Supreme Lord

Chapter 1232

Under the big tree.

Looking at Gu Qingfeng, who was weak and pale, Su Wei was very worried. He wanted to try other methods, but was rejected.

“Sister, I’m just a little tired now, and there is nothing wrong with the other things. If you really want to help me, or press your shoulder twice, it’s more useful than your Divine Ability. “

“You are so weak, and you still want to make jokes.”

Gu Qingfeng laughed, yawned, raised his glass, and drank a small drink with his head up , Refreshed, and then lay down weakly, looking at the people of Great Sect, and said.

“Let’s say it in advance. Today, I will let you fight enough, revenge with grudges and grudges. You’ve fought as well. You should have done enough, right? , Then the grievances we had in those years are over, right?”

The Sect Masters of the Great Sect looked at each other, looking at each other in blank dismay, no one said anything.

“You are all senior experts in this world who have a head and a face. I want to come to It shouldn’t be. It shouldn’t be a shame, right?”

“Since you guys don’t speak, Then I take it as a default. Our grievances and grievances have been completely ended today. From now on, you will walk on your sunshine avenue and I will walk on my single-plank bridge. Everyone will live together in harmony. In the future, you will not trouble me. I will never be too busy to be too busy with the big guys.”

“If anyone wants to trouble me in the future.” After the conversation turned, Gu Qingfeng said again: “Then don’t blame me for not being sympathetic. Let’s face it, although I don’t like killing people, and killing people is really disgusting now, but it’s nothing more. I don’t like killing people, it doesn’t mean I can’t kill people. Moreover, I can be Chief-In-Charge. To tell you, I used to think that killing was the most effective and direct way to solve the problem. Now I still think so, and I will be the same in the future.”

Gu Qingfeng said indifferently: “I never It’s not a kind person, let alone any kind of compassion, not even a little bit of compassion. The reason why I stand here to let you fight enough is purely because I don’t want to kill you anymore, apart from this, nothing else “

“Lord, if I want to kill you, everyone here today, with each one, no one can run away.”

“You might think I said this It’s a bit arrogant, and a bit not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth. Whether you take it or not, it doesn’t matter whether you admit it or not. That’s your business. After all, there’s only one sentence in the end, you can’t afford to offend me. , To be more precise, you are no different from ants in my eyes. It’s easier for me to kill you than to squeeze an ant.”

“So, even if you look at me again, it’s not pleasing to your eyes. Don’t mess around, and don’t go to this helper to find the backer, what immortal dynasty, what cloud, what nine-day immortal dao, even if you call God down, his Senior can’t help me.”

Gu Qingfeng’s words are not arrogant, arrogant regardless of the law and of natural morality, but also arrogant and unscrupulous.

A sentence that sees everyone as ants, and a sentence that God can’t do anything with him, the tone is loud, comparable to the king of heaven.


It is 30% more arrogant than Lao Tzu.

Throughout the past and present, no one has ever dared to say such arrogant words.

Gu Qingfeng is the first time.

Although many people present thought he was boasting, there were also many people who were dissatisfied and unwilling.

But when faced with a master who has not been able to shake anything by the thousands of immortals who have joined forces to encircle and suppress, their hearts are no longer reconciled, and they dare not say anything.

Gu Qingfeng stood up, shook his clothes, with one hand behind him, and playing with the Buddhist beads in the other. He walked slowly, saying: “These things I said are not just for Great Sects. At the same time, it is also for those who are hiding in the dark to hear some so-called powers.”

“You may have the power of samsara reincarnation, or you may have the power of ancient recovery, and maybe there is Some unfathomable mystery’s causal powers. As for who you really are, I don’t know or don’t want to know. What you want to do here today, I don’t know either, but…”

“If you are curious about the master and want to test the depths of the master, the opportunity has passed you, and you did not make a move. That is your business. Don’t say that the master has not given you a chance.”

“The only chance is that Once, there is no second. If anyone wants to test the depth of the master, even if you let the horse come, the master will satisfy your curiosity and let you know exactly how deep the deep water is!”

The sun is setting, the sunset is almost dusk.

When it stopped.

Gu Qingfeng lifts the head, looking at the sunset, slowly closing his eyes, and sighing: “This and ancient times is really a good era. The sky and the earth are good people. If it’s not good for cultivation, it’s really What a pity.”

Slightly shook his head, I don’t know what I was feeling, waved, and said without looking back: “Okay, just say so much. I’m tired, I have to go. After a good night’s sleep, let’s go away, you guys can do it for yourself.”

He said he was tired.

Go to rest.

No one dared to stop.

No one dare to stop.


Just when Gu Qingfeng turned and left, and was about to go to Shangqing Sect to rest, a sharp shout suddenly came.

“Hold on!”

I don’t know if this sharp drink is too powerful, or the venue is too quiet, and the sound comes, like a thunderbolt in the blue, everyone who shakes Startled for it, I looked up and saw a person standing in the sky.

It was a white clothed man wearing a silver crown and holding a jade fan.

The man is personable and has a dignified appearance.

Many people know him. The Purple Gold Hall of the Immortal Dynasty has a big destiny, which is a jade dragon flying star descending from the stars.

Gu Qingfeng stopped, turned and looked over, browsed frowned, and his expression became cold.

See you.

Su Wei knew that something was wrong, so she immediately stood up and scolded: “Yulong Feixing, what do you want to do!”

“Oh, nothing.”

Jade Dragon Feixing gently fanned the jade fan in his hand, lightly said with a smile: “Zai Xia has only admired the king for a long time, and only then saw many immortals teaming up and failed to shake the king. I really admire Xia Xia, but… , I’m itching for a while, so I also want to ask the emperor to give me some advice.”

“Why didn’t you just shoot!”

“Although there is no upright gentleman in the next section, it’s definitely not. I will take advantage of the danger and disdain to join hands with others.”

“Even if you teach me, you are not his opponent at all.”

“I haven’t discussed with the king yet, Fairy Fairy. How do you know that the next is not the king’s opponent?”

“You are courting death, do you know that.”

“Ha, if you can die in the hands of the famous king, there will be nothing in the next Complaint.”


Su Wei is very angry. She knows today’s affairs better than anyone else. It is Gu Qingfeng who made compromises and made big concessions. It was a good thing for Great Sect and everyone in the world, but at this time, Yulong Feixing acted recklessly to stand up, making the matter more complicated in an instant.

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