Supreme Lord

Chapter 1245

“Senior Sister, how can I not see that Gu Qingfeng played both immortal dao and Heavenly Dao?”

“You hang out with this guy all day, and don’t care about the ancient times at all The situation of Heaven and Earth, it’s weird to see it.”

“Why don’t I hang around with him all day, I just…”

Su Wei wants to explain. It’s just that Nalan Qianqiu is not at all interested in listening, and said: “Please, Junior Sister, can you stop hanging out with him in the future? This guy is really dangerous, and he is definitely not as simple as you seem, you Don’t believe oneself infallible and feel that you know him, Junior Sister, what you know is what he wants you to know, he is terrifying……”

“Senior Sister, when did you become like this It’s wordy, and there’s no end to it.”


In the face of the persistent Junior Sister, Nalan Qianqiu sighed then said with great helplessness and said: “Forget it , I’m not going to say it, can’t it work if you don’t say it? You can do it yourself.”

Seeing that Nalan Qianqiu meant to leave, Su Wei quickly asked: “Senior Sister, you want Where to go?”

“Don’t go anywhere, just stroll around and relax.”

“I don’t believe it.” Su Wei stared at Nalan Qianqiu and said: “Senior Sister, is there anything you have been staying in this world?”

“Of course.”

“What is that?”

“You don’t let me care about your business, and you don’t care about mine.”

“Hehe, waiting for me here.”

“Okay, you continue Stay and hang out with him, when the time comes Big Senior Sister, you can explain it to her.”

When I heard that Big Senior Sister, Su Wei’s heart was started, and asked in surprise: “Big Senior Is Sister coming to this world?”


Su Wei asked excitedly: “When?”

“Um, I should come in a few days later.”

“Big Senior Sister is so good, why come here Senior Sister?”

Nalan Qianqiu harboring malicious inte ntions said with a smile: “Guess what. “

“Could it be for my business?” “

Nalan Qianqiu shrugged, noncommittal.

“Will Big Senior Sister also come to persuade me to give up cause and effect? No, impossible. “

“Why is it impossible?” “

“If Big Senior Sister wanted to persuade me to give up cause and effect, she would have come forward long ago, and will not wait until now. Moreover, I came to find cause and effect. Big Senior Sister from the very beginning would know that if she I really want to persuade me, I’m afraid I won’t be allowed to reincarnate. “

“Oh, Little Junior Sister, not simple, I have learned to think about problems. “

“hmph! I knew you were lying to me!” “

“I didn’t lie to you, the Big Senior Sister will really come. As for why, I don’t know, and…” After the conversation turned, Nalan Qianqiu was mysterious and secretive again. Said: “Not only the Big Senior Sister will come, I heard that the ancient unknown will also come. “

“The nameless elder sister also… is coming? “

Su Wei is even more surprised this time, but she is a little bit confused, why Big Senior Sister and the ancient unknown and good-natured come to such a big world.

“Junior Sister Ah, you know our Big Senior Sister, if you don’t leave the customs, there will be catastrophes as long as you leave the customs, even more how there is an ancient namelessness. If she appears in this world, then it is almost certain that this world is inevitable. There is great calamity. “

paused, Nalan Qianqiu said solemnly: “Moreover, I can be sure that this disaster must be related to the surname Gu, and he will definitely not escape the relationship, so I let you stay away from him. “

“How do you know that the so-called catastrophe is related to Gu Qingfeng?” “

“How do I know? hehe! Junior Sister, you don’t even think about it. This guy in Ancient Era stirred up this world into Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and has causality with many women with confusing identities and backgrounds. He is like a vortex. All of the cause and effect of is involved in it. Once a catastrophe occurs, it must be related to him. If you continue to confuse with him, when the time comes, you will also fall into it. “

“Junior Sister, I know you only want to seek cause and effect, but… your cause and effect involve him, this guy… really can do anything, he is a lunatic, A downright lunatic, but also a hooligan, a base and shameless hooligan! “

While speaking, Nalan Qianqiu found that Su Wei was staring at herself with a very complicated look, and couldn’t help asking: “What kind of look are you? “

“Senior Sister, you seem to know Gu Qingfeng well? “

“What do you know? When did I say that I knew him well, no, what do you mean? “Nalan Qianqiu explained: “This guy is so famous in this world, who doesn’t know about him, can I still understand him?” “

“no! No, Senior Sister, what you know about Gu Qingfeng in words is not from outsiders at all, it’s more like you know him before. “

“What a joke! “Nalan Qianqiu said: “I have never been to this world before, okay, how can I know him?” “

“If you haven’t been to this world before, it doesn’t mean you won’t know each other. This guy used some means 300 years ago to cheat the immortal dao, even though he said he was just going to Heaven. Realm walked around, but I know it’s definitely not that simple. His character is also impossible to submit to humiliation in the Great Wilderness Heaven Realm. Submit to humiliation is unknown. Do you know his identity in the Great Wilderness Heaven Realm? “

“I said Junior Sister, my good Junior Sister, my biological younger sister! Your imagination is too rich, right? Let’s not talk about whether this guy surnamed Gu has been to Heaven Realm before. Even if he has been there, even you don’t even know. How could I know that he is your cause and effect, but not mine. Investigate him. “


Su Wei thought about it, and felt that Senior Sister’s words made sense, but how she thought and felt that Senior Sister always mentioned Gu Qingfeng. The tone is really like acquaintance, and it seems to know Gu Qingfeng very well.

“Where there are that many, but, all right, Junior Sister, I really have to go, so be careful yourself. “

Stop talking.

Nalan Qianqiu flashed away and left.

Leaving Su Wei standing alone at night meditating, after thinking about it for a long time, I didn’t think of one. So, she shook her head, did not continue to think about it, and then flashed away and left.

In the void.

Watching Su Wei leave, Nalan Qianqiu’s heart was hanging. Only then did the stone fall, and he whispered: “It’s dangerous, I was almost spotted by this girl. It seems that I will never be able to mention the guy surnamed Gu in the future, otherwise, it will be exposed soon. “

“hehe! “

At this time, a misty and vague illusory shadow appeared out of thin air, Wei Wei lightly said with a smile: “I’m curious, why don’t you tell her the true identity of the surname Gu?” “

Nalan Qianqiu seems to know who the person is, and replied: “My Junior Sister now only knows that there is cause and effect between this guy surnamed Gu and her, so I have begun to pursue desperately. , If you tell her that the surname Gu is the emperor who broke into her heart and had cause and effect, when the time comes, my Junior Sister will be more than just mingling with this guy, it will definitely be like the moth flies into the flame Fall in love with this bastard! “

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