Supreme Lord

Chapter 1220

It is said that King Chixiao neither flees nor hides, but has been sleeping in Shangqing Sect. Everyone in the field looked at each other in blank dismay.

Now the big brothers of the Great Sect and the Great Clans plus Shangqing Sect Inner Sect, the Purple Gold Temple, the Purple Firmament Pavilion with the deficit head are all gathered at the foot of Shangqing Sect glare like a tiger watching his prey Who wants to attack him, no one would have thought that he was still in the mood to sleep? Can this motherfucker still sleep?

This has to make people sigh, the emperor deserves to be the king of Chixiao in the ancient times, and he is still as romantic and unrestrained as ever.


Many people do not believe it.

Especially Liu Guangbing, Long Qi and the others. They searched almost every corner of Shangqing Sect in order to find Gu Qingfeng. The mountainside courtyard was not unexplored, but they all found nothing. They wanted to come, if King Scarlet Heaven really rested on the red leaf tree in the courtyard, they would definitely not be able to hide their Divine Consciousness.

Just as they were going to Shangqing Sect to see what was going on, somebody said that he was King Chixiao.

With this voice down, all the people gathered at the foot of Shangqing Sect mountain looked up and saw a group of people walking down the mountain. Most of the people were the outer sect Elder in Shangqing Sect. Two people in the crowd are particularly conspicuous.

A man dressed in black robe tight clothes with a moustache, short and fat, like a dwarf.

In front of the dwarf, a white clothed man is coming down the mountain in the with attendants crowding round.

The white clothed man is just wearing a pale white cloth. It is very simple, simple without any pattern embellishment. The black hair is naturally scattered behind him, and a pretty handsome face hangs with a trace. Suspicious, a pair of gloomy eyes looked at the people down the mountain, as if very surprised, it seemed that there would be so many people.

In the pavilion.

Wuya stared at Gu Qingfeng, who was going down the mountain, and asked: “Old Ghost, I also searched Shangqing Sect carefully before. I also used Divine Consciousness to explore the courtyard many times before and after, but it didn’t No trace of him was found.”

Old Ghost frowned, and stared at Gu Qingfeng, said solemnly: “That’s because with the words of Divine Consciousness, we can’t detect his existence at all.”

“Impossible, I can use Divine Consciousness to detect his existence.”

“Young Master can talk about it now, that’s because you can see it with naked eye Seeing his existence, if you close your eyes or if he disappears from your eyes, you will no longer be able to detect his existence with Divine Consciousness.”

Wuya tried to close his eyes, as expected. Divine Consciousness can no longer detect the existence of Gu Qingfeng, as if it had never existed before, but when he opened his eyes, when he saw Gu Qingfeng, he could use Divine Consciousness to detect it again. He tried several times in a row, all of them. .

“How could this be?”

Wu Ya has never encountered such unimaginable things.

Old Ghost shook his head. It was the first time he encountered such a weird and weird thing.

“Old Ghost, why is it like this? Does he use any means to hide his fleshy body?” Mei Ruolan asked, and she couldn’t figure out why.

“The fleshy body may be hidden, and the spiritual aura of the body can also be concealed. As long as the concealment is perfect, it is not difficult to deceive Divine Consciousness, but the key to the problem now is that he does not at all hide the fleshy body. I didn’t cover up my spiritual aura. If not, I wouldn’t be able to easily detect his existence now.”

Wuya thought like electricity, thinking, and said: “What method did he use? Why can you talk about it when you see him, and you can’t detect its existence when you don’t see it? Why is that…”

He couldn’t figure it out.

Old Ghost also can’t figure it out.

“Young Master, don’t forget what the old man said to you before. The existence of Gu Tianlang is probably more complicated than we thought. Don’t take it lightly, and…” Old Ghost looked Glancing at the crowd gathered at the feet of Shangqing Sect, he said: “Moreover, there are so many mysterious comings today, whether they are enemies or friends, no one knows.”

Wuya is nodded very cautiously, he also I have already noticed that there are indeed many mysterious people here today, with the mysterious power of Shangqing Sect Inner Sect, but more of them have never been in contact before.

“Have you been sleeping on that tree all the time?”

When I saw Gu Qingfeng, Su Hua ran over immediately.

“Otherwise, what do you think.” Gu Qingfeng replied: “I moved my hands and feet last night. I was a little tired, so I fell asleep.”

“What did you do last night? Go there?”

For Su Wei’s question, Gu Qingfeng not at all answered, looking at the vast crowd under the mountain, and asked: “these all are who?”

” What are you talking about!”

Su Wei gave him a white look and said angrily: “I told you yesterday that each Great Sect will bring many people today.”

“But this is too much motherfucker, right?”

Gu Qingfeng looked over, good guy, not only the foot of Shangqing Sect mountain, but the entire Weiyang area is a huge crowd, many of them panicked. Shaking his head, helplessly said: “There are so many people, I don’t have so much wine.”

“You still have the heart to make a joke.” Su Wei asked: “What are you going to do?”

“Do you think it’s up to me to do what I am going to do with the current situation?” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “This group of people dragged their families to come with great vigor, making it clear that they were going to follow me Open your posture and calculate the old account back then.”

“You said that you want to resolve the grievances with them today.”

“Sister, I didn’t say to Do it with them.”

“In today’s situation, even if you don’t do it, they might not be able to help it.”

“What? You mean let me drive again. Kill them, kill them?”

“Why don’t I mean that, I just say that some people today may try every means to test your depth.”

“Just try Try it, I’m afraid that they will try.”

“Guy boy.”

True Yang Brewmaster came over and said, “The situation is a bit complicated today, this covering People from the mountains and plains are all coming to you to settle the old accounts. You brat take your time, and there seem to be many people who are interested in you brat.”

Gu Qingfeng casually scan He glanced at, nodded, and said: “Well, it’s a lot.”

“Gu boy, if it’s extra, the old man won’t say much, you brat is also big and big, and I know it in my heart. It won’t be too wordy. In short, it’s the same sentence back then, no matter what you do, the old man will unconditionally support you and give you brat the pressure!”

“It’s still Old Part ner loyal enough! “

Gu Qingfeng patted Zhenyang Jiu Xian’s shoulder, suddenly thought, felt something wrong, and said: “Wait, how come these words sound familiar.” “

“Nonsense, on the eve of World Society Wu, the old man said the same to you brat, otherwise do you think you brat dare to take a step forward and run wild on the site of Shangqing Sect? “

“Well, not bad! This is indeed the case. In the past, the Lord believed your words, so he dared to start with the Shangqing Sect group during World Society’s martial arts, but motherfucker, after the fight, I didn’t see you come out to suppress him! “

“You brat ran away after the fight, and the old man gave you a frenzy! “

“Let me go! You Old Drunkard hasn’t come out, what should I do if I don’t run? Waiting for death? “

“Don’t we believe that you brat has that strength. “

“Go on! “

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Today’s situation looks a bit more wicked than it was in the past. When the time comes, don’t forget to give me pressure. You brat didn’t come back then, so forget it Now that this one is here, you can’t run if you want to run anyway. In this formation, you have to be suppressed, and you have to be suppressed if you don’t, especially the guys who hide their heads and show their tails in the dark. Suppress them for me. “

Zhenyang Jiu Xian startedled in his heart, glanced at the mysterious powers who were dormant in the dark, and said: “Those Old Guy, old man can’t hold it down.” “

“Don’t worry, you can press it, the master will sweep you in the back, who dares to attack you a vellus hair, master, I promise he can’t eat it and walk around!” “

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