossed clearly, and he will settle all the accounts when he is finished. “

Illusory’s silhouette sighed and said: “This guy with the surname Gu has always been seeking revenge for the slightest grievance, and he is more vicious than anyone else. “

After a period of silence.

Nalan Qianqiu said slowly: “The only hope now is Wudao Mountain. “

“Wu Dao Mountain will really live in this world?” “

“It should be. “

“Now the current and ancient situation has reached a deadlock. The emergence of Wudao Mountain will inevitably break this deadlock. At that time, whether it should be catastrophe or luck, true fate or destiny, original sin or sin, also Will surface. “

“If my guess is right, your Big Senior Sister’s coming to this world this time is also for Wudaoshan, and… Wudaoshan is also the only one who can cut off the fairy and surname ancient There is an opportunity between cause and effect, if you want to come, your Big Senior Sister will not miss it. “

“It’s not just that my Big Senior Sister will not miss it, and Three Thousand Great Daos will not miss it. The existence of the ancient surname is inextricably related to Wudaoshan. If the relationship between Heaven and Earth If there is something that can obliterate the ancient surname, then it must be Wudaoshan. Once Wudaoshan emerges, Three Thousand Great Daos will definitely use Wudaoshan at all costs to obliterate the ancient surname. The seal is on Wudao Mountain. No matter how bad, we have to cut off the cause and effect between the surname Gu and my Junior Sister. “

“Is there a big chance?” “

Illusory’s silhouette asked.

Nalan Qianqiu shrugged, faintly spit out three words: “The ghost knows.” “

“It would be great if Three Thousand Great Daos could use Wudao Mountain to obliterate the surname Gu. Even if he was sealed in Wudao Mountain, I was afraid that he could not be obliterated. I can’t seal him, the consequences…just thinking about it makes people feel cold all over. “

“Not so much. “

“Why not? Have you forgotten the scene when that guy went crazy after being angry? Fen Jiutian, cut the sky, have you forgotten? Up to now, the Nine Heavens Monument is still half of it, and the Nine Heavens Immortals are still in ruins. After so many years, there is still the crack he left behind on the sky of the Heaven Realm. “

“How could I forget that what happened back then left great aunt a lot of shadows. I had a long nightmare. Until now, when I see him, my mind is still nervous. Did you find that every time I went to see my Junior Sister, I bound myself tightly? For fear of being recognized by him. “

“Is there such an exaggeration, you are just an incarnation, not the deity, so what are you afraid of?” “

“You said light and light, aren’t you afraid? “

“What is there to be afraid of. “

“What are you pretending to be in front of me? If you are not afraid, why do you hide your own deity, and only dare to make an incarnation dangle in this world, great aunt dare to be in him anyway Show up in front of you, you, after knowing that he is still alive, don’t say you showed up in front of him, every time you hide away, even if separated by 108,000 li, you also wrapped yourself in three and three layers Strictly, I don’t even dare to let the fart loudly, so you still have the face to say me? believing or not I strip you naked and still come to him. “

Illusory’s silhouette begged for mercy: “Okay, okay, I admit, I’m afraid too, okay? Really…”

It seems that I don’t want to talk too much on this embarrassing topic. Illusory’s silhouette quickly changed the subject and asked, “But, what did you mean by not saying that? Not for what? “

“Have you not noticed that this guy has changed?” “

“Changed? Where has it changed? “

“If the immortal dao dare to toss like this before, even if it’s just a temptation, this guy will definitely not give up, he will definitely kill, but you saw it just now… he is not at all. Killing, even that little destiny he just sampled Star Heart, not only didn’t kill it, he didn’t seem to be even angry. “

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