Supreme Lord

Chapter 1231

At the foot of Shangqing Sect mountain.

The dozens Heaven’s Chosen who took the lead before are all immortal spirit exhausted at this moment, sitting cross-legged, recovering immortal spirit as quickly as possible.

Usually when fighting, everyone will reserve 30% of their strength to save their lives and escape. Once the immortal spirit is exhausted, it is almost half a waste person, only waiting to die, even though they all have unparalleled good fortune. Heaven’s Chosen Renlong is no exception.

Of course.

The reason why they dared to do this was because they were unwilling to wink their eyes. Secondly, they knew that Wuya, Yulong Feixing, and Wan Huayu were grazing for them. Naturally, there was no need to worry about anything.

Wuya’s three young masters with great destiny did indeed observe Gu Qingfeng’s strength while they swept the formation. They just observed the strength of Gu Qingfeng for so long. For the reason, they don’t know what Gu Qingfeng is, and how powerful its fleshy body is, no one in their hearts knows.

Although the three people say that they are only here today to join in the fun, but they are nothing serious, deep in one’s heart, they are all playing their own selfish calculations, but there is one thing. The three of them are the same, that is, they all want to cross the peak of King Akasaka that rests on the heads of all Heaven’s Chosen dragons. Even if they cannot cross, they still have to know how high the peak is.

This is not a question of face or grievances, but the arrogance, dignity and pursuit of a son with great destiny.

They have great destiny and are the sons of the stars. If nothing happens, they may aspire to the destiny of the Star Monarch in the future. In other words, they are now standing in the Peak of the world and want to be identified. To have an identity, to have a status, to have a status, to have more strength, if you want to prove yourself to a higher level, you can only cross the peak of Emperor Akasaka in this world.


They are here today.

It’s a pity.

So far, nothing has been achieved.

If there are still five points of confidence before it comes, then after witnessing the crazy scene just now, their inner confidence is only 2-30%, or even lower.


When they found that Gu Qingfeng’s life was weak, as if the lamp was running out of oil, they seemed to see a glimmer of opportunity.

There was a touch of cunning through Jade Dragon Feixing’s eyes, and a touch of murderous intention flashed through the cunning. A grinning smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and then he glanced at Wanhuayu.

Wan Huayu has been holding his arms, standing quietly, staring at Gu Qingfeng here, perhaps because he felt the gaze of Yulong Feixing, he turned his head and glanced.

The two looked at each other. Although no one spoke, they all knew what the other was thinking.

In the pavilion.

Wuya also knows that this is a rare opportunity, and it is also an extremely rare opportunity.

Everyone knows that he has a great destiny and is the son of the stars. In this world, he is definitely a master of great status, great status, and great strength, at least no one dares provoke.


It’s just no one dares provoke.

He has status, status and strength. It is true, but he is not at all background.

no one dares provoke, also means being able to call the wind and summon the rain.

Heaven’s Chosen dragon of this world, 30% of the world, one point is the Purple Gold Palace, one point is Shangqing Sect Inner Sect, one point is the deficit head Purple Firmament Pavilion.

Purple Gold Hall is headed by the Third Prince, who is known to know the fate of heaven.

The Purple Firmament Pavilion is headed by the Purple Firmament Pavilion, who is known as Young Master, the unparalleled King of Purple Sky.

And headed by Shangqing Sect Inner Sect is the great treasure of God known as Nature.

Wuya is now the Direct Disciple of Shangqing Sect Inner Sect, but he is not at all looking at the head of the horse, who is known as the Lord of Nature.

He is arrogant and ambitious. He doesn’t want to be unwilling to succumb to anyone.

Over the years, he has been secretly cultivating his own power and his cronies, and Liu Guangbing, Long Qi, and the others are all the years he has spent his efforts to draw close to him.

It’s not easy to get your own Heaven and Earth from 30% of the world’s Xianchao Purple Gold Palace, Shangqing Sect Inner Sect, and Deficit Head Purple Firmament Pavilion. thing.

So, he has been waiting, waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity that can make him soar into the sky, famous throughout the world, above the many Heaven’s Chosen dragons, and even other great destiny.

The appearance of King Chixiao was definitely an opportunity that couldn’t be more suitable for him.

The King of Chixiao is the overlord of Ancient Era, with great reputation and incomparable.

Is even immortal dao sinner.

There are many enemies in this world.

Don’t talk about obliterating King Chixiao, even if you just defeat him, even if you can win a one-and-a-half move, it will be enough to soar into the sky, famous throughout the world, when the time comes, the status and status can not only override him Above the many Heaven’s Chosen dragons, they can even respond to each other. Take this opportunity to win over the Great Sect, and from then on, call the wind and summon the rain nothing difficult.

This is not important.

The important thing is that Wuya knows very well that although his destiny is bestowed by heaven, it does not belong to him completely. At best, it can only be regarded as temporarily belonging to him. Can he keep his destiny and whether he can succeed in the end? Star Monarch, it doesn’t look at fate or good fortune, and it has nothing to do with strength. It depends on whether the road above is willing to support you.

Because there are too many destiny in the ancient times…There are also many people who get the destiny, this is only this world, you know that between Heaven and Earth is known as the three thousand Great World, no People know how many destiny the other world has come.

Perhaps many, many, even beyond imagination.


Star Monarch’s position is limited.

Even if you get the destiny, even if you keep the destiny, and integrate the destiny, you may not be able to win the Star Monarch in the end. This requires competition and competition. You need to stand out among the many children of the stars. Then, with the support of the avenue, he can win the Star Monarch.

How to stand out among the many children of the stars?

Wuya doesn’t know.

However, one thing he can be sure of is that if you give up the great opportunity of King Chixiao today, you may not be able to stand out among the children of the stars in your life, let alone attract the attention of the Dao Dao. support.

He doesn’t want to give up, let alone miss such an extremely rare opportunity.


Is this really an opportunity?

Wuya is really uncertain.

He neither knows how powerful Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body is, nor how long the weak Gu Qingfeng can last.

“Young Master, don’t be impulsive!”

Old Ghost has been following Wuya for a long time, and it is natural to guess what Wuya is thinking at the moment, persuaded: “King of Chixiao’s Existence is not something I can imagine.”

“The human breath on his body is exhausted and weak, and it seems that he is in danger for long.”

“Human breath Weakness, for an ordinary person, may mean running out of oil, but he is a king, a mysterious, weird king who knows how to exist. He can bear thousands of immortals with a pure fleshy body. Don’t say that he’s just a weak breath now, even if he only has a breath now, it’s not something I can provoke.”

Wuya close my eyes, took a deep breath, said solemnly “If I give up this opportunity today, I will regret it for the rest of my life!”

“If Young Master gives up, I may regret it for life, but if Young Master angers the king, I am afraid Young Master you will not have The opportunity to regret for life!”

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